Late night talk

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LUCIFER'S POV (again and again too much 😞)

My eyes opened, finding Alastor right next to me. I decided to tell Charlie today, about me and Alastor, because I knew that I had to tell her, she was finding out one way or another.

I got up, and silently went over to my door. My first instinct was to look for her in the lobby, so I did.

Thankfully, Charlie was talking to Vaggie in the lobby, both of them sitting on the sofa. I made my way over to Charlie, as sat down next to her. She finished talking and looked at me, her eyes still filled with concern.

"Dad? Are you okay?" She asked, as Vaggie knew it was her queue to leave, so she quickly swept and made her way into the elevator. I had a look of guilt in my eyes, but I thought it would be better if I talked to her about her mother first.

"Charlie... Your mother." I started. Her eyes shot wide, her eyes mixing in emotion, not sure to feel happy or confused, or upset.

"What?! What about her?!" She beamed, but also confused at the same time. I sighed, knowing I couldn't leave her dumbfounded.

"Your mother, Lillith, she's left me and you for 7 years, she split up, abandoned us, just to be in heaven. I'm not sure, but I don't think she really supported you for this idea of this hotel you had.." I paused, with full concern in her eyes. Charlie's face boiled, with anger, rage, and sadness. She turned away to start sobbing silently, as I pulled her closer and gave her a hug.

"There, there," I sniffed, a tear dripping down my cheek. I patted her back, as he continued to sob on my shoulder. This was a lot to take in, so I figured out I should tell her about me and Alastor another time.

I kept patting her back and trying to help her calm down, until she sniffed and looked back at me, as I had worry in my eyes. She wiped her tears away.

"I.. Never knew mom had t-that intetion..." She hicced and sniffed, breathing heavily. I gently planted my hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down once again. Until Vaggie came back into the lobby, probably worried. 

"CHARLIE!" Vaggie called out, immediately wrapping her arms around her. I decided to let them two be and talk things out. I removed my hand off Charlie's shoulder, gave a quick wave. I was going to take a breath outside, after what just happened. I made my way to the doors leading outside. I pushed them open, as a gust of wind came on my face.

I walked around for a while in the night of Hell, it was awfully quiet for such a horrid place where there's always murder going around. There were still random pills lying around, and I was more self-aware not to pick them up, so I didn't.

An hour later or so, I was walking back to the hotel as usual, it was good to get a little bit of fresh air, but I was unfortunately exhausted.

I wondered if Charlie was okay, or if she was mad, or if Alastor had woken up. I decided not to overthink it and just give Charlie some time until I could tell her about me and Alastor, since she deserves to know, and even if she won't know now, she's gonna find out eventually. 

Once I made it back to the hotel's front doors, I pushed it open to see Alastor sitting on the sofa alone. I assumed Vaggie and Charlie went to their room.

"Darling!~" Alastor noticed as I walked over to him, and plopped down next to him before curling up into his arms. I have missed his touch a lot, even though I hate touch. Something about him seemed so special. 

"I missed you so much." I mumbled, pretending I was angry, even though I really missed him. He let out a soft chuckle before plopping me on his lap and wrapping his arms around me. I planted my head on his chest, resting there for a while before changing my position out of discomfort multiple times.

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