Chapter 13: Midnight Comforts

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In the dimly lit kitchen, Gauri and Anika huddled together, discussing ways to lift Rudra's spirits. The clock struck midnight, and the mansion was shrouded in a serene silence.


**Gauri:** "Anika, seeing Rudra like that broke my heart. We need to do something to cheer him up."

**Anika:** "You're right, Gauri. We can't let him go through this alone. I was thinking, what if we make him a special dessert? Something sweet to brighten his mood."


As the two women gathered ingredients and utensils, Anika shared her plan with Gauri.


**Anika:** "Let's make his favorite dessert, some popcorn, and find a good movie. A little midnight treat might be just what he needs."

**Gauri:** "Perfect! It's like a late-night pick-me-up. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."


Meanwhile, in Shivay's room, the brothers were deep in discussion about their strategy to expose Saumya.


**Shivay:** "Omkara, we need to be careful. Saumya seems to be playing a dangerous game."

**Omkara:** "I agree, Shivay. We have to earn her trust without revealing our intentions."


Bhavya, in her room, continued her investigation into Svetlana, determined to uncover the missing pieces of the puzzle.


*Back in the kitchen, Anika and Gauri prepared the desserts with care, making sure everything was just right.*


As the clock ticked past midnight, the trio, armed with desserts and a movie plan, set out to find Rudra.


*Scene shifts to the poolside where Rudra sat lost in his thoughts.*


**Anika:** "Rudra, come with us. We have something to cheer you up."

**Rudra:** "I don't know, guys. I'm not really in the mood."


Undeterred, Gauri and Anika insisted, leading Rudra to the cozy setup they had prepared in the living room.


**Anika:** "Desserts, popcorn, and a movie. The perfect recipe for a midnight pick-me-up."


Despite his initial reluctance, Rudra couldn't help but crack a smile as they settled in for a night of sweetness and distraction. The mansion, wrapped in the comfort of the night, witnessed a subtle camaraderie, offering a temporary escape from the tangled web of secrets and uncertainties.

As the night unfolded in the quiet corridors of the Oberoi mansion, Rudra found solace in the companionship of Anika and Gauri. Their simple gesture of desserts, popcorn, and a movie brought a flicker of joy to Rudra's troubled heart.


**Rudra:** "Thank you, Anika Di and Gauri Di. This means a lot to me. I don't care about my parents, but even the Bhaiyas don't believe me. You know, Bhaiyas are like my mom and dad. When our parents were too busy with business, Bhaiyas were there for me. And today, they don't believe me."


Meanwhile, in Shivay's room, the brothers were engrossed in their plan to expose Saumya. They had sent the video to someone for verification, the results of which would arrive in the morning.


*After the movie, Anika and Gauri bid Rudra goodnight, each retreating to their respective rooms. Rudra, on his way to his room, noticed the light still on in Bhavya's room. Intrigued, he entered to find Bhavya peacefully asleep with her laptop open.*


**Rudra:** "Why is she working so late?"


Moved by a sudden impulse, Rudra decided to take care of Bhavya. He gently picked her up, placed her in bed, covered her with a blanket, and smiled at the sight of her serene sleep. Turning off the light, Rudra left the room, headed to his own, but his thoughts lingered.


*Outside Shivay's room, Rudra hesitated, torn between the conflict of confronting or letting it be. Suddenly, he overheard snippets of Shivay and Omkara's conversation about their plan to expose Saumya. Bursting into the room, Rudra put on a dramatic act.*


**Rudra:** "You two teamed up and left me! How dare you!"


Shivay and Omkara looked at Rudra with surprise, their expressions quickly changing from shock to realization.


**Rudra:** "I love you, Bhaiyas!" *He hugged them tightly, tears streaming down his face.* "I knew you would never turn on me."


In the silent embrace of the room, the three brothers found a moment of reconciliation, pushing aside the shadows that threatened to divide them. The night whispered promises of solidarity, leaving the mansion wrapped in a fragile peace.

The next morning, the Oberoi mansion was a bustling hub of activity as family members gathered around the breakfast table, expectantly waiting for Shivay, Omkara, and Rudra. Their absence fueled curiosity and concern.


**Dadi:** "Pinky, where are Shivomru? We have been waiting for them."


Just as the questions arose, the trio made a grand entrance.


**Shivay:** "We are here."

**Pinky:** "Where were you three? We were waiting for you."


Shivay, with an air of mystery, informed Pinky that they were waiting for a crucial piece of evidence. The dining room buzzed with anticipation, and Jhanvi couldn't help but voice her curiosity.


**Jhanvi:** "Evidence? What are you talking about, Shivay?"


Omkara took the lead, explaining to Jhanvi that it was evidence proving that Rudra and Saumya never actually got married. The revelation echoed through the room, each family member digesting the implications.


*Meanwhile, Saumya, unaware of the brewing storm, was at her friend's house.*


The Oberois gathered to discuss their plan. They needed to keep up the pretense, making Saumya believe that they accepted her version of events. This was the only way they could unravel the mystery behind Saumya's actions and discover the hidden motives driving her to such lengths.


**Shivay:** "We need to make her believe that we believe her. Only then will she reveal the truth willingly."


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