Chapter 13.❤

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I walked out to the back porch and saw Lexus sitting there in the chair, she was watching the clouds in the sky, at least that's what it looked like.

"It's so weird..." I sat down next to her. "I never thought I'd come back." She looked over at me, her eyes teary. "Too many bad memories Kirk."

"I know.." I took her hand, wrapping my fingers around hers. "You can't think of your past right now, all that is dead and gone.. Things have changed."

"Yeah I know, but the memories still hurt." I took my thumb, wiping the tear off from under her eye. "So many bad things happened to me here, not just in this house, just this city in general. I moved away with you to leave all this behind me."

"Then why'd you come back? You could have stayed home.." She got out of her seat, I took her hips and sat her on my lap. "You gonna answer my question?"

"Because of you." She said, resting her head on my shoulder. "I came back for you, I know you need me right now, I know this whole situation is hard for you. I'm trying to be strong for you, but it's hard." I kissed her forehead.

"I do need you right now.." She looked up at me, her face had sad written all over it. It made me a little sad, but I felt like I had to be strong at this moment for her. "Let's change the subject." I smiled down at her. "What's the surprise?" She lifted herself off of my lap, motioning me to follow her, and that's exactly what I did. We walked up the stairs, into her room. She opened her suitcase, pulling out what looked like a big book.

"I'm not sure why I called it a surprise, but I think you'll still like it." She shrugged one shoulder, she sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to her, saying to sit down next to her. "It's a scrapbook, kinda.." She opened it. It was full of letters, and pictures of us and our families when we were young, all before we were 18. Honestly, it brought a smile to my face. "My mom found all these in a box when she was remodeling my room. She gave them to me when she came to visit, so I put it all together in a book. I know it's not the best surprise, but it means a lot to me."

I noticed one picture of us, we had to be about 14 or 15, dirty clothes, our hair a mess, but we looked so happy. Even though our childhoods were rough, we found some kind of happiness in each other. I went to her when I had no one, and she did the same with me. We've always had a connection. She's one of the only people in this world that I trust. I knew deep down that i've loved her, even since then.

I thought about it more, about what love really was, it had nothing to do with a dozen roses, or a box of chocolates, it was the connection that two people have, and the things they experience together that draws them closer. That's why love is different for everyone, we all don't go through the same things together, we all love for different reasons. I love her because she's her, trustworthy, smart, funny, kind-hearted, always there when you need her, and honest, her being attractive is just a plus. It made me wonder a little bit about why she loved me. What made me so special in her eyes?

I flipped through the pages of the scrapbook. I saw pictures of us, my mom and I, my family, her family, pictures of her mom when she was younger. In the back, she taped letters that she wrote, she told me they were diary pages she had ripped out. I read one to myself:

March 15, 2006

" ...Some days are harder than others, and even though everyday is a struggle, I somehow get through it. And I know it has something to do with Kirk. He's the only real friend I've ever had, the only person I can trust to know my secrets.. The only one who really cares anymore. I gave up on myself, I never loved myself, but he did.. He loved me, and believed in me, and I'm not sure why, no one else did. I'm not even sure why he sticks around.. It's not like I'm beautiful like all the girls he talks to, I'll never be that...... How does he do it? Smile everyday? Be happy? Just laugh... Why is he so happy? I can't go through a day without crying. I wish I was as strong as him.... "

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