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#(your not going crazy, I live inside of you)
Me: For how long?
( Since forever, I couldn't help you in the human world but I can help you now)
Me: what are you first of all?
( I'm the spirit of your diamond, I can communicate with you and give you heads up if something bad wants to happen. I also just have normal talks with you)
Me: Do the others have this?
( Yes, everyone has a diamond spirit and also you don't have to say things out loud if you want to talk to me like what you are doing right now)
Me: so we can talk from the inside of my body?
(Yes, now go back to class, you will miss out on a lot)#

I get up from the ground and make my way to the bathroom first to clean my makeup and then make my way to the class. When I got to the door, that guy was standing outside. It seemed like he was waiting for me. I get to the door and look him in his eyes as I remembered how red and scary they looked that day, they were red now but it was so dark but it didn't shake me at all.After that talk with my spirit, I'm not afraid of him. The spirit said he won't harm me.

Me: it's good to see you again.
Him: you're afraid of me, right Zavey?
Me: No, not at all.
Him: well you should be.
Me: And why is that?
Him:( his eyes turn into that light red) because I can end you life within a second.
Me: I dare you to try that.

He looks at me for a very long time then walks away. I take a dip breath before walking into class and the bell rings. So I just missed my first class?, all because of that boy. The teacher makes her way to me as I was still standing by the door.

Teacher: Detention for you and your friend.( Handing me a card)
Me:  wait why am I having detention?
Teacher: you ran out without informing anyone and then show up just after the class Miss Becky.
Me: I can explain what happened.
Teacher: you don't need to explain, just join Samuel in detention.

She walks out. First day and I'm already in detention. I walk out of the class and Chelsy was waiting for me at the door.

Chelsy: You didn't tell me that you knew Samuel.
Me: who's Samuel?
Chelsy: Samuel Albon,  child of Mr and Mrs Albon. He is the second 4X diamond in this school and he has;
1. Healing
2. Fire
3. Controlling
4. Shifting
as powers. A lot of girls go crazy for him but I think Nathaniel is much better. So tell me about you guys.
Me: There is nothing about us.
Chelsy: if you say so, now let's go eat.
Me: I can't, I have detention.
Chelsy: I will take you there.
Me: okay



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So she takes me to the detention room and there was no one so I was glad to have the whole room to myself

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So she takes me to the detention room and there was no one so I was glad to have the whole room to myself. I take a sit and pull out the diamond manual form my bag and I start reading. Time pass by and I was only left with 30 minutes to leave. I started to feel like I wasn't alone, like someone else was right beside me.#( Your not alone, his very close Zavey and his more powerful. Freeze him)#

Voice: Don't even try it.
Me: show yourself.

The guy from the restaurant bathroom shows up, and he was just right next to me. Okay..... What's going on. First it was that Samuel guy from the library and now it's him.

Him: where did you get that?
Me: I'm not going to share any information to a guy that drugged me in a restroom and left.
Him: I didn't know smoke affects you and I don't really care if you tell me or not.

He walks back to the back of the classroom and disappears again. I wonder what his powers are. How can he just appear from nowhere. The bell rings and Samuel didn't show up for detention like he was supposed to but who cares. I walk out and Chelsy was at the door waiting for me. She gives me a big smile and attacks me with a big hug.

Chelsy: I'm glad you're okay and that your detention is over.
Me: why are you glad, it's not like something happens in that room. It's just sitting and relaxing.
Chelsy: That's because you got lucky today. Detention is not as it seems like. And it's good you where the only one there.
Me: You're making it sound like detention is a mini hell Chelsy.( walking in the hallway)
Chelsy: A lot of killings and fights happen there. So that room has many blood types on the floor and everywhere else. They clean it but it can never change the fact that people are killed in there.
Me: So why doesn't the Headmaster or the government do anything about this?
Chelsy: with no proof, they can't do anything. Now enough about this, let's go have some fun.
Me: Not today Chelsy, I'm going to have my 4X training. I need to connect to my other powers.
Chelsy: okay, but if you ever need a person to talk to or go out with then I'm your girl.
Me: okay, bye.
Chelsy: bye.

I get to my room, take a shower and get dressed in my training clothes. I grab my phone and head out. It took me a while to get to the training area because I really didn't know where it was. When I arrive, there was no one. The time table did say 14:30 and it was now 14:48...... Could I have missed it?, that's impossible. I take a sit and wait.


I was so bored. Why isn't anyone showing up?. I decide to start training by myself because no one else seemed like they were going to show up. I walk to the river that was close and sit by the end of it. The diamond manual said if you want to control ice powers, you need to be calm and relaxed. I close my eyes and relaxed then I touched the water. I can't explain how it feels but I felt like I was in the clouds and it felt magical.

Someone: You can ice?!( Shocked)

I look back and that Samuel guy was shocked with what I had done. I was also shocked because I had frozen the whole river. I just used my powers for a second and the river is now an ice-skating ring. I finally got up and looked at him to answer his question.

Me: Yes, I can ice.
Samuel: impressive but that's nothing to what I can do.
Me: What can you do?
Samuel: I burn ( his eyes lit up)
Samuel:4X baby (with pride)

He looks at the ice river I had made and melted it. It started boiling, killing all the living animal inside of it. He can't do that, I just froze them not boil them.

Me: stop!
Samuel: Make me

I grab his arm and he pushes me away. And that made something inside me snap. I get up and looked into his eyes. His eyes start to change, it looked like something was draining his powers. He collapsed and I ice the river again then I start to drag him to that doctor place I once went to ,which was going to be a long way because this guys body is well built and I don't think I will make it. But then I notice him. He was here all along.


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