Chapter 7: Shadows of Revelation

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Anika couldn't shake off the mystery surrounding Tina's last name. The realization that even Shivay, her supposed fiancé, had no clue about it only fueled her determination to unravel the enigma. Determined to get to the bottom of things, she sought Shivay in his office.


**Anika:** "Shivay, we need to talk. What is Tina's last name?"

**Shivay:** "Tina's last name? I don't know. Why do you ask?"

**Anika:** "It's crucial. We've been trying to investigate, and her last name is nowhere to be found. Don't you find it odd?"


Shivay, now intrigued and slightly concerned, joined forces with Anika to dig deeper into Tina's background. Meanwhile, Bhavya and Rudra found themselves unintentionally paired up for the investigation.


**Rudra:** "Bhavya, partner in crime, what's the plan?"

**Bhavya:** "Rudra, it's an investigation, not a crime. And the plan is to gather information discreetly."


The idea of a covert operation sparked in Rudra's mind. He proposed the daring plan to sneak into Tina's house while she was away, hoping to find clues that might lead them to her hidden sisters.


**Rudra:** "I've got it! We should go to Tina's house, Sherlock Holmes style. Search for clues, secret passageways, the whole deal."

**Bhavya:** "Sherlock Holmes? Rudra, we're not solving a Victorian-era mystery."


The duo, armed with a mix of determination and mischief, set out for Tina's house. Meanwhile, Tina, unaware of the impending intrusion, was occupied with a charity event at the city's grand ballroom.


Back at the Oberoi mansion, Priyanka and Ranveer navigated the delicate balance between love and work.


**Ranveer:** "Priyanka, these office romances can be tricky. But with us, it feels right."

**Priyanka:** "I agree, Ranveer. Let's keep it between us for now."


The scene shifted back to Omkara and Gauri, who found themselves engrossed in an intense conversation amidst Omkara's art studio.


**Omkara:** "Gauri, do you believe art can unravel the deepest mysteries of the soul?"

**Gauri:** "Absolutely, Omkara. It's like each stroke on the canvas reveals a hidden part of the artist's heart."


As the duo explored the profound connection between art and emotion, Rudra and Bhavya continued their investigation at Tina's residence.


**Bhavya:** "Rudra, focus! We're here for information, not to play detectives."

**Rudra:** "But what if we find a secret passage or a hidden room? Wouldn't that be awesome?"


Simultaneously, Anika and Shivay combed through whatever information they could find about Tina. The puzzle pieces were scattered, and the truth seemed elusive.


Back at the charity event, Tina, dressed in elegance, exchanged pleasantries with the city's elite. Little did she know that her secrets were on the verge of exposure.


The Oberoi mansion became a hub of investigations, humor, and unexpected alliances, setting the stage for revelations that would reshape the lives of those caught in the intricate web of shadows and mysteries.

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