Don't you dare.

630 17 77


After finishing breakfast, I excused myself from the table, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling deeper into my bones. With heavy steps, I made my way to the elevator, hoping to steal a few moments of rest in the solitude of my room.

As the elevator doors closed behind me, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to momentarily escape the confusion of the outside world.

But my respite was short-lived. A few minutes later, the elevator dinged, signaling another arrival before I could make it to my room. I tensed as the doors opened once more, revealing Adam standing there, his presence immediately souring the air around us. He had followed me up.

We were standing not too far from each other, me in front of my door and Adam in front of the elevator. I braced myself for what I knew was coming.

He argued to me of stealing his women, and how I'd ruined everything, and I'll be always worthless little fuck that couldn't do anything right with hopeless dreams. Even though it was true, his words cut deep, reopening wounds I had long tried to heal.

"Adam, it's time to move on," I said, my voice calm but firm as I attempted to defuse the situation. But Adam was beyond reason, his anger clouding his judgment as he lunged forward, fists clenched in a violent attempt to strike me.

Instinct took over, and before I could fully process what was happening, I found myself engaged in a brutal altercation with Adam. The confined space of the elevator offered little room to maneuver, but I fought with everything I had, refusing to let him harm me any further.

In the end, it was Adam who lay defeated on the floor, his once menacing demeanor reduced to a pathetic heap of bruises and bruises. He was wincing, but I could no longer feel remorse for this man who'd never tried to learn his lesson.

I straightened my posture, my chest heaving with exertion as I looked down at him, a mixture of pity and frustration swirling in my gaze.

"Let this be a lesson, Adam," I said. "Your vendetta against me will only end in pain and suffering. It's time to let go of the past and move forward."

"Stop lying with those words." Adam squeaked out. "I'll get rid of you, Lucifer. Somehow, someway. I'll make you suffer.."

With then and there, Adam blanked out. I ignored him completely as I entered my room and closed it. I walked over to my bed.

I sank onto the edge of my bed, my hands trembling as I struggled to catch my breath. The echoes of the confrontation with Adam still reverberated in my mind, each memory a fresh wave of panic crashing over me.

I tried to call out Alastor's name, to get him to my side, but I failed, my voice reduced to a mere whisper choked by fear. My chest constricted with each ragged inhalation, my lungs burning as if starved of air.

Just when I felt like I was drowning in the suffocating grip of my own panic, the door to my room burst open, and Alastor rushed in, his eyes wide with concern, his grin softened, even though he couldn't fully frown.

"Lucifer, darling, what's wrong?" Alastor asked.

I couldn't form coherent words in response, so I simply gestured to my chest, my hand trembling as I struggled to convey the turmoil raging within me.

Alastor wasted no time in springing into action, crossing the room in swift strides to kneel before me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, his touch a comforting anchor as he guided me through a series of deep breaths.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

With each breath, I felt the tension in my muscles slowly begin to ease, the frantic rhythm of my heartbeat gradually slowing to a more steady pace.

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