Insert 12💎

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I got to the kitchen and luckily he buys food. If it was Octavius then it would have been another story. I look around the kitchen trying to spot all the things I need to make this meal, when I spotted something. It was a mark that I had seen before but I couldn't remember. I ignore the mark then start cooking. After a while he came back with a confused look on this face and to be honest it was cute.

Samuel: I thought I told you to leave.
Me: (checking my pots) you did but I don't know how to get home from here, so I decided to stay over.
Samuel: for the night?
Me: yes ( looking at him)
Samuel: okay then I will be going out with my friends.
Me: okay but only after food, I'm almost done.

He doesn't say anything after that, he just took a sit on the breakfast table in the kitchen and looked at me. I looked away but I could still feel his eyes on me which was driving me crazy. When Nigel looks at me I see love and his such a good guy but something inside of me calls out to Samuel and I think he feels it too.

I finish up cooking, set the table and joined Samuel. He kept on looking at my food and then his food but not eating. I start to eat but he stops me.

Samuel: I want your plate of food.
Me: okay, but we are eating the same thing. (changing plates)
Samuel: I know.

He starts to eat and he kept on looking at me. He had a shocked look on his face and I could tell it was about the food. My grandma was the best cook, same as my mom so in runs in the blood.

Samuel: Are you sure you cooked this?
Me: yes, you where in the kitchen with me.
Samuel: yeah but what if you used your powers to stop time again and then you went out and bought this, made time run again and pretended that you were cooking.
Me: ( laughing) that is the most crazy est explanation I have ever heard.
Samuel: that's all I could think of because how can you cook such a delicious meal.
Me: cooking is my secret power.
Samuel: a diamond with 5 powers, what should we call this person?
Me: 4X plus
Samuel: nice name, that could work.
Me: yeah, so are you still made at me?
Samuel: not anymore but you own me a wish , of anything I want.
Me: okay, I could work with that.
Samuel: so explain everything from the start now.
Me: okay so........

I explain everything that happened and we start talking about things and I was Linda getting to know him better. People say he doesn't talk to a lot of people, Chelsy thinks he talks to me because we both have the same power. Which is not a bad thing. I cleaned up the kitchen and then join Samuel in the living room.

Samuel: are you staying for the night?
Me: yeah, I can't go back to my room because it's too late now.
Samuel: right so I guess I won't be going out,let's watch a movie?
Me: yeah.

He puts on a movie, switches off the lights and grabs a little blanket then he covered both our bodies. The movie went on and on but I was falling asleep. I  try to keep my eyes opened but it was useless. I just gave in and fell asleep.

POV~ Samuel

I watch her as she fell asleep on my shoulder and wait for a while before I switch off the TV. I carry her to my room and gently place her on the bed. I covered her and to my surprise she didn't wake up. I sit on the bed as I saw her sleep. She looked beautiful, like the moon at night............ I will make sure you come to me and not Nigel. I promise you that.

The next morning.......
POV- Zavey

Voice: do what I told you to do.
Me: who's there? (Trying to open my eyes but failing)
Voice: go to my house Xhelsy!!
Me: where is the house?
Voice: people are going to die if you don't go sooner!!!!!!

I open my eyes and I was met by a worried look on Samuel's face. He helps me sit up and gave me a glass of water.

Samuel: good morning
Me: morning ( handing back the glass)
Samuel: you had a nightmare?
Me: yeah , umm I need to go back home now.
Samuel: umm yeah sure, let me drop you off.
Me: sure, I will just freshen up a bit.
Samuel: I will be downstairs.

He walks out and I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I washed my face and looked in the mirror as the voice kept on playing in my head. I really need to go back now. I walk out of the bathroom and went downstairs, grabbed my bag and then took my phone. Nobody had left a message for me, even Nigel didn't see the one I sent him. Samuel grabs the keys and we walk out and he drives me to my building. When we arrived he took my hand and held it. I looked at him, trying to understand what he was trying to do.

Samuel: Zavey if you ever want to talk or need a shoulder to cry on then I'm just a call away.
Me: I won't forget that.
Samuel: let me walk you in.
Me: sure, let's go.

We get out of the car and walk in. He walked me to the elevator and when it opened I received the shock of my life. Nigel was kissing some other girls and they stopped when they saw me. He was cheating on me. I step back a little trying to really believe what I just saw.

Nigel: Zavey it's not what it looks like. I don't even know how I got here.( Stepping close to me)
Me: don't come close to me. (I say with my voice breaking down)
Nigel: please princess just hear me out.
Me: Samuel can you take me out of this place.
Samuel: sure, let's go.
Nigel: No,no,no, you can't go.....( He takes a deep breath) it's over?, your just giving up on us? ( with a high voice)
Me: Yes it's over Nigel and I'm not the one that gave up but it's you that cheated.

We start to walk to the door when we saw Nathaniel standing not far from us. He walks to us and stands right in front of Samuel.

Nathaniel: I couldn't really figure out who exactly took after him but now I know.
Samuel: it's obviously you.
Nathaniel: look in the mirror Samuel, like father like son.

He walks away and I could tell that whatever Nathaniel said moved something inside Samuel. We walk to his car and we go back to his house, we got there and I came out but he didn't come out.

Me: let's go inside.
Samuel: You go inside, I need to go somewhere.
Me: okay but can you bring me a few things from my place later.
Samuel: sure, now go inside.
Me: okay

I walk into the house and as soon as I closed the door, I heard him drive away. I set down in the living room and started thinking about what happened earlier today.

#( you know you can move on right?)
Me: I feel like you never liked him.
( It's not that but I always feel like something was blocking him)
Me: what do you mean?
( I can't explain it but he is stopping his diamond spirit from doing things)
Me: bad things or good?
( I don't know)
Me: ohh okay, but he kinda broke me, why would he cheat?
( It's not that deep)
Me: why do you say so?
( Because he's not your diamond soulmate)
Me: wait what's that?
( Diamond people have soulmates in both worlds. It depends on which one really has an effect on you)
Me: then why didn't you stop me from dating Nigel if we could never last??
( Because you seemed happy with him)
Me: well now I'm not happy and all I'm left with are memories. ( getting worked up)
#( I'm sorry)
Me: stop talking, I need to think.
( Yes Zavey)#

I can't believe we were just playing with each other's time. A tear escaped from my eyes. I wipe it off but more came out. I just didn't expect Nigel to cheat on me.


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