Chapter 4.❤

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Mesmerized by a simple kiss, go figure.

His lips unsuction from mine.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked innocently, just staring into his eyes. His finger touched the skin under my shirt. He stared back at me not answering. His eyes seemed to glitter in the sun light that peered in from his bedroom window. "Kirk?"

"Yeah?" He kissed my forehead.

"This feels-"

"Right. It feels right." He smiled.

"Exactly." I kissed him softly on his already soft lips. I never been to heaven, but this is what I envision it to be like. "Can we go out to eat pleaseeee." I pouted, then laughed. I felt like a little girl.

"Anything you want." He held me closer. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Hmm, I want Chinese food! How about we hit up the buffet?"

"I know I said anything, but I want sushi." I gave him a funny look.

"They have sushi there.... It's an Asian buffet...."

"I know." He winked.

"You're so-" I closed my eyes and took a DEEP breath. "You're to much bruh." I let out a tiny laugh.

"Get ready, Ima take you out to eat."


Not everyone is lucky to find a best friend like Kirk, honestly. I was just lucky. We're both lucky if you think about it. Look how far we've come. Maybe I'm not "famous" the way he is, but happiness like the happiness I'm feeling is equivalent to his fame.

Kirk was the only one who knew about my dark past. I never opened up to anyone else. He knew me better than my own mother, and I'm okay with that. I don't know how my mother would have taken the pain of my stories.

All those nights I cried, I could call him, I found comfort in him. I always thought he had found it in me too, but he had found that with his ex. Not everything goes the way you plan it really. There's no denying how I felt about him growing up, I had the hugest crush on him. Oh yeah, thinking of weddings and children. I wanted to name our daughter Omari, my favorite name. And for a boy, Dario, after my late uncle, my favorite uncle.

I hope that doesn't sound crazy, Im pretty sure most teenage girls think like that. It's normal, at least I think so.

I'm pretty sure Kirk knew I liked him, but I was too emotional. I wasn't the best looking either, wile he always was. High school, he had girls all over him. I do love the fact that he didn't sleep with every girl that wanted to put out, but it was still hard to see him with other girls. Honestly, it's still like that know. The thought of another girl touching his body makes me sick, I hate it.


I needed some retail therapy, so today I was going to the shopping plaza to get some new clothes, shoes, maybe some jewelry. Today was much needed.

As son as I walked into Forever 21, I got weird stares. All I wanted to do was buy a few shirts. I ignored the girls, and looked for my size in the shirts I liked.

The whispering was getting to me though, I was starting to get irritated.  

I turned around to a girl and her friend looking at me, whispering. Her friend gave me a dirty look. I shot her one back even dirtier. She rolled her eyes, they both walked away.

When I got home, Kirk was making something to eat. He was dressed and smelled of cologne.

"Where you going?"

"I can't say." He turned around and smiled at me. He grabbed his keys off the counter. Then kissed my cheek. "I'll see you in an hour or so." He smiled sweetly, then kissing me.

"Alright. I'll see you soon." I bit my lip as I watched him walk out of the house.

I wondered what he was gonna go do. I didn't think it was anything bad by the way he said it, so I wasn't really worried, but was very curious.

I dressed down into something more comfortable. Grey baggy sweats and a black tank top, no bra. I laid on my bed watching Kevin Hart on Netflix. There's nothing like a good laugh. It would have been better to watch it with Kirk though, I love hearing him laugh.

I noticed the time, it was almost 7. Kirk left a little over two hours ago. I wondered where the hell he could be.

"Long Titty! No nipple havin ass bitch!" I laughed hard, saying it along with the TV. I watched this a good 25 times, maybe more.

My phone vibrated, I saw a text from Kirk. "Be there in 10! I got a surprise for you ;) "

'Oh lord' I thought to myself. He definition of surprise and mine were totally different. He thought of it more sarcastically, while I thought of surprises as something more special and warm hearted, you know, with meaning.

I slipped on a sweater, i was starting to get cold. I waited on the couch for Kirk to arise. I heard a car pull up, and hoped it was him.

I was starting to get anxious, filled with so many different thoughts. Was it a puppy? I never had one, but always wished of one! Was it Tyga? I heard he was in town and I'm a big fan. Maybe he got my pizza from my favorite place that's in Orlando, that's be a long drive though. So I ruled that one out within seconds. What was it?!

I heard the door knob rattle. My heart pounded. Kirk walked in with a suitcase.

"Why the suit-" he stopped and smiled, waving someone to come in. "Um..."

"Hold on." He put the suitcase inside, and went back out. He came back in with another one. "Here's your surprise." He made his way inside, taking the other suitcase and wheeled them into his room. I had followed him with my eyes, still confused. I looked back at the door and seen my mother smiling back at me.

"Momma!" I squealed. I jumped up and ran to her, hugging her so tight. "I'm so happy you're here!" I could feel myself start to cry. Happy tears of corse. "Ugh. This is just. So amazing!"

"I'm happy to see you too baby girl!" She kissed my cheek. "You look so good! The sun has done you well. You lost a lot of weight, your hair grew longer." She winked. "Hottie on deck."

"Don't say that." I laughed at her, leading her to Kirk's room. He was gathering some of his clothes, putting them on his bed.

"I cleared a few draws for you to put your stuff in." He said while taking out his last two pairs of pants. "I'm taking your bed Lexus."

"No ya not!"

"Grow up you two. Share the room, sheesh." I looked at her funny.

"You want me to share my bed with him."

"Go ahead. You know you want to." She nudged me. Oh, how I've missed momma.

"Yeah Lexus, you know you wanna!"

"Oh shut up Kirk! Go put your clothes in my room." He laughed as he picked up his clothes, walking to my room. "Momma, can we talk quick."

"Sure." She sat down on the bed. "What's up?"

"I broke up with Devon a few weeks ago."

"Can I guess why?" I nodded "You still have feelings for Kirk huh?"

"Yeah." I said quietly. "I can't help it."

"You've always had a thing for him, and he seems to be into you. Lexus hunny, go for it. Be with him." She smiled. "Y'all are right for each other. They say that there's another half of you that's in someone else. You know, your perfect match, like a puzzle piece, it all goes together in harmony. Lexus, he's your other half, the fitting puzzle piece. Don't loose him."

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