Chapter 17.♥

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Safe landing. 

Lexus pulled the key out of her pocket, unlocking the front door.

"It feels so good to be home." She mumbled to herself. "I'm so hungry." She made her way towards the kitchen, I noticed the way her hips swung when she walked, and how the curls bounced off the tops of her shoulders. Who knew a human could walk to gracefully like an angel. I sure as hell didn't. 

My first thought was to eat then knock out, I was tired, but mostly I just missed my bed. This is a two bedroom condo, I wasn't sure if we were still sleeping in separate rooms. We never really discussed it, and I'm not one to assume. The thought did bother me some, I have to admit. 

I plopped down my suitcase on top of my bed. My eyes wondered around my room, it's felt like years since I've been in here. Everyone was the same though, untouched, with the faint smell of my cologne. It brought a smirk to my face, this is home. My nose picked up a scent coming from the kitchen, it was a tuna melt, I wasn't too crazy about them, but I was so hungry, any perishable item was good at this point. 

"Babe!" I yelled out. "Can you make me one?" 

"You don't even like tuna Kirk." She said back, I looked out into the kitchen and saw her stairing back at me, one hand on her hip, shaking her head. "But if you really want one.." She rolled her eyes. 

"Love youuuu." I said playfully, bashing my eyelashes at her like a little kid. She started laughing. 

"Love you too bitch." She blew a kiss into the room. It brought a smile to my face. I felt like a little kid again. 


Her tears hit the floors like bullets. 

16 with problems an adult couldn't handle. 

What was I to do about it? 

I sat down next to her on my kitchen floor. She was living with us at the time, we all hoped it would be better for her, but at this point, there was nothing to gain, all she could really feel is pain. 

I didn't know how to react, I couldn't relate to what she was going through, honestly it was so many different things, I didn't know why she was even crying. 

I took her hand, interlocking her fingers with mine, she slid her body closer to mine. Her head rested on my shoulder,  I could hear her lips quiver, and the tears hit the floor. My heart dropped into my chest. 

I kissed her forehead. 

She kissed my shoulder. 

Her eyes were a light brown while she cried, I noticed, as she looked up at me. A tear fell off her cheek, her eyes just screamed sadness. Oh, how I hated it. 

She reached her lips up to my neck, softly planting her lips into my skin. Her soft breaths crawled upon my skin, leaving me goosebumps. My lips touched the tips of hers. She looked so deep into my eyes, I could feel it in my soul. Every little thing I once felt bad about, disapired. For a really quick moment in time, everything felt alright. Time stopped. The world around us froze. 

Her lips wrapped around my, fitting perfectly, and blissfully. My hand slid up her thigh, resting on her hip. She ripped her lips away from mine. 

"I'm sorry." She said, wiping her tears. "I shouldn't have.." As she started to stand up, I grabbed her wrist. 

"It's okay." I smiled up at her. "You can sit back down." She shook her head no, and I let go of her. I watched her as she walked away. 

That was the moment I realized how much she meant to me. We weren't just friends, we were more than friends. 

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