Chapter 17: Shadows of Doubt

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In the Oberoi mansion kitchen, Shivay, Rudra, and Omkara were deep in conversation about business when Saumya entered. The atmosphere shifted as they noticed her, and Shivay motioned for her to join them.

"Hey, Saumya, come over here," Shivay said warmly.

Saumya approached cautiously, sensing tension in the air. She took a seat, feeling a bit nervous.

"Saumya, we gotta talk. We know about those threats you've been getting," Rudra said, getting straight to the point.

Saumya's face betrayed a hint of panic, but she quickly composed herself. "Threats? I... I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered.

Rudra wasn't buying it. "Cut the act, Saumya. We're not fools," he said firmly.

Shivay softened his tone. "Saumya, just be honest with us. Who's behind all this?"

Saumya's eyes welled up with tears, and she struggled to hold back her emotions. "I... I don't know. It's someone unknown. They've been calling me from different numbers, threatening my family."

Rudra reached out to comfort her, but Saumya flinched, still shaken.

"Don't worry, Saumya. We've got your back. We'll figure this out together," Rudra reassured her, with Omkara nodding in agreement.

Saumya breathed a sigh of relief, feeling supported by the brothers' words of encouragement.


Bhavya was busy cracking eggs in the kitchen when Rehana, entered quietly. Bhavya sensed her presence and turned to greet her with a smile.

"Hey, Mom, what brings you here?" Bhavya asked, trying to appear casual.

Rehana glanced around the kitchen before speaking in a hushed tone. "I couldn't help but notice you and Gauri asking about Richand earlier. What's that all about?"

Bhavya's heart skipped a beat, but she maintained her composure. "Oh, that? It's just related to one of the cases I'm working on at the police station. Nothing major," she replied, trying to deflect the conversation.

Rehana narrowed her eyes, studying Bhavya's expression. "Hmm, alright. Just be careful, Bhavya. Some things are better left untouched, especially when it comes to our family," she cautioned, her tone laden with a hint of warning.

Bhavya nodded, understanding the underlying message. "Thanks, Mom. I'll keep that in mind," she said, returning to her cooking with a sense of unease lingering in the air.

Bhavya swiftly typed out a text message to Anika and Gauri, urging them to meet her in the kitchen.


Meanwhile, over at the Oberoi mansion, Saumya was engrossed in a phone call, her voice dripping with disdain. "These stupid Oberois have bought the whole story. They're such fools," she scoffed into the phone, a smirk playing on her lips. "Everything is going according to plan."


In a cozy café, Priyanka and Ranveer sat across from each other, engaged in lively conversation. The ambiance was warm, filled with the gentle hum of chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Across the room, Rudra entered with his friends, his eyes scanning the area until they landed on Priyanka and Ranveer. A mischievous grin tugged at his lips as he muttered to his friends, "At least someone's enjoying themselves."

With a quick snap, Rudra captured the moment, sending the picture to the Oberoi brothers' group chat with the caption "Wedding bell."

**Oberoi Brothers Group Chat**

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