Chapter 12: Shattered Vows

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The revelation of Rudra's unexpected marriage to Saumya echoed through the Oberoi mansion, creating a storm of emotions. The family gathered, their voices overlapping in a chaotic symphony of shock, confusion, and disbelief.


**Pinky:** "Rudra, how could you? You got married without telling us?"

**Jhanvi:** "Saumya, is this some kind of a joke?"

**Tej:** "Rudra, you need to take responsibility for your actions."


Rudra, still in shock, tried to make sense of the situation. His mind raced as he recalled his memories, searching for any trace of the events Saumya described. The turmoil within him was palpable.


**Rudra:** "I... I don't understand. I remember everything, and this is not part of it. Saumya, you must be mistaken!"


Amidst the commotion, Saumya sat tearfully, trying to articulate her side of the story.


**Saumya:** "I know it sounds unbelievable, but I received this video. We were drunk, and... and we got married. I didn't want to hide it."


The family's reaction intensified, with Pinky and Jhanvi consoling Saumya while expressing their disappointment in Rudra. Amid the chaos, Bhavya quietly approached Rudra, sensing his distress.


**Bhavya:** "Rudra, can we talk?"


Rudra, feeling isolated, followed Bhavya to a quieter part of the living room. As they stood alone, Bhavya offered a comforting presence.


**Bhavya:** "Rudra, I believe you. This doesn't add up with what you remember."


Touched by Bhavya's support, Rudra couldn't hold back his emotions. In a moment of vulnerability, he hugged Bhavya, grateful for someone who stood by him.


**Rudra:** "Thank you, Bhavya. I don't know what's happening, but I appreciate you believing in me."


As the family continued to grapple with the unexpected revelation, the rift between truth and perception deepened. Bhavya and Rudra, united in their quest for clarity, embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries that surrounded them. 

Anika, concerned about the turmoil in the Oberoi mansion, entered Shivay's room with a determined expression. She couldn't stand seeing Rudra in such distress, and she knew she had to do something.


**Anika:** "Shivay, you have to believe Rudra. If he says he didn't do it, then there's a chance it's all a setup."


Shivay, torn between loyalty to his brother and the chaos unfolding, listened to Anika's words. There was a silent understanding between them, an unspoken pact to stand by each other in times of uncertainty.


**Shivay:** "I know, Anika. But how do we prove it?"


Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, Omkara and Gauri engaged in a heart-to-heart conversation.


**Omkara:** "Gauri, I know Rudra. He might be playful, but he wouldn't do something as serious as getting married without remembering it. There's more to this."


Gauri, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded in agreement.


**Gauri:** "But why would Saumya lie about something like this?"


In Shivay's room, Anika pressed on.


**Anika:** "Shivay, we can't let Rudra face this alone. Did you see the sadness in his eyes? We need to find out the truth, for Rudra's sake."


Shivay, realizing the depth of Rudra's predicament, nodded in agreement. 

In another part of the mansion, Bhavya, sensing Rudra's need for a distraction, took him out for ice cream.


**Bhavya:** "Rudra, sometimes ice cream has the magical power to make everything a little better. Let's focus on that for now."


As they stepped out, the chaos within the Oberoi mansion continued to unfold. The mysteries deepened, shadows of doubt lingering in the air, as the characters navigated the intricate web of relationships and deceptions. The search for truth had just begun, and the stakes were higher than ever.


Bhavya took Rudra to a nearby ice cream parlor, hoping to lift his spirits. The atmosphere was light, with the tantalizing aroma of various ice cream flavors filling the air.


**Bhavya:** "Rudra, you can't be sad when there's ice cream involved. It's against the laws of happiness."

**Rudra:** "You might be onto something, Bhavya. Let's see if ice cream can fix everything."


They sat at a small table, indulging in their favorite ice cream flavors. Bhavya, usually composed and focused, found herself drawn into Rudra's contagious laughter.


**Bhavya:** "Rudra, you know, you have a unique talent for turning any situation into a comedy show."

**Rudra:** "Well, what can I say? I'm the master of making life entertaining."


As they enjoyed their ice cream, the tension of the recent events seemed to melt away. Laughter echoed through the parlor, drawing amused glances from other customers.


*Scene Shifts to Saumya's Room*

Saumya, with a sinister smile, spoke into her phone, relishing the success of her deceptive plan.


**Saumya:** "Yes, everything is going perfectly. They believe every word, especially Rudra. He's falling right into my trap."


The mysterious person on the other end of the line acknowledged Saumya's success.


**Mysterious Voice:** "Good. Keep playing your part. This is just the beginning. The Oberois will soon realize they're dancing to our tune."

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