Chapter 13: Willow

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I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my hairbrush. I looked in the mirror and starting to take out the nasty tangles that had formed over night. I grabbed my pair of white summer shorts and a light grey tank top and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I sat down in my usual seat and I looked over at mom. She was applying jam onto pieces of toast. She set them down on the table, Melody and I immediately grabbed our pieces and ate them. Melody had a bunch of crumbs on her face. I wiped all of mine off.

I stood up and put my dishes in the sink, I looked over at my text books and put them in my bag. They were really heavy. I slipped on a pair of red converse then walked outside and saw Amie waiting for me again.

As we pulled up into the schools parking lot I noticed they were already digging up the tree. I was really upset about it.

We walked up to the front doors and went to our lockers when I noticed a note inside of my locker. I grabbed it then read it. "Be careful what you wish for?" I was confused but then again when am I not.
I had to get ready for class.

I grabbed my socials text book and rushed over to Ms. Drane's classroom. I sat down in my usual spot and opening my notebook then started drawing random patterns. New wasn't here today, I wonder what he was up to.

I have math class after Ms. Drane's which I am pretty good at. I actually find math fun! Which is why I was grateful class was over. I went to my locker and put away my textbooks when I looked out of the window. The tree was almost ready to be taken away.

Today wasn't very eventful, my life never normally is, these past couple weeks have been odd though. A couple more days passed, New was back, I never knew where he had went. The tree was gone and they finished filling up the hole.

I missed that tree, it just made the school more peaceful. But to know such and old pretty tree is being taken away for more parking spots. It's very upsetting.

I'm guessing mom was working late today, she wasn't home and melody said she walked home with her friends. I was planning on watching my shows when Sam walked in and scolded me. "Just because your mom isn't here doesn't mean you go breaking her rules!"

It was really late and I was still upset so I took a cold shower and went to bed.

I woke up really early, again. I decided to take time this mourning and work on my hair and stuff. I put it in a messy braid, which to make look good and stay in all day takes quite the effort.

I put on some mascara and red lipstick that wasn't too bright but noticeable. I wore my pair of jean shorts with a blue t-shirt with a skull on it then slipped on a pair of converse.

The cat was acting strange, she wasn't even acting like a normal cat. It's hard to explain but something was just off about her. Maybe she was sick. I wrote down that I was leaving early and I was going to buy my own lunch on a sticky note, I also mentioned the cat. I stuck it on the fridge and left.

I texted Amie to meet me at the shop at the end of the road instead of my house. I walked into the store and walked down the pre made food isle thingy. I also grabbed a bottle of Jones, I LOVE jones. I noticed Amie outside waiting so I quickly paid for the food and drink then got in the car.

As we pulled up to the school I noticed people rushing around, but when I noticed what everyone was talking about I was shocked. The tree was sitting there, like it never left. It's not like they put it back over night! It was impossible!! How could- I don't care I was happy that it was back. Even if it's not for long.

We rushed up to the tree and pushed our way through the crowd. I heard some girls laughing and joking but when I looked over at the tree I noticed that New was asleep underneath the tree. This was odd but I walked put to him and woke him up.

"Mom, five more minutes please." I chuckled.

"It's not your mom sleepy head, mind explaining why you are here?" I realized that I was confused about this situation but the simple answer was he came here early and was sleepy and fell asleep here. I over think everything but I'm still suspicious.

"C-Chance???" He quickly sat up and fixed his mask and stood up. "C-Chance!" He looked around and realized where he was. "What was I?" I chuckled but walked up to the willow and out my hand in its trunk.

"It's a miracle, it's really back! I don't know how but it really is back." I looked over at the carving of the initials of my parents surrounded by a heart. Cheesy I know but it's sweet.

"It's that important to you, isn't it?" I nodded and then the bell rang. I rushed to my locker and grabbed my textbook then we walked to class.

I could hear chatter, I'm guessing because of the tree. I don't know why I was so calm about everything. It's not everyday a tree magically appears.

The chatter seemed to slowly die off when the fire alarm suddenly was set off. It was buzzing all around the shool. We all stood up and quickly but calmly exited out of the school.

My ears were sore from the irritating buzz left from the alarm. I was starting to get a painful headache.

We all lined up and we saw smoke coming from the far left back of the school, around the science class. I hope everyone was ok.

I'm not sure if this was a happy or sad thing, since summer was almost here and this might cause us to stay out of school for a few days, which means we will have extra school work since exams were approaching.

I saw New near the school talking to a tall man with dirty blonde hair. Maybe it was a new teacher or someone from the fire department. I had no idea but something was odd about him, I couldn't put my finger on it.

I gave up on trying to remember but I knew it would bug me all day. I hate when stuff like that happens. I noticed the principal stood up on a rock to become talker and used a megaphone (whatever those things are called) and told us all to stay calm and that it was a little fire in the science room.

He told us that we would in fact have no school tomorrow or for the rest of today, my math test was tomorrow! Man this sucks.

Some people cheered since we lose a day of school but this means I'll have two tests in the same day. We all grabbed our things and went home for the rest of the day. I thought that I might as well study for the tests so I went ahead and did.

Math isn't that hard it's just science can get confusing. I usually put the wrong answer under the wrong thing but since I do this often my teacher still gives me marks. (Thank god)

I walked inside when my mom looked at me with an angered look. "Chance why are you back home so early?"

     "There was an accident in the science lab so they sent us home early and there is no school tomorrow, I'm guess they need to clean up and everything." She looked relieved knowing I wasn't skipping school.

I realized this gives me a night to hang out with Amie. I could invite Julia and Kenzie but I don't know them too well and I don't know if they have those kinds of parents. I might as well ask!

I texted all three and asked if they wanted to come over and watch movies later. They all said yes so I prepared Netflix and some DVDs and asked my mo. To get some treats, "Please."

I was all prepare this was going to be fun!!!

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