Chapter 16: Unraveling the Mysteries

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As the morning sun cast its warm glow over the city, Gauri, Bhavya, and Anika gathered in the living room of the Rathode mansion, their expressions determined yet tinged with uncertainty.

**Gauri:** "Alright, let's split up and gather as much information as we can. Bhavya, you and I will focus on uncovering the mystery behind Richand, while Anika, you'll delve into the connection between Svetlana, Tia, and Saumya."

**Bhavya:** "Got it. We'll meet back here in a few hours with whatever we find."

With a nod of agreement, the trio dispersed, each embarking on their respective missions.


**Bhavya:** "Anushka Chachi, we need to talk to you about something important."

**Anushka:** "Of course, come in, girls. What's on your minds?"

**Gauri:** "Chachi, we've been looking into the Richand matter. Do you know anything about him?"

**Anushka:** *hesitating* "Richand? Why do you want to know about him?"

**Bhavya:** "We have reasons to believe that he might be connected to something we're investigating."

**Anushka:** *nervously* "I... I don't know much about him, just that he was an acquaintance of the family. But it's been years since I've heard that name."

**Gauri:** "Chachi, we sense there's more to this. Please, if you know anything, it could help us."

Anushka's demeanors shifted, a flicker of unease crossing her face before she composed herself.

**Anushka:** "I'm sorry, girls. I truly don't know anything substantial. But if I remember anything, I'll let you know."

**Bhavya:** "Thank you, Chachi. We appreciate your honesty."

Despite their suspicions, Gauri and Bhavya decided to leave it at that for now, knowing that pushing too hard might only raise more questions. They exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the need for caution as they continued their quest for answers.


In the bustling atmosphere of the office, Shivay's focus was unwavering as he delved into the intricate details of a crucial business deal. The room hummed with the sound of ringing phones and the click of keyboards as his team worked diligently around him.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed insistently, disrupting the steady rhythm of the room. He glanced at the caller ID, a flicker of curiosity crossing his features as he answered the call.

Shivay: "Hello?"

On the other end of the line, a voice relayed information that caused Shivay's brow to furrow in concern. With a sense of urgency, he realized the implications of what he had just learned.

Shivay: "Thank you for the update. I'll look into it immediately."

Ending the call, Shivay's mind raced with the newfound information. Without hesitation, he reached for his phone again, dialing a familiar number.

Omkara, engrossed in his own work at the studio, glanced at his ringing phone with surprise. Answering the call, he was greeted by Shivay's voice, which cut through the background noise of the bustling office.

Shivay: "Omkara, I need to talk to you. It's about Saumya."


Anika sat in her makeshift office at the Rathode house, surrounded by stacks of documents and her laptop glowing in the dim light. Determination etched on her face, she delved into the intricate web of connections between Svetlana, Tia, and Saumya.

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