Chapter 18: Lines Drawn, Bonds Broken

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Rathode mansion living room 

Anika:( playfully) Bhavya, remember when you cooked for the first time and almost burned down the kitchen? 

Gauri: (Laughing) Oh yes! And you were so confident about it too!

Bhavya: (Grinning) Hey, at least I tried! Unlike some people who only know how to make tea.

Anika: HEY! I can make more then tea ok! fine I don't know to bake but I am an amazing cook. 

Gauri: (trying to control her laugh) ya amazing cook! who only makes pasta 

They all burst into laughter. Suddenly, Bhavya's phone rings. She sees it's a call from the police station and quickly answers.

Officer: (On the phone) Bhavya, we have some information for you. We found Svetlana's current address.

Bhavya: (Excited) That's great news! Text me the details. Thank you so much!

She hangs up and turns to Anika and Gauri, her eyes shining with excitement.

Bhavya: Guess what, guys? We have Svetlana's address!

Anika: (Surprised) Seriously? That's amazing!

Gauri: (Determined) This could be the breakthrough we need. Let's go over there and see what we can find out.

Bhavya: (Nodding) We need to be careful, but this could give us the answers we've been looking for.

The sisters share a determined look, ready to take the next step in uncovering the truth.


Oberoi Mansion, Living Room

Pinky, Jhanvi, and Dadi are sitting together, discussing the final preparations for the upcoming pooja.

Jhanvi: (Checking a list) Do we need anything else for the pooja? I think we've covered everything.

Dadi: (Thoughtfully) I think we're good. Pinky, did you invite the Rathodes?

Pinky: (Nods) Yes, I did. Rehana said they will be attending.

Dadi: (Smiling) That's wonderful. The Rathode sisters are such lovely girls, especially Anika. She's so full of good values and morals. Sometimes, I wish Anika was the one marrying Shivay. She'd be a perfect fit for our family.

Pinky's expression sours at Dadi's words.

Pinky: (Firmly) Tia is much better than Anika. Anika could never compete with Tia. I would never accept Anika because she doesn't know how to mind her own business. She interferes too much.

Dadi looks saddened by Pinky's harsh words as Pinky gets up and leaves the room. Dadi turns to Jhanvi, her face filled with a mixture of sadness and hope.

Dadi: (Softly) I just wish Anika could be our daughter-in-law. She has such a kind heart. (Closing her eyes and praying silently) God, please guide us. Let things work out for the best.

Jhanvi places a comforting hand on Dadi's shoulder, sharing a moment of quiet understanding. The tension in the house is palpable as they prepare for the pooja, with underlying hopes and conflicts simmering just below the surface.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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