Unwell (CK & 2 & X)

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"Still thinking about 'em, huh?"

Two had begun to notice that X had been constantly feeling down in the dumps; gone was that cheery little variable that served to somewhat counteract the aggressive, impulsive *being* that was Four, and instead there was just this... sad little lump. They were able to ignore that for a good while; they had a show to build from the ground up, after all. But as they started checking off the final items in the list, started dotting the i's and crossing the t's, they couldn't evade the ever-looming problem for much longer. After all, what good is a co-host that isn't *incredibly* enthusiastic to manage the competition? The Battle for the Power of Two only got started because it got seen as a better, more exciting alternative to whatever slop that other algebralian was hosting, and having X remain like this was really gonna put a spanner in the works. That was something that *had* to be dealt with before they could get the show on the road.

X sniffled, deeply sighing. "Yeah." The yellow algebralian replied. "Can I, uh, say something that might be..." They'd nervously look around, unsure. "...Mean?" Two chuckled. "Of course!" They'd reply. "I'm not gonna screech you like Four would do; criticism helps one grow, after all. Besides, I'm a positive number! Any negativity's just gonna bounce right off! So, shoot!" "Hm..." X still hesitated, however. "In reality..." They were still weary, still anxious deep inside. "I don't really wanna be your co-host."

Two blinked. "Okay, that stung a little." They'd remark. "But that's understandable; I know how you and Four were close, so if that's how you feel about that whole arrangement, it's fine. Maybe I can convince you to stick around as we get to show going, so do think of that before you think of leaving." They'd pause for a moment to think. "Though, that does raise a question: if you *didn't* wanna be here, why *did* you?" X clearly didn't like thinking about it; they'd frown once again, grumbling. "I don't... really know..." They'd remark. "I swear I *wanted* to stay with them, but then I..." Two suddenly interjected. "Ah, now I remember." They'd start. "I was with you, so I saw it as clear as day; you had absolutely nothing to do with the whole thing. It's clear that *Four* was the one that pushed you away! A completely unexplained variable completely changed the result of your little equation, there." X sniffled. "But..." "And you probably had no other choice but to obey." Two continued. "Since... you know..."

X was clearly upset by the whole notion, so Two chose to put a hand on their shoulder to calm them down. "Look, bud. I know it's tough. But you clearly had no say in all that, and now you're in this brand new situation. A fresh start! Back to zero!" They'd smile. "You shouldn't be in here feeling all glum; you should be helping me get this show started!" X raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't..." "Besides, you know how Four is, right?" Two went on. "You know they can be a little... irrational. Doesn't matter what you do if they're still mad; you gotta wait until that anger subtracts itself over time." X sighed. "I suppose..." "See?" Two kept on smiling. "Now, c'mon! I got some stuff I need you to do, there's still a bunch of-"

Clock suddenly kicked the door down, much to their surprise. "Oh, uh..." The time machine would be quick to stand up straight and look more professional upon running into two living deities. "Two. X. Hello." "Hiya, Clock!" X waved at him. "Uh, hey." Two raised an eyebrow. "And also... not hey; you shouldn't be here. This is for hosts only. See the sign?" They'd point to the sign in question. "Yeah, yeah. I know." Clock sighed. "But they *really* pushed me to do this, wouldn't let me out." "They?" Two went up to him. "What's going on?" "The other contestants are starting to get antsy." Clock explained. "You lured them in with the promise of a better show with a greater prize, and then you just... left them there and hid here ever since. What's going on?"

"Ah." Two nodded. "That's what this is all about?" They'd pause for a moment to think. "Here's what you tell them: you ever tried baking a cake from scratch? It's a nightmare." Clock was confused. "What's that gotta do with-" "Starting a new show is like that, times a million!" Two went on. There's so much to set up!" "Yeah, I would know." X remarked. "You tell them that we're just about ready to get started." Two continued. "We're just finishing up on a few more details to make sure everything goes smoothly. You guys put up with Four, so waiting for this should be a cakewalk!" Clock nodded, sighing. "Alright, I'll tell them that." He'd reply. "Well, you better. 'Cause you still can't be here." They'd then gently push Clock away and close the door.

Two turned to X again. "Now, speaking *of* those details..."


Two was taking a short little power nap; just for a few minutes. Okay, an hour or two. Or several more. For the entire day.

Losing X hit them pretty hard, and that heavily delayed getting the brand new Battle for Dream Island started. Having your available manpower literally divided by two does, in fact, have massive effects on what one could do, what one could envision. Overhauling the whole thing to account for having only one showrunner had been a whole task and a half, and Two *really* needed all the energy they could get. So they converted one of the corners of their cozy hotel room into a pillow fort and buried themselves under layers of blankets. You gotta pull out *all* the stops when it comes to comforting yourself, right?

The algebralian was in the middle of some pretty good sleep when they'd get rudely awoken through kicking and an obnoxious voice. "Two? Two! What's going on? Get up!" Clock shouted. The number finally arose out of their little cocoon, stretching their arms and yawning. "What time is it?" "*This* is what you've been doing?" Clock didn't bother with answering the question. "You said you were working on getting the competition started!" Two shook their head. "You don't think *this* is part of that whole thing?" They replied. "Just because you don't understand all the parts of an equation, doesn't mean that it doesn't matter." "The contestants don't want any more excuses; they want *answers*." Clock continued. "When are we getting started?" Two pondered the question for a moment. "You tell them..." They'd pause again. "It's gonna start real soon. Just hang on a little longer." Clock groaned. "*Two*-" "It's gonna take even longer if you don't stop complaining." Two interrupted. "Run along, now."

Since their brain (or whatever's inside their heads) was still spooling up to full power, they didn't think to just push him away like last time; this allowed Clock to stick around for far, *far* longer than he should've, which allowed him to ask another question. "Oh, before I get kicked out..." He'd start. "They were all starting to ask this other question too." "Hm?" Two raised an eyebrow. "Where do you guys even come from?" Clock asked. "Why did you guys come here? Why did you round us all up to start this competition? Why *us* specifically? What makes us unique? Where do we even *come* from?" He kept on going with the questions, but Two didn't really care. "...Not answering all of that." The ticking clock was baffled. "What, because you don't wanna answer them? Or because you... can't?" "Oh, I can." Two remarked. "We had this all planned out from the start. But where's the fun in just *telling* you?" Clock tried to interject, but you can't stop an algebralian. "We had a long journey to get to where we are now, and the one thing that's remained the same throughout all that is: it isn't really about the destination, it's the journey." They'd look at Clock. "I *could* tell you all the secrets of the universe now, but I find that it's much more fulfilling if you guys figure that out yourselves." They paused for a moment. "Think of this whole wait as a little gift from me, you know? I'm giving you all some time to reflect, some time to ponder why you're here. Why you're all battling."

With that, Two finally, unceremoniously, kicked Clock out of their room.


Two was patiently waiting beside an oven.

Nothing gets you over a crippling loss quite like picking up a new hobby. They did a little research, and they found out that Cake at Stake is a big part of the whole ordeal; since it was a pretty delicate and vital part of the competition, they figured they should take the time to make sure all the little details of that operation were perfect, down to the cakes being offered to those who are safe. The number was fairly certain that the additional time spent to deal with this little issue would be completely made up for by the smiles on everyone's faces once they got a taste of these delicious treats.


They attentively waited by the oven, making sure the cake wouldn't end up burning, or have a much worse fate; *very* scientific and rigorous analysis shows that having glass shards on a cake wasn't... good. They didn't have any recipes, any guides, or any helping hands. They were just winging it. Two relished each and every single step of the way, like gradually learning all the mathematical operations and solving more and more complex equations. It was a really fun experience that made them forget about all the worries that they've had throughout all this time. They were starting to wonder if they should just start a baking show instead and forget all this

There was a knock on the door.

"Alright, alright." Two glanced at the timer they had set up, making sure it was working properly, before answering. They gently opened the door. "Four, for the last time, I-" They'd look down. "Oh. It's you again." "Heyyy, Two!" Clock nervously laughed. "What's that I smell? You baking a cake again? Smells delicious!" "Yeah." Two smiled. "Maybe I'll let you have a slice if you'd politely just... go." "Of course, of course." Clock anxiously looked around. "Just a quick question, though: you *are* almost done with the show, right?" Two blinked. "Clock, no matter how many times you solve an equation, you're gonna get the same answer." They replied. "It's almost done. Don't worry about it." "I'm not!" Clock lied. "It's just... everyone else is." "Why would everyone else be?" Two raised an eyebrow. "I mean, they should be *celebrating* over this newfound freedom I gave them." "Well..." Clock looked around again. "Maybe it was a bit *too* much freedom; they've spent so much time battling that... they don't really know what to do with it." "Ah, that's normal." Two chuckled. "I remember when *we* had so much time; they'll find their own fun eventually." "Right." Clock started shaking. "I don't think if I *want* to have their kind of fun, though." "You'll find your own too, don't worry." Two remarked. "Now, if you excuse me, I've got a cake to bake."

They'd close the door.


"Alright, you guys! Show me some teeth!"

All those aspiring to be contestants then gave Two the widest smiles they could possibly offer; they'd double-checked the votes and knew exactly which dreams would be crushed and destroyed, but it's fun to give them hope before that. "You guys wanna be part of the Battle, right?" The algebralian kept on encouraging them. "Well, they don't wanna see you all with frowns! Just look at Flower! Give me your best smile!"

Clock angrily kicked down the door, giving everyone a good fright. "TWO!" He'd shout. "Okay, this is just getting ridiculous." The number turned to him. "You've interrupted me plenty, and I was *fine* with that, but *now*-" "This is urgent; it's bad, real bad!" Clock exclaimed. Two scoffed. "Is Four at it again?" They asked rhetorically. "Just tell everyone I'll fight them off again, just like how-" "No, no, no." Clock shook his head. "Everyone's gone insane! They haven't gone for *this* long without fighting for some prize, so they felt like they've lost their purpose, then they just lost it entirely!" "Really?" Two tilted their head. "I didn't see anything different with them. Let me just..." They'd walk up to a nearby window and look down into the ground. Whatever they saw down there was enough to convince them. "...Alright, I see the problem now."

Two and Clock quickly went down the stairs; the algebralian was all nonchalant about it, while the one that told the time basically had to be dragged down to get anywhere. They opened the door to the ground floor and found it completely filled with a mob of angry contestants, upturning whatever wasn't bolted down in some mad quest for answers. Clock was quick to race back up the stairs, but Two just kept on staring, not caring one bit. After much deliberation, they'd clap once to bring everyone's attention straight to them.

"Hey, hey! You guys seem pretty energetic; are you guys ready to battle for The Power of Two?"

That immediately fixed them back up.

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