Chapter 20: The Inventible Battle

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Krakotl/Federation Exterminator fleet, April 16th, 2570.

Captain Kalsim looks out the window on the bridge, the Terrans ambush have been sporadic at best, but they are there all the same, they lost a dew ships, but mostly those that of Frigates and light Cruisers, though it was a loss nonetheless.

"We've lost a few ships to their ambushes," Kalsim remarked to his crew, his voice calm but tinged with concern. "But we press on. We cannot falter now."

The crew members on the bridge nodded in agreement, their expressions determined despite the losses they had suffered. They knew the risks when they embarked on this mission to eradicate the human threat, and they were prepared to see it through to the end.

"Hmm, it seems that the humans are not expecting us." Jala spoke up, her voice detached by 'Predator disease'.

Little did they know, the true ambush awaited them at Earth. The drone fighters were but a distraction, a prelude to the impending conflict that would determine the fate of worlds. As they forged ahead, unaware of the trap that awaited them, the stage was set for the inevitable battle that would shape the course of history.


URNS Hearts Glory, The Space above Earth, April 16th, 2570

"So how far is the Feds from Earth?" Captain Wilson asked one of his ensigns, who was in communications with spy probes and long-range scanners. as per the trap, Many of the Planets in Sol has Mirage, or a device that turns them invisible or change into something else. so, all planets in sol were changed back into Pre-Colonization era to fool the Federation. also the fact that a 1,000 Venlil ships have joined in did help a little bit, but they are mostly in the back lines.

"Captain, the Federation fleet is closing in on Earth's vicinity." the ensign reported, his eyes fixed on the data streaming across his console. "But their progress seems slower than anticipated. It's possible they're being cautious."

Captain Wilson nodded thoughtfully, his brow furrowed in concentration. The success of their plan relied on luring the Federation fleet into a false sense of security, and the slow progress of their advance was a promising sign.

"Maintain course and speed," he ordered, his voice steady with determination. "Keep monitoring their movements closely. We need to be ready to execute the plan as soon as they're within range."

The ensign acknowledged the order and continued to track the Federation fleet's movements, while Captain Wilson turned his attention to the holographic display of Earth below. The fate of their world hung in the balance, and the success of their deception was crucial to turning the tide of the impending battle.

"Oh, they are not going to be happy when we launch our surprise." One of the Unggoy quips in amusement.

Captain Wilson glanced at the Unggoy with a faint smile. "Indeed, they won't know what hit them." he replied, a hint of anticipation in his voice. "Let's make sure everything is ready for our little surprise. We'll give them a battle they won't soon forget."

The Unggoy nodded eagerly, their grins widening beneath their masks as they prepared for the upcoming engagement. The crew of the Hearts Glory worked swiftly and efficiently, knowing that the success of their mission relied on their coordinated efforts and the element of surprise they held over the Federation fleet.

"How about the Harvesters?" Wilson asked.

"Just Three Galactic Hours behind them, but it seems that they are rushing at the Federation fleet fast." another ensign reported.

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