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My eyes slowly opened, still couldn't open them all the way. My eyes were burning, and so was my forehead. I was getting a headache, but I looked at Alastor, who was staring outside, also looking as exhausted as I was. I whined, as he immediately looked over to me. Before Alastor could say anything, someone knocked on the door. Alastor went to go up and pull the door handle to see who it was. I tried to flutter my eyes close to get more rest, but I could feel Charlie's presence at the door.

"Hey, Alastor! I got some medicine for my dad.. You have to give this amount..."

She continued on and on, and my instinct was she was reading the instructions to him. I was thankful she forgot about the "Lillith" situation, but she had to know.

After I noticed Charlie stopped explaining, I squinted my eyes open to see her waving goodbye, and closing the door as softly as she could, not to wake me up. I tried my best to stay awake and look at Alastor, who was heading to the chair he was previously sitting in. Once he sat down, he removed the ice packs that were placed around me, as he sat me up.

He started to pour the medicine in the little cup that came along with it. I was definitely exhausted, so I didn't question anything.

"Wake up, duckling. This is going to taste bitter, but I'll give you water afterwards." He said, as I looked at the glass of water placed on my nightstand. He hesitantly held the cup up to my mouth, and slowly made me drink it. It was indeed bitter, as I made a disgusted face when he pulled the cup away from my mouth. He handed me the glass of water, before putting the cup back into the box along with the medicine. After he's done so, I slowly drank the glass of water, being careful not to hurt my throat. My throat ached from the pain, but I pushed through, finishing the whole glass of water before handing it back to him, letting him place the glass back on my nightstand.

"Just rest, alright? You need it." He mumbled, gently placing me back, so I was laying down, my head on my pillow. I was sweating, but not as much. Alastor placed the ice packs back all over my body to cool me down more, hoping the medicine would help.

I didn't feel like resting anymore, but what had me overthinking was how I'd got so sick so quickly, because normally there would be a small symptom. My eyes fluttered close until they were fully closed, as I tried to fall asleep, as I still felt Alastor's eyes still on me. I found that genuinely adorable for him to care about me like that, even though he's not very experienced at showing it, he was trying his best to care of me. I couldn't help but smile inside. 


Lucifer seemed like he was resting again, so I gazed out into the midnight sky. It was awfully late, definitely past midnight. I was hoping things would at least get back by morning, but things weren't looking too well. He was awfully adorable while sleeping, as I couldn't help but lean a little closer, keeping my distance since "status" was currently sick. I lightly held my finger to his cheek, as I couldn't help but notice them. They were more visible than their natural color, assuming because he was sick. I decided it wasn't something too much to look into, just an observation. I leaned back to gaze back out, obviously bored. I rested my elbow on my thigh, and my head on the palm of my hand.

Around an hour later, Lucifer woke up once again, staring at me until I noticed it. My eyes shot wide in surprise of how he had awaken so quickly. He rapidly sniffed, indicating his nose was runny. A tear rolled down his eyes, possibly because of his temperature and how it's affecting his behavior and actions.

He reached out for my hand and gently held it. I tried to resist, but nothing could possibly happen from him just simply holding onto my hand. His eyes fluttered back close, until fully closing them shut. I was in a uncomfortable position, but I really had no choice. My eyes were dizzy from exhaustion, as I wasn't even able to focus on one object without my eyes both looking in the complete different direction. I could barely keep my eyes open, but I had to do it for Lucifer, he was sick. 

"Lucifer.." I groaned, still trying to fight the urge to pass out from how tired I was. His eyes opened, still sleepy. "I need to go to my room and sleep, call me if you need me, alright?" I yawned, his head nodding gently. I then immediately stood up from the chair, and headed my way back over to the door. "I left a glass of water and medicine for you, call me if your hungry or need me. Take the medicine in 2 hours. Bye, I love you, darling." I explained, giving a soft kiss on his forehead, which was cold from the icepack. I made my way out the door, almost stumbling until making it back to my room and throwing myself on the bed, exhausted, then right after immediately falling asleep.

LUCIFER'S POV (the king is back 🥰🫶)

I didn't fall asleep that easily. Even though I'm probably just hurting myself more, I hesitated, where's the fun and joy in resting? I slowly picked my head up from the pillow, the ice pack falling off from my arms and face. I had the random idea that me and Alastor swapped clothes, but that's just a random thought.

I grabbed the water on my nightstand and took a sip before placing it back down. I decided it would be the best if I just tried to sleep, so I could feel more lively or active tomorrow. I was thinking maybe the meal I ate at the restaurant would have something to do with me being sick, possibly poison.

My minds swirled in my head, in hopes of falling back asleep, and it worked. My eyes fluttered close, before they were fully closed shut. Immediately a few seconds after my eyes closed, I fell fast asleep, finally resting and hopes for a better day tomorrow.

Author's note: Guys help I am half asleep when I was writing this and idek what I just wrote so if smt doesn't make sense please tell me I feel like fainting 😭 (do not write wattpad stories half asleep, it's gonna turn out weird lmao) ANYWAYS TYSM FOR ALMOST 2K VIEWS EEK! 🫶💗💖

Word count: 1134 words

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