c h a p t e r 5

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From his vantage point near the stables, Gaurav watched in silence as Vikram expertly released an arrow, its flight striking the target with pinpoint accuracy. The Maharaj had chosen to practice archery in the palace yards, a new skill among the many he sought to master.

Having promised Parwati an audience with the king, Gaurav had spent two whole days meticulously searching for a window of opportunity to approach Vikram alone. Aware that any attempt to speak with the Maharaj in the presence of his guards or royal advisors would likely be met with denial, Gaurav had resorted to discreetly spying on the king's movements.

Now, as Vikram stood alone in the courtyard, Gaurav knew that the king often dismissed his guards and Vaibhav, his trusted minister, during his archery practice or horse rides. Summoning all his courage, Gaurav stepped out of the shadows and approached the Maharaj, who, unlike his usual regal attire, was adorned in simple garments.

"Maharaj?" Gaurav spoke up tentatively.

Vikram released another arrow before turning around, his gaze scanning the guard who had interrupted his practice. "Yes?" he responded, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

"I apologize for the interruption, but what I have to say to you cannot wait" Gaurav apologized, his tone earnest as he explained.

Frowning with suspicion, Vikram gestured for him to continue. "Go on, what is it?" he prompted, his interest piqued.

But before Gaurav could speak further, Vaibhav approached them, his expression questioning as he addressed Vikram. "Vikram, Devi Ma has returned from her trip," he announced, his gaze flickering briefly to Gaurav.

"Where is she?" Vikram inquired, his attention shifting immediately to his mother's whereabouts.

"In her chambers, waiting for you," Vaibhav replied promptly.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Vikram set aside his bow, preparing to depart. However, he hesitated as he glanced back at Gaurav, sensing the urgency in the guard's demeanor. Determining that his mother's presence could not be delayed, he delegated the task to Vaibhav. "Vaibhav, hear this guard out on my behalf" he instructed, before swiftly making his way to meet his mother, leaving Gaurav feeling dismayed and uncertain.

"Who are you?" Vaibhav questioned, scrutinizing Gaurav with a squinted gaze.

"I'm Gaurav, one of the dungeon guards" he replied, feigning innocence.

"Are you not aware that you're not allowed to approach the king on your own?" Vaibhav continued to scrutinize him, suspicion evident in his expression.

Gaurav offered a feigned apology, "Oh, I'm sorry. I did not know."

Unconvinced, Vaibhav pressed on, "What were you saying to the Maharaj?"

Feeling the need to be truthful now that reaching the king directly was no longer an option, Gaurav confessed, "I just wanted to inform Maharaj that, Rajkumari Parwati has requested a fair trial."

"Rajkumari Parwati?" Vaibhav snorted dismissively. "She's a lost cause now. Vikram would never hear her out."

"But-" Gaurav began.

"Listen, Gaurav" Vaibhav interrupted, offering a piece of advice as he patted Gaurav's shoulder. "You seem like a good guard, so I'll tell you this once; stay away from that woman, and do not approach the king again, especially in her stead." With that, Vaibhav walked away, leaving Gaurav with a sense of disappointment.


As Vikram entered Devi Ma's chambers, he was greeted by the sight of her unpacking her bag and carefully arranging clothes in the intricately carved wardrobe. The room exuded an aura of tranquility, with soft lighting casting a warm glow over the richly decorated furnishings and embroidered tapestries adorning the walls.

"Ma, why don't you have the servants help you?" Vikram suggested, bending down to touch her feet in a traditional gesture of respect.

"Did you just call me old?" Devi Ma teased, her eyes twinkling with playful mischief as she offered him her blessings.

"Are you not?" Vikram retorted with a grin, joining in the light-hearted banter.

"Hmm, not until I become a grandmother" Devi Ma replied with a chuckle, as Vikram graciously took the clothes from her hands and carefully placed them in the wardrobe. "Which reminds me of this" she continued, reaching into her bag and pulling out a small red cloth.

Curious, Vikram watched as his mother settled onto the plush couch, inviting him to join her. Devi Ma delicately unfolded the small red cloth, revealing a set of fine embroidery. "Clothing for your firstborn, blessed by the priests of the Shiva temple I visited" she explained, her voice carrying a hint of reverence.

Vikram's expression soured slightly. "Ma, please don't start with this marriage thing again" he implored, a note of exasperation creeping into his tone.

"Why shouldn't I, Vikram? What's so bad about marriage?" Devi Ma countered, her gaze gentle but insistent.

"You say that as if I haven't been married before" Vikram replied through gritted teeth, his jaw clenching with tension.

"Vikram, that was the past. You have to move on" Devi Ma urged, her voice filled with maternal concern."You are king now, and the king needs an heir. If not for yourself, think about your kingdom" she reasoned, attempting to appeal to his sense of duty.

Vikram's fists tightened, a silent testament to his inner turmoil. He despised anyone reminding him of his obligations, especially his mother. Sensing his conflict, Devi Ma gently took his hand in hers, coaxing his fingers open.

"No need to get so worked up about it, son" she reassured him, her touch soothing. "I just worry about you sometimes."

"Well, you don't need to, Ma. I'm not a kid anymore," Vikram retorted, his tone defensive.

"I know," Devi Ma replied softly, enfolding Vikram in a warm embrace as he reluctantly leaned into her shoulder. "But no matter how old or big you get, you'll always be my little boy, my little Viki," she added, a tender smile gracing her lips.


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