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POV-: Luna Becky (Zavey's mom)

As a mother, you all have some things you have to keep from your children to protect them, to give them a better life and so many sacrifices are made just to put a smile on their faces. I just wanted a chance to do that but it wasn't going to last forever. We knew this day would come and it wasn't going to be easy.

Me:we are sorry for keeping all this from you baby.
Me: I need to lay down and think about all this, may I be excused.
Dad: yeah, go lay down baby.

As soon as she goes upstairs, I look at my husband and let all this pain take over. I start to cry, knowing that we won't be able to see her everyday for dinner, every weekend on the sofa watching TV, her going out with her friends. This was all just painful for me. My husband comes and hugs me.

Him: it's going to be alright honey.
Me: Will she forgive us for what we did?
Him: she can never stay angry at you for long.
Me: okay, let's go to bed.
Him: okay, let me give a call to the Diamond HQ and tell them we are ready.
Me: okay.

The next morning 🌞

POV-: Zavey

I open my eyes as l feel the coldness of my floors making contact with my skin. I sit up as I remembered about last night's talk with my parents. So I'm a diamond, I have powers and I'm moving to another world with people like me. How bad can it be, I just have to control the powers and I will come back home. And all this will be over. I get up and get ready for my day. I'm not going to school today, I need to find out more information about this diamond thing and when I'm going. The sooner the better.l go downstairs and join my parents for breakfast. My mom's eyes were swollen and red. She looks like she's the one in much more pain than any of us and it breaks me seeing her like this.

Me: good morning mom and dad.
Dad: you are up early today, it 7:00 am
Me: yes, I wanted to join you for breakfast and ask if there is a book that can tell me more about the diamonds.
Mom: Are you okay sweetie?, why do you want to do all this?
Me: because I'm a diamond mom and I don't blame you for keeping all this from me, you where trying to protect me. I just want to make sure I control my powers sooner,so everything can go back to normal.
Dad: now that's the spirit, there are some books in my office. You also have to go shopping for a few things you will need.
Me: why am I going shopping now?
Mom: because you are going to be joining the other diamonds at the Diamond under world tomorrow.
Me: that's so soon ( kinda shocked)
Dad: like you said Zavey, the sooner the better, now we have to get to work.
Mom: we are eating out for dinner so get ready at 7 pm.
Me: okay, have a nice day (hugging them)
Them: you too, we love you.
Me I love you too.

I see them walk to the door then they left  and I make my way to my dad's home office. I get in and close the door behind me. I should have asked him what the book looks like because most of them look alike. I start to look for the book and it didn't take me time because it looked a little different. I take it from the shelf and sit down on the floor as I started reading. It was like a manual of how the diamonds worked and how many are they. It didn't give me the information  I wanted so I took it to my room because I'm going to need it when I go to the Diamond world.

I got ready for the shopping and drove myself to the mall. I got my favorite snacks, some new clothes, new books and school stuff. By the time I was done, it was already lunch so I get some food at KFC then went home. I started packing and in no time I was done. I pick up my phone to check if there's anything new only to find so many missed calls from Lis and Vius. So I group call them.

On the call.............

Vius: you know you should call us or text us if you're not coming to school Vey right?
Me: I forgot, I'm sorry
Lis: why didn't you come to school today?
Me: I had a headache.
Vius: Are you okay now?, did you go see the doctor?
Me: I just took some pills so I think I'm going to be fine.
Lis:, You know you own us another lunch date right?
Me: I knew you were going to bring that up.
Lis: we can do it tomorrow.
Vius: your coming to school right Vey?
Me: yeah, tomorrow sounds good.
Them: great
Vius: so see you tomorrow morning Vey.
Lis: yeah and don't be late.
Me: okay bye
Them: bye

And then I end the call. I should have told them about the powers, but something inside of me was saying I should keep it to myself. Like a little human inside of my body and I don't know if I should follow what it says or I should follow what I want and say.

7:30 pm...........

So we got to the restaurant and got our table at the VIP section were it was so classy and peaceful. We sit down and order some drinks for now and then food later.

Mom: so Zavey, did you tell your friends about all this?
Me: no I didn't .
Dad: That's a good move sweetie, don't tell anyone.
Me: what am I going to say when I don't show up to school?
Mom: we are going to tell their parents that you went to boarding school.
Me: ohh okay, can I go to the bathroom?
Mom: sure sweetie.

I get up as soon as she says that and make my way to the bathroom. I actually don't want to use the bathroom but I didn't want to show the pain I'm feeling to my parents. It's been so long with Vius and Lis, now I just have to throw all that away. I got to the bathroom and lock the door and sit on the floor as I break down.
This is all just too much now and trying to be strong is getting harder and harder.

Someone: Crying is a sign of weakness.( Says with the deep voice )


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