Chapter 11.♥

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(Still Kirk's POV)

I took a deep breath before I walked into the hospital room. I peeked in and saw Queenie laying there, seeming lifeless, it broke my heart. I had brought in some of her favorite flowers, Lavenders, they were also Lexus' favorite. Just a coincident. I placed them down on the night stand next to her bed. I walked over to the other side, and pulled up the chair closer to the bed and sat down.

"I'm here." I said, smiling, like she could actualy hear me. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'll make them pay... I promise." I picked up her lifeless hand into mine. "It hurts me seeing you like this." My heart felt heavy inside my chest. "You know.. I remember when i moved in with you for that month to get away from all the drama at home. You were always there for me, and I don't know how I could ever repay you." I wiped a tear from my eye. "I like to think that you're proud of me, I really hope you are. I made it to the top, you always told me i would make and i did. You also told me I'd probably never be the type to get married, unless i was truly in love. But in all honesty, I'm not sure if what I feel is love, you know.. I've never felt real love before." I raised her hand closer to my face. "Do you remember Lexus? You probably do, but you know how we moved in together? I think we've reached the point of being more than friends." I laughed a little. "Just like you predicted." I smiled. "A lot of the things you said happened. But the point is, I think I love her, the kinda love you use to tell me stories about. Were its not about sex, or physical attraction." I rolled my eyes. "It's sad that I've never said that before... It was always about that with me, but its different with her. I havent touched her like that, and its not like I don't want to, trust me, its more like im not in a rush, I want it to be special. I dont know Queenie, this is werid for me. I really wish you were awake right now so I could ask for advise.. Just to hear your wisdom. Momma don't wanna hear about it, she thinks I should still be with Jaida, but she dosent know anything about that relationship. Well, I did love Jaida, dont get me wrong, but it wasnt like this, like how I feel about Lexus, it was never this strong and powerful. It's taking over my whole brain, like its all I think about." I stood up and walked over to the window, opening it a little bit. I noticed a plane in the sky flying over the hospital, and all I could think about was Lexus, and how she would be flying in tomorrow. It brought a slight smile to my face. "Damn." I said to myself. "I really do love her huh?"

"Who?" I heard momma's voice, thinking it was Queenie for a second, my heart skipped a beat.

"No one ma." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm gonna go get sometihng to eat in the cafeteria, you want something?" She shook her head no.

"What is it about Lexus?" Sher said as I was about to leave the room. I stopped, and turned to face her. "What makes her so special? You know what kinda girl she is."

"What is that suppose to mean?" I gave her a dirty look.

"She's very.... emotionaly distressed. You know, depression and-"

"Look, she's taking care of herself, and im pretty damn sure if i had a life like she did growing up I'd be even worse. You should see her now, standing strong, she's doing good for herself, and honestly she's the best friend anyone could ever have. So what if she's sad sometimes, she's changed, Lexus isnt 16 anymore, c'mon!" I stormed out of the room. My whole body felt hot, I was pissed off. This is the first time I've been home in almost four years and this is what I get.

I decided to take the stairs and not the elevator. I figured it would give me more time to cool off. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I stopped after the next flight and took it out to check it. It was Lexus.

"Hey." I smiled when i picked up.

"Hey Kirk." I imagined her smiling on the other side of the phone. "I'm all packed for tomorrow, I'll be getting there at noon with my mom. Is everything okay with Queenie?"

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