Chapter 9.❤

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"I'm all packed." He said, then taking a deep breath. I watched as his eyes bounced back from his suitcase to his boarding pass, which was laying right on top.

"Good luck." I faked a smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'm flaying back with my mom in two days, but I'll still drive you to the air port." He just nodded, folding up the boarding pass, then pressing it into his pocket. His arms flexed as he picked up his heavy suitcase.

I noticed that he was getting more buff. And how his tattoos wrapped around his skin so beautifully. I admired them. His body was a beautiful canvas.

I followed him out of the room. Even the way he walked was different now. Everything about him seemed so sad. It gave me an uneasy feeling.

Momma was in the kitchen cooking. I could smell the chicken being fried, and hear the sound of the oil popping, then sizzling. The whole house smelled like fried chicken, but I liked it, I won't lie. On the stove was mashed potatoes and corn.

"Here Kirk." She hurried into the living room with a plate of food she had made prior. Chicken, baked macaroni and corn. "I don't want you hungry on the plane. Just eat a little, you haven't eaten in a while. Just a few bites, at least for me."

He took the plate out of her hand. She went on her tip-toes to kiss his forehead. Then patted his shoulder, giving him a half smile, as if saying it'll all be okay. When in reality, facts are facts, it didn't sound like it would end up being okay the way his mom worded the situation.

I wasn't sure if his mom called him again since this morning to tell him any updates, but the last I heard was that she was still in the coma, and only part of her brain was functioning, and not all the swelling went down, but there isn't anymore bleeding in her brain. Which is good. She'll be going back into surgery to repair her shoulder, which got dislocated, badly, it came out of the socket. The doctor said this was the last time for her in the O.R, hopefully. They saved her shoulder for last, the brain swelling and bleeding was higher priority.

I could tell how bad this was hurting Kirk emotionally, and I could connect. I felt the same way when my mom was in the hospital. It's a hard feeling to process, but me, growing up so use to that kinda pain, made it easier to process. But, it is always different when it's your mom, verses a friend or cousin.

All I wanted to do was to help him get through this. I want to just hold him, and let him know it'll all be okay, and that I love him, and won't do anything to hurt him. I don't know what it is, but I swear I feel the same pain he does, and in all honesty, I don't even like Queenie. But she was like a mother to Kirk, so I'm grateful he had her at all.

I know it was hard for his mom to raise three kids on her own. It's hard to raise one even with help. I didn't want to ever experience that.. Being a single mother.

But Kirk being the oldest, was like a father figure to his little brother, and I admired that about both of them. How he'd help him pick out clothes, gave him advise, and was a shoulder for him to cry on. Kirk even showed him how to play ball. He ended up on his high school team, varsity.

In my gut I had an awkward feeling about all of this, and I wasn't sure what it was. It was one of those feelings you get when a situation doesn't feel right, and it doesn't make sense. I don't know why I feel this way.... I hope it's a false alarm.

Kirk took a bite of chicken as I drove on to the highway. It was a three hour drive to Orlando. His flight was at 7. That was the only one he could get last minute.

I knew it was going to be a very quiet drive up. Every few minutes I looked over at him, and noticed him looking out the window at all the trees and other cars. I could see his reflection in the window, honestly, I didn't like what I saw, just pure sadness. It broke my heart.

His finger traced the dashboard, and he took heavy breaths. He started making tapping noises to fill the silence of the car.

"What me to put on music?" I asked. This was the first time we spoke since we got in the car.

"Yeah." He said quietly with a nod. I turned up the volume, and pressed play. I had a CD already in. Kendrick Lamar started playing. He pushed his head back into the head rest of the passenger seat. "Has it been three hours yet?" It sounded like he said it to himself.

"Almost." I looked over and smiled. He turned his head towards me. I could tell how anxious he was.

"I won't get there till late tonight." He sighed. "But I'll see her tomorrow morning."

"You know.." I almost didn't say anything. "You're beating yourself up. You're putting yourself into a slump. I know this is hard, but you're dwelling on it." He just nodded, with an 'mhm'. I knew he didn't want to hear it. "I'm sorry. I just don't like seeing you all depressed."

"You don't think you'd be depressed?"

"You're asking questions you already know the answer to." I peered at him out of the corner of my eye. He rubbed his eyes hard. "If you got something to say, you should say it." He turned his head to me.

"You don't seem to get how this is making me feel. You really expect me to be happy?"

"I don't expect it."

"Then what is it?"

"Youre taking what im saying the wrong way. I know how you feel, and i dont blame you for feeling this way. I'm just not use to seeing you like this." I felt my eyes get heavy with tears. "I'm sorry." A huge sigh escaped his chest.

"Don't." He said. An angry pitch in his voice. He rested his head on the head rest, closing his eyes. He rested there for a moment, taking loud deep breaths. He clenched his eyes tighter, when he released, a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Have you ever felt like you had no control? Like everything is gonna just crash around and burst into flames? Like nothing's going right?"

"Yeah." I said quietly. "A little too well.." I took the next exit leading to the airport. The tension in the air gave my chest a heavy feeling.

Kirk turned down the volume, and watched me as I drove. I could feel his eyes explore every inch of me. Though I was uncomfortable, I let him stare.

I pulled up to let him out of the car. I took his hand, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"I'll see you in a few days." I forced a smiled. He traced my jawline with his finger, moving his face close to mine. "I hope everything's okay. Call me when you land." I reached my hand up to his face, caressing his cheek with my thumb. He kissed my lips. At first softly, then more passionately. His hot tongue pressed against mine, sending chills down my spine. He gently bit my bottom lip as he eased out of the kiss. I could feel that my face was hot. I licked my lips, looking deep in his eyes.

"I'll call you, I promise." He smiled, but I could tell he was still sad, thinking about everything that's going on. He closed the door behind him. Then taking his luggage out of the back seat. He turned back to the car. I rolled down the window. "Lexus." He said. "I love you."

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