Chapter 14: A Mirage of Acceptance

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As Saumya returned home, there was an air of tension and anticipation. The Oberois, including Rudra, were prepared to play their roles in this intricate web of deception.


Rudra, with a forced smile, approached Saumya. "Saumya, I've thought about it. I'm ready to accept you and start anew."


Saumya's eyes sparkled with joy as she heard Rudra's words. This was exactly what she wanted – acceptance, validation in the eyes of the Oberoi family. She hugged Rudra tightly, almost convinced that her elaborate plan had worked perfectly.


**Saumya:** "Rudra, I never thought you'd come around. I'm so happy!"


Rudra, however, continued with his charade, "But Saumya, if we are going to do this, let's do it right. Let's get married again, in front of the whole family, so they know we are committed."


Saumya's happiness dimmed for a moment, the prospect of another grand wedding raising doubts in her mind. However, she quickly composed herself, masking any signs of hesitation.


**Saumya:** "Of course, Rudra. I'd love that. A grand celebration of our love."

In Anika's office, the atmosphere was charged with tension as Ranveer listened attentively to the revelations about Saumya, Tina, and now the mention of a mysterious second daughter. Anika, Gauri, and Bhavya eagerly awaited Ranveer's insights.


**Ranveer:** "So, let me get this straight. You believe Tina could be the second daughter, the one hidden in the shadows?"


**Anika:** "It makes sense, doesn't it? She had news articles about Richand, and she's been acting strange lately."


**Gauri:** "But why hide her identity? What's the connection between Tina and the Oberoi's and Rathode family?"


Ranveer, known for his sharp investigative skills, began connecting the dots. "It could be a part of a bigger plan. Maybe Tina is orchestrating something, and her connection to Richand might not be a mere coincidence."


**Bhavya:** "And Svetlana? Do you think she's involved too?"


**Ranveer:** "It's hard to say. But we can't rule out anything at this point. We need to dig deeper, find more clues, and expose the truth."


Meanwhile, back at theOberoi's mansion, preparations for the second wedding between Rudra and Saumya were underway. The elders, unaware of the underlying deception, were excited about the apparent reconciliation.


In the opulent halls of the Oberoi mansion, Shivay and Omkara engaged in a subtle game of deception. Their plan was to trick Saumya into revealing her true intentions, to expose the hidden motives behind her elaborate charade.


**Shivay:** "Saumya, we've been thinking about the wedding. Do you have any specific preferences? Themes, decorations, anything you've always dreamt of?"


Saumya, seemingly lost in the excitement of planning, began sharing innocuous details about her dream wedding. Unbeknownst to her, Shivay and Omkara subtly probed for deeper motives, searching for any hints that might reveal the truth.


**Omkara:** "And the venue, Saumya? Does it hold any special significance for you?"


Caught in the intricacies of their questioning, Saumya unknowingly let slip a small detail that piqued Shivay and Omkara's interest. However, the revelation was not enough to unravel the mystery completely.

As the day progressed, the Oberoi mansion buzzed with the preparations for the second wedding. Saumya, oblivious to the careful scrutiny she was under, reveled in the joyous chaos, focusing on the forthcoming union.


In the corridors of the Rathode house, Bhavya and Gauri stood with Anushka, probing for any information that could shed light on the enigmatic Richand. As they mentioned the name, Anushka's demeanor shifted subtly, a flicker of recognition passing across her features before she composed herself.


**Anushka:** "Richand? No, I'm afraid I don't know anyone by that name."


Bhavya and Gauri exchanged a knowing glance, sensing that Anushka was hiding something. However, they didn't press further, aware of the delicate nature of their inquiry.


Later, in a quiet moment, Anushka confided in Rehana, her expression troubled.


**Anushka:** "Rehana di, they asked about Richand today. What should I do?"


Rehana's eyes narrowed with concern, her voice low and urgent.


**Rehana:** "No matter what Anushka, the kids must never know. Keep this to yourself, and be cautious."


Anushka nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. The name Richand seemed to carry a weighty significance, shrouded in secrecy and guarded closely by the elders of the Rathode family.

In the dimly lit corner of Shivay's study, Rudra and Bhavya leaned in, their expressions mirroring a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Shivay and Omkara shared a conspiratorial glance before beginning to recount what they had learned.


**Shivay:** "She mentioned something about 'fulfilling her duty' and 'reclaiming what was rightfully hers.'"

**Omkara:** "But she didn't specify what that duty or possession is. It's like she's guarding her secrets with utmost precision."


Rudra's brow furrowed as he processed the fragments of information. Bhavya, ever the vigilant investigator, began connecting the dots.


**Bhavya:** "Reclaiming what's rightfully hers... it sounds personal. It could be related to the Rathode family or something else entirely."


Shivay nodded, acknowledging the astute observation. The mystery surrounding Saumya's motives deepened, prompting a collective determination to unveil the truth.


As the evening approached, the air was tinged with both celebration and apprehension, setting the stage for a dramatic unveiling of hidden truths.


The scene transitioned to Anika, Gauri,reconvening in Anika's office. The name 'Richand' lingered in their minds, a key that could potentially unlock the secrets held by the Rathode family.


**Anika:** "We need more information. Something that ties Richand to the Rathodes and explains Anushka chachi's reaction."

**Gauri:** "And we can't ignore the connection to Tina and Saumya. It's all intertwined."


The trio resolved to delve deeper into the past, to unveil the buried history that connected the Rathodes, the elusive Richand, and the intricate web of relationships that bound them together. 

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