c h a p t e r 13

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In the serene ambiance of the gazebo, Vikram sat enveloped in the soft murmurs of Vaibhav, who was diligently listing the names of potential brides, each one carefully chosen by his mother. The gentle rustling of leaves and distant chirping of birds added to the serenity of the setting. Yet, Vikram's attention wandered, irresistibly drawn to Parwati's graceful presence nearby. Engrossed in her task of drying and crushing red chillies, she moved with an ethereal charm, her delicate motions effortlessly capturing his focus and overshadowing Vaibhav's words.

As if attuned to his gaze, Parwati glanced up, locking eyes with Vikram, causing her to momentarily falter and almost lose grip of the hefty pestle she wielded. Quick to react, Gaurav, her vigilant guardian, reached out, steadying her with a firm grip on her arm.

"Be careful, Parwati," Gaurav admonished gently, a hint of concern in his voice. "That pestle and mortar probably weighs more than you."

"Thank you, I will" Parwati replied, her cheeks flushing with both embarrassment and gratitude as she thanked him, and adjusted her hold on the cumbersome tool, determined to proceed with more caution.

Observing the subtle interaction between Parwati and Gaurav, Vikram's jaw tensed, an unsettling feeling creeping over him at the realization of their apparent familiarity. Had Parwati invited Gaurav to address her by name, or had he taken such liberties without her consent? The questions churned in Vikram's mind, fueling his annoyance.

Shaking his head to dispel the unwelcome thoughts, Vikram shifted his attention back to Vaibhav, who continued to recite names from the list of potential brides. As Rajkumari Shivani of Sudhaghar was proposed, Vikram's response was curt and decisive.

"She will suffice. Dispatch the marriage proposal to her kingdom" he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

With a terse farewell to Vaibhav, Vikram departed, eager to distance himself from the unsettling thoughts that plagued him. Since the evening he had shared a meal with Rajkumari Parwati, she had stubbornly occupied his thoughts, a distraction he could ill afford in his pursuit of building a lasting legacy. Scolding himself for his lack of focus, Vikram strode back into the palace, making a conscious effort to avoid glancing at Parwati as he passed by.

Parwati's gaze lingered on the Maharaj's retreating figure as he strode past her without so much as a glance in her direction, a pang of disappointment tugging at her heart. Despite catching his eyes on her just moments before, he now seemed intent on ignoring her presence altogether.

"He's quite the sight, isn't he, the Maharaj?" Divya's voice, soft and wistful, drifted over Parwati's shoulder, accompanied by a heartfelt sigh.

Parwati turned to her friend, blush creeping up her cheeks. She had forged a deep bond with Divya over the past week, their friendship blooming amidst the bustling kitchen activities. In this vast palace, Divya had become her confidante, her sole companion aside from Gaurav, who had taken on the role of a protective older brother.

Divya nudged Parwati's shoulder playfully, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes. "You know, now that I think about it, you both would make a stunning pair."

Parwati's cheeks flushed even deeper at the teasing remark. "Stop it, Divya. We need to finish before Gayatri Ma comes looking for us."

But Divya wasn't one to relent easily. "Oh my god, look at that blush!" she exclaimed with delight. "Tell me, Rajkumari, do you fancy him?"

"Divya—" Parwati began, but her protest was interrupted by Vaibhav's sudden appearance, his authoritative tone breaking the momentary tension.

"Don't linger too long in the sun, ladies" Vaibhav cautioned, his gaze lingering a tad too long on Divya before he continued on his way, scrolls in hand.

Noticing Divya's lingering gaze as she watched him depart, Parwati couldn't resist turning the tables on her friend "He's quite handsome, isn't he, the Minister?" Parwati remarked with a sly smile.

"What? No—" Divya started to deny, but Parwati cut her off, mimicking her earlier enthusiasm. "Oh my god, look at that blush! Tell me, Divya, do you like him?"

"Rajkumari, it's not like that" Divya protested, her cheeks now matching Parwati's in their rosy hue.

"Sure" Parwati replied teasingly, her laughter echoing through the courtyard as they resumed their tasks, the playful banter lightening the atmosphere around them.


As Vikram sat immersed in his work within the confines of his study, the tranquility was abruptly shattered by the arrival of his mother, Devi Ma. Her entrance was accompanied by an air of urgency, her voice filled with palpable excitement as she broached the topic that had evidently been weighing heavily on her mind.

"Is it true!?" Devi Ma's words tumbled out in a rush, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Did you truly ask for Rajkumari Shivani's hand?" she pressed, her tone betraying a mixture of hope and curiosity.

Setting aside his pen and the document he had been labouring over, Vikram met his mother's gaze with a solemn nod, confirming the truth of her inquiry.

"Oh, Vikram, you don't know how happy you've made me" Devi Ma exclaimed, her joy overflowing as she placed a hand over her heart, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

Attempting to temper her enthusiasm, Vikram offered a pragmatic reminder. "I'm the one who's getting married Ma, and that's only if the kingdom of Sudhaghar accepts the proposal" he cautioned, his tone tinged with a hint of reservation.

But Devi Ma waved off his concerns with a dismissive gesture, her confidence unwavering. "Mera beta, rishta bheje or koi mana karde? Aisa ho hi nahi sakta" she asserted casually, her faith in Vikram standing evident.

[ Translation : "No one can deny my son's proposal. Surely they will accept" ]

With a mixture of exasperation and affection, Vikram watched as his mother indulged in her moment of delight. "Ma!" he groaned, running a hand down his face.

"Shush, let an old lady be happy now," she chided gently, then gasped "Oh my god, I should get some sweets prepared, tomorrow. This calls for a celebration, yes!" she declared, more to herself than to Vikram, before bustling out of the study, leaving him to shake his head fondly at her theatrics.


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