Chapter 16.❤

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Today was the day we leave to go back to Miami. Honestly, I wanted to go home, and was happy that I was. Seeing the family was nice and all, but it's time to go back home. Drama free, stress free and Jaida free. Sounds great to me.

Our flight was at 11 a.m, right now it was 8:30. It was about an hour and a half drive to the airport from the hotel. I wanted to get to the airport early, maybe grab a bite to eat while we were waiting for the plain. I'd rather be early than late. I've always been like that.

Lexus was in the shower, and it seemed like she's been in there for an hour. What is it about woman? Always taking long showers. She's black, it's not like she can wash her hair everyday. You get in, wash up, and get out. Ten, fifteen minutes top, not an hour. But who am I to judge, we wouldn't be to Miami till tonight, I wouldn't want to wait that long to shower.

"Hurry up babe!" I called into the bathroom.

"I'm getting out right now! Sheesh." She yelled back, shutting off the water.

"Don't get all dressed up, we got to leave soon and we'll be on the plain for a few hours. Just throw your hair up and put on shorts." I walked into the bathroom as she dropped her towel. "Or you could go like that." I joked, walking up to the sink to brush my teeth.

"Shut up Kirk!" She laughed. "I'm gonna hurry up. I already laid out an outfit. Ima wear leggings and a white shirt with my toms."

"That sounds good to me." I smiled. "Put some clothes on punk."

"OK daddy." She winked, then boasted out laughing. "That feels so weird to say." She turned to face me. She took a deep breath in "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything."

"What is it about me? I'm not like the other girls you've been with."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I chuckled. "You're ten times better than any girl I've ever dated. C'mon girl, you know that." She pouted out her bottom lip.

"Really?" She blushed.

"Yes really. And when it comes down to it, you've always been here for me, through the good and the bad. When no one else had my back, you did. You always come through. And you have a good sense of humor, you're honest, sweet, and on top of that you're beautiful. I'm glad I know somebody like you."

"Awe." She said, smiling hard. "That's so sweet." 

"It's true." I said, kissing her on her forehead. "Hurry up please, I wanna get the hell outta Dallas."


I seen my mom last night, as well as my sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. We had sort of a going away party, food and liquor, it was a decent night.

Lexus, sadly, doesn't have much of a family, and felt awkward going with me last night because of my mom. Everyone asked where she was, and I told them she wasn't feeling well. I could tell it bothered her, how big and close my family was, and how small and distant hers was.

She always spoke about starting a family of her own. A husband, children, and be to happy together. It sounded nice and all, but life isn't what it seems. Think about it, what if I'm the man she marries and had children with? We'd be happy, but my mom would be a huge part of our lives. And at this moment, that's not what she wants. Hopefully my mom grows out of whatever she's going through, because I want her to accept the fact that I'm with Lexus, and I'm happy with her. I want her to be happy for me.. Ya know?

It's hard for me to think my own mom isn't happy for me. I'm happy, and I know that's what matters most, but my moms opinion is still relevant. Call me a momma's boy, but I'm serious. I hate that she doesn't approve. I honestly don't get why she doesn't in the first place, Ive never been this happy. Maybe it's cause I've changed, love changes people. I'm more laid back, and calm, not the crazy, outgoing, wild nigga I use to be. I can't see why my own mother wouldn't like that. All of this doesn't make sense.

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