Chapter 5.❤

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I was overwhelmed, but joyful, that Momma was here to visit. She was staying for three weeks.

I walked into my room, a huge smile on my face. Kirk was laying down on my bed, only in his boxers.

"I normally sleep naked." He said, smiling over at me. "But I decided it was too much for you."

"Yeah you right, I couldn't handle all that." I said sarcastically. I walked into my bathroom to wash my make up off and brush my teeth. I opened the medicine cabinet to get my toothbrush, when I closed it I seen Kirk's reflection in the mirror, he was standing at the threshold of the door. "Do you want something?" I asked.

"No." He responded.

"Why are you standing there then?" I turned to face him.

"I'm just admiring." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "I wanna move back to Houston." He spilled. "I was talking to Momma Ruthie. I miss home, I miss my mom, my sister, my brother, all my cousins. You gotta miss your family too."

"I missed my momma, but not anyone else in my family. I miss your family, I'll admit that." I started to brush my teeth, I wanted to avoid talking.

"I know you and your family have some issues-" I spit the toothpaste out quickly.

"Some?! ISSUES?! Oh no, it's not issues! It's wayyyy beyond issues. You remember my uncle Dario? My cousin shot and KILLED him. Half my damn cousins that are dead, died from either over dosing or getting shot or stabbed. My momma almost died in a drive by, and there was 'family' in the car. We are not a real family, we just happen to share the same blood. Family is suppose to love and except each other. You have that, I never did." He just stood there, with a blank face. He sorta looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, turning to walk away.

"Don't be-" I rushed out of the bathroom. "I shouldn't have exploded like that."

"I don't blame you for it, I would've done the same." He shrugged, laying down on my bed. He folded his arms behind his head. "You know, ya moms and I were talking in the car about the past. Reliving all them memories, that's really what makes me miss home. Just to be back with the family again." I sat down next to him, my hand resting on his stomach.

"What stories did she tell you?" I asked.

"They were all about us. She told me about the time I took you to a school dance and you got so excited you almost cried when you got home. I didn't know you was THAT excited. You played it off cool."

"I had to." I laughed, thinking back to the day he asked me. "Man, I had the biggest crush on you, but I didn't want you to know. So I made it seem like we was going as friends."

"Ruthie told me. She told me a lot of things actually." I looked at him strange. "She told me how you cried when I went to senior prom with Alicia, and how you wouldn't go cause you didn't want to see me with her. And how when your pops died I was the first person you asked for cause you needed someone to vent to. And how every night while you was living with ya aunt you prayed I'd come and pick you up so you wouldn't have to be there with her anymore."

"She told you all that?" My eyes filled with tears. He nodded.

"What was so bad about living with your aunt?" He asked.

"You try living with a slut." I mumbled. "Different guys everyday. It was hard to witness. She did for the money, she didn't care about anything else."

"Ruthie told me you didn't like living there cause of that, but there was something else too."

"And what was that?"

"You felt alone without me." He smiled. "You lived far away from me, you didn't like that. We were best friends, you felt like you had no one." I pouted.

"She said that?"

"Yeah I did." I heard my moms voice, I turned around to see her standing at the door. "I knew you'd never tell him anyways. We was reminiscing." She smiled. "He was the best thing that ever happened to you. You had him, always. And ima be honest, you didn't have a prayer growing up, but him and his family was there for you and pushed you along, gave you the guidance I couldn't. I hope you're as thankful for him as I am." She kissed my forehead. "I also told him about your sixteenth birthday wish." She winked.

"You did not!" I stood up quickly. She started laughing hysterically. "Momma really?!" I tired not to laugh.

"What was it?" He asked sitting up on the bed.

"She wished-"

"No stop!"


"ALRIGHT!! I won't tell!" She rolled her eyes at me.

My momma was a very tiny lady, she wasn't taller than five feet, with dreads the reached a little past her shoulders, but she always wore them up. On her wrist was a rasta bracelet she never took off. She was Jamaican and a fan of the Marley brothers. That's what she jams in her car. My dad was cape verdian and Italian, a light skinned dude. I got my dads color.

Later that night, after we finished talking about the past, it was time to call it a night. I gave my momma a kiss on the cheek and Kirk and I headed to bed.

I watched every movement his body made as he laid down on my bed, covering himself with my comforter. He turned on to his left side. I laid on my right side, so I know we'd be facing each other.

I normally slept in a big shirt and my panties. I was tempted to put on shorts, but I knew I'd be uncomfortable. I got over it and just took off my jeans, and put on my big shirt.

I crawled into bed next to him, laying down facing him. I avoided eye contact. He inched closer to me, his hand sliding past my hip and resting his hand on my lower back. He pulled me closer. My head rested in the crease of his neck. He kissed the top of my head.

"We should share beds more often." He said as my hands slid up his chest, my hands interlocked behind his neck. He reached his other arm under my head, then he pushed himself on top of me, rolling me on to my back. Both his hands cupped the sides of my face. He put his face close to mine, our noses touching. My nails trickled down his back, goosebumps appeared on his skin. "Can I ask you something?" He kissed me quickly before I answered.

"What is it?" I smiled up at him.

"Would you still try?"

"Excuse me?" I was confused.

"Now that I'm, you know, famous, would you try with me? Knowing how the media would react and all that. Would you still wanna try?" I laid there for a minute, my mind racing. I weighed out all the pros and cons of 'us'. I would happier than I ever been with him, but all the negative comments and hate would really get to me. Kirk would stand up for me though. He isn't always home, and we all know how these hoes are, trying to take your man. I'm so much of the jealous type too. But anything worth having is worth fighting for, and I was willing to fight.

"Yeah, defiantly." I finally said.

* sorry for any grammar errors !! Vote if you liked it, comments on what you think ! I'd appreciate it. ❤ Twitter : @asvpjay *

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