Chapter 3: Veiled Conversations

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The engagement celebration at the Oberoi mansion unfolded with a symphony of laughter, music, and sparkling lights. Anika moved through the crowd, gracefully navigating the sea of guests. As she reached the elegant terrace overlooking the city lights, she found herself face to face with Tina.


**Tina:** "Anika, isn't it a wonderful celebration? The beginning of a beautiful journey for Shivay and me."

**Anika:** "Yes, Tina. It's a joyous occasion indeed."


Tina's gaze bore an enigmatic intensity that sent a shiver down Anika's spine. There was something unsettling about the way Tina spoke, as if hidden beneath the layers of celebration lay a darker truth.


**Tina:** "Anika, life is full of surprises. Some secrets will reveal themselves, making everything you've built crumble. Just remember, some things are better left undiscovered."


Anika couldn't shake off the ominous feeling that lingered after Tina's words. The celebration continued, but a shadow of doubt had been cast over the festivities.

As the night progressed, the Oberoi brothers found themselves in the mansion's spacious kitchen, donning aprons and engaging in a friendly cooking competition. The aroma of spices filled the air as they shared laughter, exchanged banter, and created culinary masterpieces.


**Shivay:** "Rudra, are you sure you know how to chop those vegetables?"

**Rudra:** "Of course, Bhaiya! I'm a master chef in the making. Just watch and learn."


Amidst the culinary chaos, Rudra couldn't resist teasing Omkara about Gauri. The banter added a light-hearted touch to the evening, allowing the brothers to bond over shared moments of joy.


**Rudra:** "Omkara, do you think Gauri will appreciate your abstract cooking style?"

**Omkara:** "Cooking is an art, Rudra. Gauri will surely appreciate the creativity in my dishes."


**Shivay:** "And here I thought we were just making dinner. Omkara, you're turning this into a masterpiece!"


As they continued their friendly banter, Omkara's attempt at an exotic dish took an unexpected turn.


**Omkara:** "I call this the 'Abstract Surprise.' It's a culinary adventure."

**Rudra:** "More like a taste bud rollercoaster. Are you sure abstract is the word you're looking for?"


Meanwhile, in Anika's room, the Rathode sisters—Anika, Gauri, and Bhavya—gathered to discuss Tina's cryptic warning.


**Bhavya:** "There's something off about Tina, Anika. She spoke as if she knows something we don't. We need to be cautious."

**Gauri:** "I agree. I've invited her to my art gallery tomorrow. We can subtly interrogate her there."


The sisters made a pact to keep a watchful eye on Tina. The next day's plan was set, and the promise to unveil the truth lingered in the air.


**The Next Day: Gauri's Art Gallery**

The soft hum of the art gallery's lights created a serene ambiance as Gauri awaited Tina's arrival. The Rathode sisters, strategically positioned, observed the gallery's visitors.

As Tina entered, Gauri greeted her warmly. "Tina, I'm delighted you could make it. I thought you might appreciate the art."


**Tina:** "Oh, I do. Art has a way of revealing emotions, wouldn't you say?"

**Gauri:** "Absolutely. Each piece tells a story. So, tell me, Tina, what's your story?"


Gauri's question hung in the air, creating a moment of suspense. Tina, caught off guard, hesitated for a brief second.


**Tina:** "I believe life is about layers, just like art. Some things are best kept hidden."

**Gauri:** "But isn't the beauty of art in its vulnerability? The willingness to expose oneself?"


Gauri's subtle interrogation continued as she guided Tina through the gallery. Bhavya discreetly observed their conversation from a distance.


**Gauri:** "You seemed to have an intense conversation with Anika yesterday. What secrets were you referring to?"

**Tina:** "Some things are better left unsaid, Gauri. In life, as in art, not everything can be understood."


As the conversation circled around secrecy and hidden truths, Bhavya couldn't shake off her suspicion. There was a tension in Tina's responses that only fueled the Rathode sisters' determination to unravel the mystery.

The gallery visit concluded, leaving Gauri and Bhavya with more questions than answers. The layers of intrigue surrounding Tina had only deepened, and the Rathode sisters were more resolved than ever to uncover the truth.


**Gauri:** "Tina, thank you for visiting my gallery. I hope you enjoyed the art."

**Tina:** "It was a unique experience, Gauri. Your collection is quite intriguing."


The echoes of the art gallery conversation lingered in the air, setting the stage for a revelation that would shape the destinies of the Oberois and the Rathodes. The seeds of doubt planted during the engagement celebration had taken root, and the journey into the unknown had only just begun.

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