Normal Day!

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Everyone else was still chatting around the dining table. I had just finished my plate of waffles, and so has everyone else, except Alastor who refuses to eat anything other than meat. I pushed myself out of the chair, and decided to give the rubber ducks to the hotel members now. I've already finished all of the little details, and put them in their gift boxes. I've left a note... A specific note in Alastor's gift box. I've made it look a bit fancier, and a bit more special than the others. Without notifying the others, I walked over to the elevator to go to my room. 

Once I've finally made it to my room, I pushed the door open. There I noticed the bag of gift boxes that held all the ducks. They all had names on it to specific members. I walked over to my workbench and snatched the bag. The best way to hand this to the hotel members without being awkward would be to leave it at their room's door. I made my way out of my room, and to Alastor's room. I reached into the bag, and took out the one that was different from the others. Alastor's. It had a red box unlike the others, and was carefully decorated and put detail into. I gently placed the gift box on his doorstep, before turning to the elevator to leave it at the other's doorstep. I knew giving them on a holiday would suit the vibe, but I've already took days to hand this to them anyways.

The elevator dinged open, and I made it into Charlie's door first. I reached into the bag and found Charlie's gift box. I gently placed the gift box on her doorstep, then made my way over to Vaggie's door, which was right next to Charlie's. I reached into the bag once again, digging until I finally found her gift box. Just like Charlie's, I placed it on her doorstep.

Once I've made it through everyone, I was panting from bending down to place the gift boxes on their doorsteps. I've left a note on each and every one of them that said the gift was from me. I rested my palms on my  knees, crouching, trying to catch my breath. My back hurt, so I headed back to the elevator and waited to get to my floor. 

I decided not to go back to the lobby since there was nothing fun to do. I decided I would go back to make more ducks, or making presents for.. Alastor. 


Lucifer had went over to the elevator and disappeared without telling nobody he was going. I was worried if he was okay, so I decided to check up on him, just to make sure. I disappeared in thin air, and in front of Lucifer's door. I knocked on it before opening it, not waiting for an answer. I saw Lucifer sitting in front of his workbench, making another duck. I chuckled as he finally picked his head up and looked at me.

"Oh, hey Alastor!" He beamed with joy, genuinely looking excited to see me. I waved back at him awkwardly, as I came closer and sad on the edge of his bed, watching him make a duck. 

"So..~ Is this what you do~?" I teased, as he growled under his breath.

"Y-yeah, it's what I like to do.. It's my hobby." He mumbled, still focused on making his ducks. I chuckled once again, and noticed one of the ducks looked awfully like me. I stood up, walking over to Lucifer to take a closer look.

"Is that me?" I grinned softly, as Lucifer's cheeks reddened. He nodded slowly, still working on the duck. There was a few ducks that resembled me, smiling at the hard work Lucifer put into making a gift for me.

"You should check your doorstep." Lucifer's blush turned to normal, as he took a glance at me. I nodded and left his room. I took one glance at the end of the hallway and saw a red gift box with a gold bow and tiny details. I looked in awe before walking over to my doorstep and picking up the cute gift box. 

I went into my room before opening the gift box, and sat on the edge of my bed. On the box it read "From: Lucifer, To: Alastor ♡". I gently unwrapped the bow and opened the gift box. There lied a duck that was carefully detailed and looked expensive that resembled me. Tiny parts were coated with gold, making it look high-quality. There was a radio next to the duck. I turned it on, and a nice, soft tune started playing, making me hum to it gently. I noticed a note inside of the gift box along with the gift. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Alastor,

I'm aware that our relationship was a odd one, a enemies to lovers dynamic, y'know? I wasn't expecting to be together with you if I could explain it. You might remember before we starting feeling for each other I was working on this project. A duck that resembled all the hotel members. I refused to tell you, but, I made yours the most special and delicate. Because I had a feeling for you, a love at first sight.

I was stubborn enough to refuse and tell myself I would never fall in love again until, you know. I was such a tsundere, especially towards you. I was weak and always let myself get teased by you. Because I never wanted to hurt you even though I looked acted I hated you. Sure, I was jealous of the bond you and Charlie had, but there was something special about you.

I don't know if you hated me, and I understand you did, I was being a asshole. I was prickly. And since that day I felt something I haven't felt in a while, love. Ever since me and Charlie's mother split up, I fell into a depression and cut myself from Charlie and everything. Until you know, Charlie invited me over and I met you. There was something special about you, Alastor. Even though your idea is to be a careless, heartless, cannibal overlord. 

I know this letter is awfully long, boring, and might be cringey for you. But I like talking to you. Except for, biting me. Stop biting me. >:(

But anyways, what I'm trying to say is I love you, a lot. Even though we haven't been together for a long time, only for a week. There's a lot I don't know about you, but I'm always open to listen to you if you need to tell me anything. Although I am weak in front of you, and I'm short and all, and I refuse to hurt you and act tough.. I can take a lot! ;)

But all jokes aside, I seriously love you, and I don't know if you love me as much back. Here's this duck that resembles you that has been handmade by me.. And with a radio. Turn it on. You'll like it. I've made it special, and added little details. Yes. It's real gold. Once more, time,

I love you so much ♡

Love, Lucifer ♡

A tear slipped down my eye, but I immediately wiped it away. It took me a while to read the letter, as it was like I was taking in all of the words. I chuckled at small jokes he made. To answer his question, I did love him. A lot. I folded the note gently and placed it back into the gift box, closing it, before softly picking it up to place it on my nightstand. I went back to the duck on my bed and placed that on top my drawer. I grinned softly before deciding to head back to Lucifer's room to thank him.

I stood in front of his door, knowing know awkward the situation will get, but I had to tell him how much I loved him.

I picked up my hand and turned the doorknob.

Author's note: I'm still sick but doing a lot better, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and tysm for over 4K! <3 💖 I am trying my best to make chapters interesting, so please give me ideas! (No smut or too much drama :<)

Word count: 1393 words

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