c h a p t e r 10

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Vaibhav strolled into the lounge room, his curiosity piqued. "What's going on?" he inquired, his gaze shifting between Vikram and the scattered grape bunch on the table.

Vikram, reclining amidst luxurious cushions, motioned for Vaibhav to take a seat opposite him. "Sit down, let's talk" he said, popping a grape into his mouth.

As Vaibhav settled onto the cushion, a hint of unease flickered in his eyes. "What's this all about?" he asked, his tone tinged with apprehension.

Vikram's expression was unreadable as he posed his question. "Why didn't you bother to inform me about the, Rajkumari's request for trial?"

Vaibhav's wariness intensified. "So, she's already trying to sway you against me? Who's next, your mother?" he retorted defensively.

Vikram's eyebrow arched in disbelief. "She's not doing anything. What kind of question is that?" he countered, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice.

Vaibhav's eyes narrowed accusingly. "I saw you watching her in the kitchens, you know" he accused.

Vikram's response was measured. "I was merely keeping an eye on her. She came begging for work this morning" he explained.

Vaibhav scoffed. "Right, I wonder why that is?" he muttered sarcastically.

Vikram's patience wore thin. "You still haven't answered my question, Vaibhav. Why did you ask Gaurav not to approach me again?" he pressed.

Vaibhav's retort was sharp. "Gaurav, already on a first-name basis with her guard, huh?" he quipped, attempting to deflect the conversation.

"Vaibhav!" Vikram's voice cut through the room, demanding an explanation.

Vaibhav's frustration boiled over, his words sharp with defiance. "What do you expect me to say, Vikram? That I turned a blind eye to that woman's trial request or that I instructed her lackey to steer clear from you? Yes, I did, and why shouldn't I have?"

Vikram's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. "Do you realize that because of you, she was assaulted in our own palace dungeons?" he thundered, rising to his feet in a surge of anger.

Vaibhav's own temper flared, as he also stood up, matching Vikram's intensity. "No, it's you who fails to see that you're more concerned about a convicted murderer!" he shot back, his voice laced with contempt. "Let me remind you, Maharaj, she wasn't on a leisurely vacation in those dungeons; she was charged with treason, and you put her there" he added, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he mocked Vikram's title.

Vikram's rage boiled over as he shoved Vaibhav against the wall with force. "Don't you dare forget your place, Vaibhav!" he growled, his voice dripping with authority.

But Vaibhav refused to back down, his defiance unwavering. "You're the one who's forgotten, Vikram. That woman almost killed Ajay, our friend" he asserted firmly, holding his ground despite Vikram's aggression.

The reminder struck a chord with Vikram, prompting him to step back. He turned away, running a hand through his hair as a tumult of emotions—anger, frustration, and confusion—overwhelmed him.

Seeing Vikram's turmoil, Vaibhav's demeanor softened, his tone gentler. "I'm not the villain in your story, Vikram. I was just trying to protect you" he offered, his words carrying a note of sincerity amidst the tension.

Vikram locked eyes with Vaibhav, his gaze searching for any hint of deception as he listened to his words. "The Rajkumari might appear harmless, but we both know she's anything but" Vaibhav continued, his tone serious and calculated.

"She attempted to take Ajay's life and failed. Who's to say she won't try again? She could very well be a trained assassin, for all we know" Vaibhav reasoned, his voice laced with concern.

Vikram pondered Vaibhav's words, his mind grappling with the complexities of the situation. "She hasn't made any further attempts, and she did request a fair trial. You don't ask for such a thing if you're guilty of your crimes, do you?" he countered, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"True, but perhaps that's just part of a larger scheme" Vaibhav suggested, planting a seed of doubt in Vikram's mind. "Do you truly believe her innocent facade?" he pressed.

As Vikram recalled his encounters with Rajkumari Parwati, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over him. He remembered her stoic silence and lack of tears at her husband's demise, which had initially repulsed him. Later, his anger had boiled over when he'd learn that she had struck the general, leading to her imprisonment. But then, something had shifted.

He thought back to the moment when he found her broken and battered in her cell, reaching out to him in a display of vulnerability. And then, there was her refusal to disclose the name of her assailant. Initially, he had dismissed it as her being difficult, but now he questioned if there was more to it.

What if there was no assailant to name? What if she had orchestrated the entire ordeal herself? Vikram's mind raced with possibilities as he considered Vaibhav's theory. Perhaps it was all an elaborate act, a cunning facade to deceive them all.

"Tell me Vikram, what Rajkumari comes begging for work?" Vaibhav's question hung heavy in the air, causing Vikram's mind to drift back to that morning in the throne room.

He remembered the surprise he felt when she had boldly demanded an opportunity to work. And then there was the incident when he saved her from a potentially fatal fall, only to be met with her sharp retort. In those moments, the Rajkumari had revealed a side of herself that was vastly different from the meek, quiet princess he had initially perceived her to be.

"I understand your caution, Vaibhav. Forgive me for doubting you" Vikram apologized sincerely, his earlier skepticism fading away.

Vaibhav shook his head, silently conveying that apologies were unnecessary. "I thought you knew better than to trust a pretty woman, Vikram" he remarked, a hint of rueful amusement in his tone.

"I thought I did too" Vikram admitted with a humorless smile, his thoughts drifting back to the Rajkumari who had turned out to be a fox in sheep's clothing.


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