c h a p t e r 12

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Perched on the bench of her balcony, Parwati's gaze drifted upwards to the luminous moon, its soft glow casting a serene ambiance over the spacious outdoor sanctuary. The balcony was her refuge, her solace amidst the turmoil of palace life.

Lost in her thoughts, Parwati's mind replayed the events of the dining hall, a heavy ache settling in her chest as silent tears traced their path down her cheeks. She couldn't fathom why it affected her so deeply. She should have anticipated it, seen it coming from miles away. Yet, her naive heart had dared to hope for a different, perhaps better outcome this time.

All her efforts to forge connections in the kitchen now felt futile, washed away by the Maharaj's implication that she could have poisoned the food. What must the kitchen staff think of her now, knowing their own king harbored suspicions against her? She remembered their initial wariness when she had joined them that morning, but as the day progressed, they had warmed up to her. And now... Parwati sighed heavily, feeling the weight of their distrust pressing down on her.

She knew there was no use dwelling on what had already transpired, but the relentless tears refused to cease. It was a familiar ache, a familiar sting of disappointment. She had grown accustomed to men belittling her, to doubting her capabilities. So why had she allowed herself to believe that the Maharaj would be any different?


Vikram entered the bustling kitchen, the clatter of dishes and the aroma of spices filling the air. His eyes scanned the scene as servants worked diligently, washing dishes and tidying up leftovers.

"She's not here" Gayatri Ma's voice interrupted Vikram's observation, causing him to startle slightly.

Turning around, Vikram replied defensively, "Who said I'm here for her? I was just thirsty."

Gayatri Ma shook her head, unswayed by his feeble excuse, and gestured for a servant to fetch some water. "What you did was not nice, Vikram" she admonished him with a stern gaze.

Accepting the glass from the servant, Vikram sighed, feeling the weight of her disapproval. "I was just being careful, okay?" he muttered, his tone tinged with frustration.

"You know she didn't deserve to be humiliated like that. You could have just asked one of the servants to try the food if it was so important" Gayatri Ma reproached.

Gayatri Ma's disapproval hung in the air, and Vikram gulped down the entire glass, eager to sidestep any further confrontation — after all, he was the king, for heaven's sake. He moved to make a swift exit, avoiding any explicit acknowledgment of his actions. "She didn't even have the food; she spent the entire day preparing, because of you" Gayatri Ma's words struck Vikram like a blow, halting him in his tracks as he grappled with the weight of her accusation.

"Why are you blaming me? Maybe she's not hungry" Vikram replied, his voice betraying the guilt gnawing at him from within. But Gayatri Ma's folded hands and pointed look spoke volumes, challenging his attempt at yet another feeble excuse.

Sighing heavily, Vikram relented, his resolve faltering under Gayatri Ma's pointed gaze. "Where is she?" he asked, a trace of remorse coloring his voice.

"In her bedchamber. I had dinner sent to her, but she turned it away" Gayatri Ma replied.

"Make her another plate" Vikram ordered, determined to make amends. With the freshly prepared meal in hand, he made his way out of the kitchen, ascending the stairs towards the Rajkumari's chambers, intent on delivering the food himself.


As Vikram stepped onto the balcony, he was met with the sight of Parwati in a moment of vulnerability, tears silently tracing down her cheeks. Clearing his throat to announce his presence, Vikram watched as Parwati quickly wiped her tears and attempted to stand up. But he gently reached out to stop her, settling down beside her instead.

Sitting next to her, Vikram couldn't help but notice the tears glistening in Parwati's eyes, their shimmering trails adding an ethereal quality to her delicate features. "Were you crying?" he blurted out, immediately regretting the abruptness of his question.

Parwati's stubborn silence only added to the heaviness of the moment, her gaze fixed on the starry sky. Vikram's heart sank as he realized the depth of the hurt his actions had caused her. Nodding to himself in acknowledgment, he gently broke the silence. "I brought you food" he offered, a faint attempt to bridge the growing distance between them.

Finally turning towards him, Parwati's eyes fell to the tray, and she replied softly, "You didn't have to; I'm not hungry."

"Well, too bad. You still have to take your medicine" Vikram insisted, pushing the plate towards her.

Pushing the plate back with a pleading look, Parwati murmured, "Maharaj, please don't." Her words carried a hint of vulnerability, a silent plea for understanding amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling between them.

Sighing softly, Vikram shifted tactics. "Will you eat it if I do?" he asked, his tone gentle yet insistent.

The Rajkumari remained silent, her expression unreadable. Taking her silence as a sign, Vikram reached for the spoon, finally tasting her pulav as she watched intently.

Surprised by the delicious flavor, Vikram looked up at Parwati in disbelief. "Did you really make this?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Parwati nodded, her cheeks flushing red as Vikram complimented her cooking. "It's really good," he added, his words carrying a sincerity that brought a faint smile to her lips.

"Your turn now" Vikram said, lifting the spoon to feed Parwati. Caught off guard, she didn't protest and simply opened her mouth to accept the bite.

He fed her another spoonful before asking, "Where did you learn how to cook?" Parwati gazed at him in confusion, swallowing before replying, "I used to oversee the kitchen staff back in Paudhagarh."

"Really?" Vikram's surprise was evident as he processed her response.

Parwati simply nodded, taking another bite of the delicious pulav as the moonlight danced around them, casting a soft glow over their shared moment.

"Do you really believe I could've poisoned the food?" Parwati unable to stop herself, voiced the question that had been weighing heavily on her mind.

Vikram took his time in responding, offering her water first, which she eagerly gulped down, realizing how famished she was after a long day in the kitchen.

Noticing a water drop lingering on her lips, Vikram's gaze softened, and he moved in slowly to wipe it away with his thumb. "I honestly don't know what to believe" he whispered, his eyes fixed on her lips, a flicker of uncertainty clouding his expression.

Parwati parted her lips to respond, but before she could utter a word, Vikram abruptly got up. "Don't forget to take your medicine" he chimed, his tone curt as he walked out of the balcony, leaving Parwati stupefied by his unexpected visit and surprising behavior.

As she touched her lips where he had brushed them, Parwati couldn't help but ponder why the Maharaj was so hot and cold with her, his actions leaving her bewildered and uncertain of where they stood.


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