Chapter 10: The Unraveling Night

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The night enveloped the Oberoi mansion with a hush, but within its walls, events unfolded like a carefully choreographed drama.


At the lively party, Sumaya skillfully maneuvered Rudra into a world of dazzling lights and flowing spirits. The laughter echoed, but unknown to Rudra, the stage was being set for a revelation.


**Sumaya:** "Rudra, let's have another round! This night is meant for unforgettable memories."

**Rudra:** "Why not! This is the best party ever!"


While Rudra danced in a swirl of colors and laughter, Omkara and Anika, discreet observers of the night, witnessed Tina in a clandestine meeting with a mysterious figure.


**Omkara:** "Anika, we need to find out who that man is. Tina seems to be hiding more than we thought."

**Anika:** "Agreed, Omkara. Let's follow them, but stay out of sight."


Back at the mansion, Pinky stumbled upon a hidden secret within Shivay's room – an old news article about Richand. Her eyes widened in shock as she read the details of his mysterious demise.


**Pinky:** "What is this doing here? Richand, the businessman, dead? But why would Shivay keep this hidden?"


The tension escalated when Tej gathered the elders, sharing the shocking discovery. The room echoed with murmurs as they processed the information.


**Tej:** "We need to stop the kids from digging deeper. If they find out about Richand, everything will fall apart."


Meanwhile, Sumaya's plan to get Rudra extremely drunk worked like a charm. His laughter echoed louder, and his inhibitions faded away with every sip.


**Rudra:** "Sumaya, you're the best! Let's keep the party going!"


As the night wore on, the mansion was a tapestry of secrets and revelations. The younger generation danced on the edge of discovery, while the elders scrambled to protect the carefully guarded past.


In the dimly lit corners, Omkara and Anika continued to tail Tina, their instincts telling them that the answers they sought were just within reach.


**Anika:** "Omkara, we can't let Tina slip away. We need to know the truth."

**Omkara:** "I'm with you, Anika. Let's find out who that man is and what they're up to."


As the night unfolded, the mansion held its breath, caught between the echoes of the past and the mysteries of the present. The unraveling night promised answers that would reshape the fates of the Oberois and Rathodes.

Omkara and Anika, shadows in the night, trailed the mysterious man with a sense of urgency. They watched as he slipped into the darkness, only to find out that he was a police officer.


**Anika:** "A police officer? What could Tina possibly want with a cop, and why did she pay him?"

**Omkara:** "There's more to this puzzle than we thought. Let's find out what they're up to."


Meanwhile, Bhavya and Gauri, armed with determination, delved into the history surrounding Richand's life and demise. Their quest led them to the neighbors around Richand's abandoned house.


**Gauri:** "Excuse me, we're investigating Richand's past. Did you know anything about him?"

**Neighbor:** "Oh, Richand! Tragic story, that one. He had three daughters, lovely girls. His life took a dark turn when he got into a rivalry."


The revelation hit Bhavya and Gauri like a ton of bricks. Richand, the businessman, was not just a faceless figure – he was a father of three girls, and his demise was shrouded in injustice.


**Bhavya:** "Three daughters? This complicates things. We need to uncover the truth behind Richand's death."

**Gauri:** "And why Tina is so desperate to marry into the Oberoi family. There's a connection here."


Back in the Oberoi mansion, Rudra's drunken revelry reached new heights as Sumaya skillfully kept him distracted.


**Rudra:** "Sumaya, you're amazing! This is the best night ever!"


While the younger generation reveled in the night, the elders gathered in a tense meeting, grappling with the revelation of Richand's mysterious past.


**Tej:** "We can't let the kids find out about Richand. It'll bring chaos, and we need to proceed with Shivay and Tina's marriage."

**Jhanvi:** "But Tej, we can't ignore the past. There's a connection here, and we need to face it."


As the night deepened, the mansion resonated with the echoes of secrets unraveling. The past and present collided, setting the stage for a reckoning that would test the bonds of family and unveil the hidden truths that had long been buried.

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