Chapter 6.❤

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I ended up falling asleep cuddled up in Kirk's arms. It felt so right to be with him, like I was mean to be there. Maybe I was just meant to be his. Was Kirk my other half? That one person God indented for me to be with? The missing puzzle piece? Who knew... But I was curios, that thought pondered my mind.

I woke up earlier than usual, but I decided to get up and start on a big breakfast for us all. Grits, hashbrowns, eggs, biscuits and bacon, momma's favorite.

I threw the biscuits in the over, then cracked some eggs into a pan. I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I smiled up at Kirk as he sat down at the island counter.

"Good Morning!" I chimed, placing the bacon on the skillet.

"You need help?" He asked, yawning. He was still only in his boxers. He rubbed his eyes, then did a big stretch.

"No thanks, I got it." I seasoned the hashbrowns. "Do you want orange juice or something?" He shook his head no.

"Thanks though." He stood up and walked towards me. "You look sexy when you cook." He planted a kiss on my shoulder, then tracked his lips up my neck. He had slid across my lower back.

"You're distracting me!" I giggled as he kissed behind my ear. "Come on!" He stood behind me, he pressed his body against mine.

"I'm sooo sorry." He whispered in my ear, but sounded sarcastic. He wrapped his arms around me, his head propped next to mine, he was looking down at me cooking. "This looks amazing." He kissed my cheek.

"You look amazing." I winked.

"Ohh! Stop flattering me." He joked.

"Mmhmm." I heard momma cough. I looked up to see her staring to us, one hand on her hip. Her face was serious, then broke out into a big smiled and a laugh. "Look at you two!" She pointed, sitting down. "Too cute." I could tell Kirk felt awkward, but I kinda did too.

"I'll make the tabel." He said into my ear. I just nodded at him.

I checked the oven and saw the biscuits were a golden brown. I took out the pan and placed in on the counter. I turned off the burners, giving the hashbrowns one last stir. Kirk handed me the plates so I could make them.

"You didn't have to make a big breakfast." Momma smiled as I handed the made plate to her. "We could have went out. I always wanted to try iHop." I rolled my eyes.

"We can go tomorrow, I'll take you." I faked a smile, I really didn't want to. I loved her to death, but whenever you take her out to eat somewhere she'll either order the whole menu or complain. But its my mom, I should be taking her out to eat.

"I'll be looking forward to it!" She said after she took a bite of her eggs.

I set down Kirk's plate infront of him. He smiled up at me, melting my heart.

"Thank you." He spoke. I just smiled.



I sat down on the floor in my closet.

"Lexus?" Her speak slurred. "Someone wants to meet you! He just wants to see you!" She was high as a kite.

I tried to stay as quiet and motionless as possible. I placed my head between my knees, I wrapped my arms around my legs. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"Lexus!! Be a good girl and come out here! He's a cutie too. You'll love him!"

"You can't find her?" His deep voice sent chills down my spine, they ripped through me like daggers. "Ima check the closet." I heard the hard steps his feet made, they vibrated the floor. He opened the door, and pulled me out by my hair. "Found her!" He was about 6' 3, muscular, very big man, dark skinned.

"She's all yours, but I want the money first." She demanded. He took out three 100 dollar bills, and a 50. "Alright, don't be too rough with her, she has school tomorrow." She smiled as she walked out the room, and slamming the door shut.

"Ain't you a pretty bitch." He smiled down at me devilishly.

"Nooo! Auntie Rose!" He threw me on the bed, and covered my mouth.

"You better shut ya damn mouth! One more scream that ain't my damn name, you'll get slapped!" His nostrils flared. "You got that bitch!?" I nodded yes, a tear from my eye. "Then you'll do what I say." He smirked.

All I could think was "help me Kirk."


Kirk was in the studio tonight and would be getting home late, so I was spending the night with momma watching old movies.

"I've been dying to ask but-" she cleared her throat. "Are you and Kirk together." I shrugged.

"Kinda Sorta." I said.

"What's the suppose to mean?"

"It's exclusive, but not official." I squinted. "You feel me."

"Wait. So y'all are talking but not dating, but you kinda are dating, just not officially yet, but almost?"

"Exactly!" I laughed, nudging her. "See, you understand me so well!" She rolled her eyes.

"I like him for you." She wrapped her fingers around my hand. "He's good to you, and good for you. I hope y'all go somewhere with this."

"Me too." I took a deep breath. "I really like him momma, I wanna be with him."

"I know he wants to be with you."

"We talked about it a little bit." I looked over at her. She gave me a look that told me to go on. "He wanted to know if I'd still try and start a relationship with him even though him being famous will interfere majorly."

"What did you say."

"I said I'd try, but-"

"No buts!" She said! Pinching my hand.

"Ouch! I was gonna say I'm nervous about it." She looked at me funny.

"Um why?"

"I've already gotten hate from his "fans" and it's only because we get seen places together. Imagine the hate I'd get for bein his girl." I sat there, my mind racing.

"You can't think like that. Who cares what they got to say! Ignore em, it's Bout you and Kirk not you and them. Don't let them ruin something good!"

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