Chapter - 13: Only Them

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"You guys FIGHT AGAIN??" I asked my best friends angrily. Only 24 hours a day, they might borrow an extra hour from another day just to fight...and every time, those are for useless reasons... 

Zhengsheng: He is teasing mee, hey stop...bai YONGRUI!

Yongrui: Whatt What? You also joked to me!

Me: Guys, calm down! It's not a big deal, you guys are grown up, don't shout at each other! Now, tell me what's the problem? :3

And me... yes, I'm the problem solver every time. They argued a lot, and I never take sides, because usually, they're both wrong. Some days I don't want to solve those problems, it's making me tired when I also have my problems to solve. But I try my best to make them close again... they mean a lot to me. I don't want our trio to be destroyed for any reason.


To be honest, my childhood was pretty dry and boring. I wasn't a popular student nor do have a bunch of friends like others. My parents don't like to communicate with other classmates' parents and mostly...I was left out.

That continued until Grade 4, when I got into a lovely friend group, but for many reasons, we lost contact and never met each other again til now. Zhengsheng and Yongrui are like lights in my miserable school life, they saved me...a lot of times. And... thanks to my new classmates, I never felt lonely at school ever again...

And just like I have "I need my mom" moments, I also have "I need my friends" moments. Every time I had a bad day, Yongrui made *unfunny jokes and Zhengsheng motivated me to keep going *in an exhausted voice as usual. But even if they just showed up at my lowest times, I'm thankful...

"WhAT ABoUT ME!?!"

"Yeah yeah, you also included Ning Ning!"


*Chitchats in the classroom

Ye Huan: Do you guys know that Lei Zhengsheng & Bai Yongrui are fighting this morning?

Jingfei: What? Really?

Ye Huan: Yeah, I saw them accurately with my eyes.

Liqin: It's not even interesting... They are always like that.

Zi Ming: YES, Liqin's right. I saw Qingling with them.

Jingfei: By the way, where's that dude?

Liqin: Who? Qingling?

Jingfei: Heh! I mean Zhaohui, he doesn't come today?? He didn't do anything for our history project!! I wanna kill him T-T


After a long discussion with them, I finally got the reason of their argument;

Me: So, you guys started fighting because Yongrui said you're short??

Zhengsheng: "Yeah, and he keeps saying the whole day!

Me: Why would you say that Yongrui... One time's enough to inform the truth xD

Yongrui: Hahaha lol

Zhengsheng: These little rats- XD

Yeah, I never take sides when they're both wrong, but he's correct so don't blame me...

*Bell Rings

The long school day had finished finally and I could barely move my back with loads of homework papers inn my backpack... You know what, teachers who smile often are usually more savage in giving homework :/

"Hey, Qingling" "Hmm?" "Give me your bag, I'll carry for you" said Yongrui. Zhengshen looked back at us and smiled, then he took my basket... "Why are you guys so nice today?? Any reasons? :D" I asked. "No reason, we promise we won't fight again" "What really??" "Yeah, I apologized to him" "Niccee! Oh my parents arrived!"

From my car window, I watched them also getting on to the school bus. "Dad, wait..." "What happen again, Ling Ling?" "They took my  backpack and my basket!" "Then, take it back tomorrow. Buses already left" replied dad.


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