I Love You. + GET OUT.

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I open the door to see piles of ducks that resembled me. I almost chuckled of the sight. Lucifer heard me and immediately had his attention over to me.

"Hey daring!~" Lucifer greets me, as he gets back to work, making something different but I couldn't make sense of it. "I-I'm guessing you saw the present?" He smiled, then paused for a second. "And the letter?" He questions, turning his gaze back over to mine.

I looked away from him, breaking the eye contact. I nod slowly, blushing. "Lucifer.. I love you too."

"I know-"

"I love you a lot." I cut him off. "As much as you do, you know.." I continued. "Sweetheart." I added, as I saw his face getting flushed. He looks away, his lips quivering, but I could tell he enjoyed my sweet talk to him. I made my way over to him to give him a tight hug, not too long after he hugged me back.

"You don't have to tell me that twice. I already know." Lucifer mumbled, as I broke the hug. He pulled me closer and gave me a little smooch on the cheek, before I gave him one back.

"I'm going to go do something." I blurted out, but actually I was going to prepare a present for Lucifer, as a thank you. I gave him a small kiss on the lips before walking out of his room and walking over to mine. I was walking to my room until I felt someone make it to the top floor, which was on the floor I was on. I waited for the elevator door to open to see who was making their way to the 13th floor.

The door dinged open, as I saw Adam step out and immediately gaze upon me. We were both at the opposite ends of the hallway. Why would he come to the floor? There was nothing other than me and Lucifer.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying not to lose my temper. He rolled his eyes and swung open Lucifer's door. I was in sudden shock and confusion, then anger, and then thinking... and then confusion. I decided to check what was going on, until when I made my way over to the door Adam had locked it. Shit.

I banged the door, worrying for Lucifer. I could easily teleport to Lucifer, but my energy was worn out. I decided to just listen. 


I was shocked but angry for Adam banging my door open. I tilted my head, as he observed my room.

"Ducks.. Huh?" He finally said. I nodded proudly.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "You just broke into my room without knocking."

"Oh well! I would like to thank you for the gift! Although it was very pathetic you couldn't make a better gift other than a rubber duck. Is that really what you think of me?" He ranted endlessly, making me laugh at him from his stupidity.

"Idiot, it's just a gift, I thought it would be cute." I told him. "It's a gift, either take it and stop being so pressed about it."

"Whatever, short stack."

"What did you just call me?" I snapped my neck to him. He sweated before he had a terrified expression on his face. I hated teasing. Especially by him. (Oh but don't mind Alastor's teasing lover boy?" 🤔)

"N-nothing! Really! I didn't mean it!" Adam put his hands up a bit, gesturing me to stop. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, before focusing back on the gifts.

"Please, get out." I demanded. "Your job here is done, you unappreciative fuck."

"How dare you say that!" He pouted like a child, as he kept arguing with me, including sexual jokes and strong language, until I snapped my neck at him and had a sinister look on my face, my "full" form taking over from anger.

"PLEASE. Shut the fuck up you little depressive horny fuck. How did you even success at keeping yourself as a angel if all you did was making sexually horny jokes, you sad excuse for an angel." I ranted, as I lost my temper. I was yelling at him, as my voice got deeper. He was quivering in fear. "Get. OUT." I gestured. "Please."

But he didn't move, making my anger boil.

"Adam. Get the fuck out." I said once again, pointing my arm and finger facing stiff to the door, but he didn't say anything, other than growled. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM YOU HORNY DISGUSTING SHIT!" I shouted at him, pushing him to the floor.


"SAYS THE ONE WHO COULDN'T EVEN PULL ANY!" I shouted back at him. It was endless arguing, until he picked me up with one hand and threw me to a wall, injuring one of my wings as I yelped in pain. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I hissed, before pouncing onto him and threw him onto the ceiling. It felt like the whole hotel was shaking, as we endlessly fought and argued, until I heard banging on the door.

I threw Adam onto a wall once again before unlocking the door, to see Alastor in his "full" form as he was about to burst in anger. He quickly eased before noticing how hurt I was. His eyes shot wide at Adam, before Alastor pounced on him, beating him up brutally.

I was amazed by the sight, as Adam seemed weak and helpless. Alastor showed no mercy before Alastor teleported him out of my room. I took a look and saw how crushed my room was, before a tear rolled down my face.

I was wincing at the pain, too exhausted to heal myself. I was going over the words of what Adam called me, and I knew they were true.

"Are you alright, darling?" Alastor said in guilt, walking to me and picking me up bridal style. He placed me on my bed and found bandages to wrap around me. I struggled to hide my wings, but Alastor held them before I could.

"Let me put bandages on them." He said. I rested my wings to allow him to, but it hurt a lot since my wings were sensitive. I felt my eyes fade to their original form, as my horns and tails hid suit. I winced at the pain, aware of how careful Alastor tried to be. 

"That little bitch." I mumbled. Alastor looked up at me, confused. "He seriously wouldn't get out of my room even though I told him to."

"Typical Adam. He's a stubborn guy." Alastor put the rest of the bandages on my nightstand incase I needed it.

"Not only that, he's a horny disgusting fuck. No wonder he can't pull any women." I sat up, flaring my wings before hiding them.

"Geez, isn't that a bit harsh?" Alastor chuckled. I shook my head proudly, before going on.

"He's the one that was also being harsh to me too. It wasn't just me. That bitch.. Putting up a fight with me.. He hasn't seen what I am really capable of." I hissed under my breath.

"Oh?" He laughed, sitting on my bed and faced me. "Big talk for a short little duck."

"Oh shut up Alastor, your a strawberry yourself." I mumbled, as we both laughed at each other playfully, before he pulled me into a long, passionate kiss that took me by surprise. We hugged for a while, and soon without knowingly drifted asleep with each other in our arms.

Author's note: Adam sucks 😒

But anyways, TY FOR 5K+ READS! I'M SO GRATEFUL!!! :DDDD 💖💖💖

Word count: 1272 words

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