second Chances

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Sometimes when a person hurts you, they make you feel very bad and that you don't even want to see them.

It's normal...

But That person may do two things when the friendship or relationship ends

•In this case, the first would be to ignore you, hate you or make offensive comments

¿But why exactly does he/she do it?

-Because since they know that you are not going to be with her/him again, it makes them angry

-Oh just because they are like that, it has no point

-Nowadays it is better to ignore and avoid these people if that person did a lot of horrible things without repenting at the time or asking for forgiveness

In the other version, the person would feel depressed or truly sorry, they do not have the need to dedicate offensive videos to you or insult you, it takes about two days for those people to understand that it is over.

¿But why don't they attack or hate you?

-Currently, these types of people may not have realized at the time that they were doing you a lot of harm, even if you don't think about it, you should even warn them and explain to them what they are doing

-These people will try to move on with the people they have left, they usually think about why they said or did in the past, bad things that they would like to erase.

-In this case, the solution would be divided into two sides

1- Don't be their friend again, just an acquaintance, don't treat them cruelly and if you don't like that person like before, nothing happens.
It is not necessary to talk to that person, at least let them know that they are forgiven.

2- If you trust second chances!, you can give them a second chance to see if they are really trying to change, not only for you, but for themselves too,
Not only does the apology last 1 day, you have to see if that person is calm, does not say anything bad to you, is not bad and is willing to help you for longer

In these options you can choose one, if you think that is the best, it is not mandatory nor will it make you a bad person for wanting to do it your way

It is not good to have resentment and hatred and be like that with friends and in public, it makes you the bad person with the problem.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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