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I shot up, panting, before I came back to my senses. I remembered exactly EVERYTHING from last night, but I... Enjoyed it?

I knew I couldn't hide for long. I know me and Alastor both truly loved each other, and someone had to confess. I gave a deep sigh, trying to sort this out. I would just have to tell Alastor that I liked him... And to ask if we wanted to be together and keep it as a secret for a while. Charlie can't know... At least not yet. I was angry at myself and how I've just let Lillith go, but she's been gone for 7 years... And I'm doubting she'll ever come back. I decided that I'll just let her go. For Charlie's sake, I didn't want to throw out the pictures on the walls, but it hurt looking at them. I grunted and got up from my bed. I was still flushed of how Alastor had just made out with me.

I immediately touched all the bite marks and hickeys. Since there was nobody else in the hotel, I felt like I didn't have to heal it up. I wore my red turtleneck shirt and black leggings I wore a few days ago. I had washed it, so it was clean. But something caught my eye while I was taking my coat and the shirt underneath off. Alastor had given me hickeys and bite marks ON MY WAIST AND STOMACH?!...

I tried to ignore it but I was red as a tomato. But... It wouldn't hurt if I kept it there without healing it. I don't know why I wanted to keep the bite marks and hickeys. I had to talk to Alastor about how I had feelings for him.. I wasn't going to ruin this and hide it.

Once I managed to put the clothes on, and looked at my self in the mirror and realized how messy my hair was. But it actually looked better that way..? I brushed it down with my fingers anyway. I then immediately ran out of my room and to Alastor's room. If I was going to confess my feelings, I better do it now.

"ALASTOR!" I hissed, nudging him. He was groaning but then I just nudged him harder.

"Nghh.." He groaned as he slowly opened his eyes to find me looking at him, nervous and worried. He shot her eyes wide open and rubbed them. He was blushing, probably because he remembered what happened last night, but I acted like nothing was wrong.

"I.. have something to tell you." I mumbled, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. He stared at me, confused. I was flushed, but I knew I had to say it.

"I know we haven't knew each other for a long time.. But I.." I looked back at Alastor. "I like you, Alastor." I blurted out. Alastor's eyes shot wide open, as I felt embarrassed. I looked away from him, but I was still hoping for his answer. Then, I felt him pull me closer to him, and he sat me on his lap.

"A-Alastor!" I gasped. "What are you doin-" Before I could finish my sentence, Alastor pulled me into a tight hug.

"Lucifer." He looked at me. "I love you, too."

I was blushing, as I pulled him into a passionate kiss. We were there for a long time, until I broke free and panted heavily. I wrapping my arms around his back and rested the side of my head on his chest. I felt him lightly though my waist, making me flinch. I haven't had this feeling... I actually felt loved for once.

"D-does this make us.." I mumbled, hoping for him to finish my sentence or know what I was talking about.

"Y-yeah, yes!" He chuckled. I wasn't used to moving on so fast, so I just nodded and rested my head on his chest. I didn't want to move away from him, I finally felt complete now. I felt his hand creep at the bottom of my shirt, and pulled it up gently, making me shiver.

"A-Alastor?" I gulped. My lips quivered, and I was shaking at his touch, but he was just grinning more and more as he finally took my sweater off. "A-lastor! What a-are you doing.."

Alastor was staring at the hickeys and the bite marks around my necks and shoulders, and the few ones on my stomach and waist.

"You didn't heal them...?" He mumbled. I shook my head, as I was twitching and squirming when Alastor touched me. Then he suddenly locked his eyes on me, as I was still embarrassed of how my shirt was off in front of him. I tried covering myself, but he swatted my arm away. Before I could push him off, he started nipping at my neck again.

"A-Alastor!" I whimpered. "F-Fuck.. Why do you keep going for my neck!" I didn't get a reply, as he was busy drinking my blood. I was gripping onto his coat until he let go, as licked his lips. "Ugh.. Asshole." I mumbled and heard a little chuckle come from him. I was still only a bit hangover and tired, so I groaned and curled up, my head resting on Alastor's chest. "I'm trying to sleep.." I groaned. It's like I felt him smile, as he gently stroked my hair with his fingers.

I had a idea. I had a idea to pretend I was asleep, to see what he would do. A few minutes later, Alastor wasn't moving. At all. I decided to take a peek to see if he had fell sleep on me. When I peeked my eyes open, I almost got a panic attack when I saw him staring at me.

"Your not fooling me~" He smirked. 

"How did you know..?" I whined, feeling embarrassed.

"I just felt it." He replied. "Also, what time is it?"

I teleported my phone into my hand and turned it on. The time read 10:32 a.m.

"10:32.." I groaned. "We still haven't ate breakfast." Although, I doubt Alastor was hungry will all the blood he fed himself up with. 

"Do you want me to make something for you? It's the least I can do after I messed up your skin~..."

"I- A-Alright!" I blushed. "Can you give me my shirt back... Though?"

He grabbed the shirt he tossed on the side and tried to help me put it on.

"I-I'm not a child! I can put it on myself!" I snatched the red turtleneck sweater.

"But your height is the height of a child!" He laughed. I cupped his face with my hand, making him shut up. "Okay okay!" He swatted my hand off his face. I got up from his lap awkwardly and was about to put it on but I caught Alastor staring at my back.

"Alastor?" I asked, turning around. "I would like some privacy  while changing, at least."

"I- Your back.." He mumbled, making me turn all the way around while I was about to pull the sweater all the way down. "Your hips and your back..." He blushed. "This might come out wrong but... They're p-pretty.." He looked away, all flushed. I smirked a bit and pushed my sweater all the way down.

"Aww... Is someone blushing?" I teased, lifting his chin up. His ears were drooped down, as he tried to hide his face to show he was burning.

"N-no.." He mumbled. "Let's just go down for breakfast.."

"But I'd guessed you would be full after sucking the life out of me.~" I smirked, teasing him again, giving him the taste of his own medicine of when he would tease me for how short I was. I saw Alastor flinch, before he looked away again. "I'm just joking, love!" I smiled. His eyes shot open when he heard me say that nickname. "Let's go down to eat, shall we?"

"A-Alright.." Alastor mumbled, barely audible. He's ears shot back up like nothing happened. I held his hand, as I felt him flinch, so I took it slow. We slowly walked out of Alastor's room, and to the elevator, and to the lobby and kitchen.


Word count: 1363 words

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