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Once I made it to Pentagram city and to the hotel, I immediately swung the door open. I looked around, trying to spot Lucifer if he was still around. I sighed, as it was empty in the hotel. He's probably in his room. 

I then closed the double doors behind me, and made my way to the elevator. If I was going to confess my feelings, I have to do it now.

Once the elevator chimed, I stepped out slowly. Then it chimed shut. I was sweating, and definitely scared. But I replayed what Rosie told me in my head, and I knew I had to talk to Lucifer now. But I didn't know what to say. I've never had this feeling in a long time. Do I just straight up say "I love you"?

But that can't be right. I had to talk to him. I had to ask him if he liked somebody.

I was standing there in front of his room. I was hesitant to open the door and step inside. I should have thought of what to say before, or maybe I could make dinner for him and have a good time in the lobby since I was against going out today again.

I hesitantly knocked on his door gently, taking a deep breath before the door opened.

"Hey, Lucifer!~" I smiled my usual smile, trying to seem friendly to him.

"Uh, hey?"

"I was wondering if... We could spend time together for dinner in the lobby? I-I mean to eat! To eat in the lobby, for dinner, tonight, you know a-as an apology." I stuttered, knowing I made myself look like a fool. I saw his cheeks turn red before he looked away, refusing to face me. I have a feeling he likes me too, but I don't want to be so quick to judge, so I waited for his reply.

"I, uh, sure, why not?" He looked me in the eyes, as I forced myself to lock my eyes on to him before I turned as red as him.

Oh my god, had I done it? I left so proud of myself, but also nervous at the same time. What does he even like? And what should I make him? I quickly thought I should make jambalaya, my mom's recipe so he could have a taste. I was gazing out in his room before I noticed the ducks on his desk.

"Oh, what are those?" I asked, as he allowed me to step in to his room.

"They're.. They're supposed to be all of the hotel members.." I heard his mumble, him looking all flushed as a tomato, which made me chuckle and blush myself.

"That's cute!" I spat out, trying to act nice. I stepped closer and took at look at one of them. I noticed it looked exactly like me, and with a radio right next to it. "Is that supposed to me?" I chuckled.

"U-uh y-yes yeah!" He beamed. "Don't think your special, though. This is for everyone in the hotel." He teased.

Right next to the duck who resembled me was a duck that looked like Lucifer. I silently chuckled again as I turned around and analyzed his room. There were ducks overflowing everywhere. Talk about having an obsession.

"What's the reason you have all these ducks?" I asked, looked back at Lucifer who was adding details to his duck. "There's barely any room to breathe."

"I, uh.. Well.. I like making them and I make them to fight off my depression, and they're pretty cute animals too."

He looked away, his blush gone, his face sad. Lucifer looked like he was going to bawl his eyes out when he talked about fighting off his depression, almost made me sad inside that such a happy and confident person is actually depressed inside.

"Lucifer.." I stepped closer to him, placing my hand on his shoulder gently, making him flinch. "I'm so sorry."

He slowly turned back at me and nodded. "I.. Need time to think."

How could I be so stupid to ask such a question, and now I've already messed up and made him upset. I could never do anything right. It hasn't even been night and I've already hurt his feelings and pulled a wrong string. I silently waved at him and stepped out of his room.


I knew Alastor thinks that me being upset and him asking such a question makes him angry at himself inside. But honestly I couldn't act fast enough to tell him it's not his fault. Instead I let him get out of my room. I've messed up. Again. Why did I even tell him I was depressed? He's going to think I'm some weak, depressed, King. Just like last night, I fell to the floor and brought my knees to my chest, as I silently sobbed, my mind going in twists and knots of how I'm a embarrassment. I failed to protect Charlie and be there when he needed me. Lillith had left me and my Char-char for 7 fucking years. I've fallen trying to dream. And now I've fucked up by making Alastor sad for me. It's true. I did like him. But I have no idea if he likes me back.

I sat on my floor, burying my head in my knees. I tried not to claw them again, but I couldn't resist. I was sobbing loudly now, and angry at myself of how I'd just let myself go and become so sensitive and cry.

So I decided to suck it up.

So I got up, and sniffed before wiping my last tear with my hand who was bloody. I healed my knees who were dripping with angel blood, with a few cuts. Once I healed them, I wiped my arms and face, and accidentally my concealer. But it's fine since my eyebags were disappearing. I should stop myself from sobbing, it's not healthy.

I checked my phone on my nightstand. It read,


There was about 30 more minutes left till it was dinner time, is what I remember from eating dinner from the first time I was here. Then something got caught in my mind.

I've known Alastor for almost a week, since before Charlie went to go on a vacation, we were arguing a lot about who was the better dad.

But I realized how I've caught feelings for him so easily. I shook those thoughts out of my mind, as I went over and grabbed my coat that was covered in blood from last night.

After I washed my coat, I immediately changed, so now I had my normal outfit that I always wear on. I decided to not wear my hat and just go with my cane. I checked my phone for the time again. It read 5:40. I had still had exactly 20 minutes. I was worried because I didn't know if Alastor relied on me to make the food, so I pushed my door open and headed for the elevator, just in case.

As I hummed to the elevator music, I thought of what to say to Alastor, because it was definitely going to be very awkward. I practiced fake scenarios as I looked like a fool in the elevator talking to myself.

Once the elevator reached the lobby and chimed, I stepped out, immediately searching for the radio demon. I noticed him cooking some sort of dish. It would be really awkward if I came early, so I silently went into the game room.

I've never been here, only once when Charlie showed me around. The game room wasn't really my thing, so I sat in the lounge. There was some drinks nearby in a small bar, just a bit smaller than Husker's. I resisted the urge to grab a drink, knowing there will be chaos if I overdrank. I teleported my phone into my hand, as the time read 5:51. There was 9 minutes left, and it would be rude to show up late, so I slowly made my way out of the game room, taking my time. I don't know why I was so awkward and embarrassing around Alastor, it's like something is making me look bad in front of him. Even if I mess up or ask the wrong the thing, I would definitely get laughed at and teased at. I took a deep breath and told myself to stay calm, and not to say anything to hurt his feelings. Just. Have to. Not. Be. Embarrassing.

Author's note: HI GUYS! Thanks for reading my story, seriously. I love you all, and suggest some things you want to see in this story if you want to! I would love to write about what you guys desire. I'm really working on trying to put in more complex words as my vocabulary is limited, haha! Anyways, this might be the last chapter for today, or I might sneak another one. Tomorrow there will be 2 more chapters, don't worry! After tomorrow I'm not sure if I will be able to do 2 chapters, because, school.

Word count: 1493 words

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