At the restaurant

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LUCIFER'S POV (Too much Lucifer overload 😞)

After another long nap, I forced my eyes to wake up and look at the time on my phone. It read 3:58, meaning in just about two hours all of the hotel members were going to a restaurant. I wasn't skeptical, I haven't been in one for a while. I forced myself to stand up and walk to the door, just to go down and see what the others were doing.

"Lucifer..?" Alastor groaned, as I turned around to see him half awake. "Where are you going?.."

"I'm going to the lobby to see what the others are up to."

"Oh then, I'm gonna come too." He said, his eyes awakening a bit more. He swept out of the blankets, and stood up.

"At least we shouldn't go down there in pajamas..."

"Yes, I know." He disappeared, probably to go back into his own bedroom and in his wardrobe. I decided to wear a fancy suit, similar to my normal outfit, since this was a one time occasion.

After I looked the mirror, I spun around and checked out my suit. It was great and all, but I was wondering what Alastor was going to wear. Instead, I went to go check on the others in the lobby, so I opened my door and went to the elevator. The elevator dinged close, the usual elevator music playing. I was wondering if they have figured out the restaurant to go to.

Once I made it to the lobby, everyone was sitting on the regular sofa, just having small talks with a show on. Everyone was already dressed in fancy clothing.

"Hey, Char-char, did you guys find a restaurant to go to?" I asked, as Charlie look up at me. She nodded happily, her eyes beaming.

"Yes! We're going to the restaurant! It's not far away, and I think there's food that we all could agree on to eat!"

"That's awesome!" I smiled. "So what are you guys going to do waiting for 2 hours?"

"We can go right now!" Angel called out. "I ain't waiting 2 hours!"

"Alright, fine, dad, could you bring Alastor he-"

Right as Charlie slipped his name out of her mouth, I felt a eerie dark shadow behind me. Alastor then turned into his normal form. I turned around and looked up to see that he was wearing a handsome suit that was similar to his normal outfit too.

"Hey ugly duckling~" He teased, making me redden of embarrassment.

"Hey strawberry pimp!~" I shot back, getting a playful look from him.

"Baked bean~!" He grinned widely, making me redden. Everybody was staring at us, thinking we still hate each other.

"Bambi~!" I hissed back, as his eyes widened.

"Y-You- You short king!"





"Chili pepper!"




"That's overused!"

"Alright now, stop you two!" Charlie pulled us apart. She couldn't tell if we were joking or we actually haven't fully bonded, but we both were aware we were joking.

"Ooh! Kinky!~" Angel smirked at us, as we reddened.

"Angel, not now..." Charlie said. "Let's just go guys, Alastor, dad, please get along!"

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