c h a p t e r 11

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Parwati paced nervously outside the Maharaj's bedchamber, her heart pounding in her chest. Despite taking directions from a servant girl earlier, her nerves now held her back from allowing the guard outside to announce her presence to the king.

Chastising herself for her hesitation, Parwati summoned her courage and approached the chamber entrance once more, determination etched on her features. But just as she reached the doorway, the Maharaj emerged, nearly colliding with her.

"Maharaj" Parwati exclaimed, stepping back quickly and bowing her head in respect.

Vikram's suspicion immediately flared as he regarded her with a piercing gaze. "Rajkumari, what are you doing here?" he demanded, his tone sharp as he glanced at the guard who had failed to announce her presence, causing the guard to shrink back in fear.

Sensing Vikram's scrutiny, Parwati rushed to explain, her voice betraying a hint of urgency. "It's not his fault, Maharaj. I asked him not to" she interjected, redirecting Vikram's attention back to her.

"Tired of the kitchens already?" Vikram quipped, assuming Parwati was there to retract her request to work.

Parwati shook her head quickly, her expression earnest. "Oh no, I love it there" she assured him. "I-I came to apologize, Maharaj. My behavior earlier, and maybe even before that, was not wise" she admitted, her voice soft with sincerity.

Vikram studied her carefully as she looked up at him, her eyes filled with genuine contrition. "I'm truly grateful for all you've done for me. Thank you for saving me. Twice now. I believe I owe you for that" she expressed her gratitude, her words sincere.

But Vikram remained undeterred, his skepticism lingering. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Parwati's sudden change of heart, more to her apology than met the eye. What game was she playing now? Why the sudden shift in demeanor?

"No worries" Vikram replied with a forced smile, his tone guarded as he turned to stroll away, unwilling to linger in the presence of a woman he deemed deceitful.

As Parwati observed the Maharaj's departure, a flicker of hope ignited within her, bolstered by the fleeting smile he had bestowed upon her — a rare gesture she couldn't help but take as a sign of forgiveness, noting it as the first time he had ever done so.

Turning to the guard stationed nearby, she offered a silent apology with a heartfelt glance, her lips forming the words 'I'm sorry' before she swiftly turned on her heels, hastening her steps towards the bustling kitchens. With a determined resolve, Parwati plunged into the flurry of activity, eager to lend a hand in serving dinner. As she worked diligently, her thoughts drifted to the Maharaj, imagining him enjoying the dish she had prepared, hopeful that her efforts would further help mend their strained relationship.


Parwati leaned against the cool stone wall of the dining hall, surrounded by fellow chefs, their eyes fixed on Gayatri Ma as she proudly announced the day's dishes. The aroma of freshly prepared delicacies filled the air, enticing the senses. As the servers meticulously served the food to the esteemed guests—the Maharaj, the minister, the general, and other members of the royal court—Parwati couldn't help but observe. At the far end of the table sat an elderly woman, her regal demeanor hinting at her possible identity as the Maharaj's mother, the late king's widow.

Gayatri Ma's voice snapped Parwati's attention back to the her as she proclaimed, "Vegetable Pulao, prepared by our dearest Rajkumari Parwati." Anxious anticipation gripped Parwati as the server approached the Maharaj, only to be surprised when he waved the dish away with a muttered, "I'm good."

Disappointment clouded Parwati's expression as she watched the others at the table eagerly accept their servings, their faces lit with amusement. They leaned forward, ready to savor the delicious pulao, but their movements paused as the Maharaj's commanding voice cut through the chatter. "Stop!"

A hush fell over the dining hall as everyone straightened themselves, their curiosity piqued by Vikram's interruption. They waited with bated breath for him to explain the cause of his abrupt halt.

"In our palace kitchens, the food has always been prepared by our trusted chefs, which is why I've never felt the need for it to be tested for poison," Vikram's authoritative voice echoed through the hall. "However, that's not the case today."

A ripple of concern passed through the gathering as Vikram's words sank in. "Forgive me, ladies and gentlemen, but I believe I'll have to have this pulao tested" he continued, casting a disdainful glance at the dish in question.

The nodding heads around the table signaled their agreement, and Vikram turned his gaze to Parwati, locking eyes with her. "Rajkumari, will you please do me the honors?" His tone more command than request.

Parwati felt the heat rising in her cheeks as all eyes in the room turned towards her, some expectant, others suspicious of her hesitation. She stood frozen, the weight of the Maharaj's indirect accusation weighing heavily on her heart. How could he insinuate such betrayal after she had humbly apologized to him? The pang of hurt cut deep, her earlier belief in his forgiveness shattered in an instant.

Forcing back the tears threatening to spill, Parwati willed her feet to move forward. "Maharaj, surely this is not necessary" Gayatri Ma interjected, her voice tinged with concern.

"It's alright" Parwati replied, her voice steady despite her trembling hand as she accepted the plate from a servant.

With shaky hands, she lifted the spoon to her mouth, chewing on the food she had meticulously prepared. Swallowing hard, she raised another spoonful to her lips, her nerves betraying her with each bite. Before she could take a third spoonful, Gayatri Ma intervened, snatching the plate away.

"I think that'll be enough, thank you, Rajkumari" Gayatri Ma said, her glare directed at Vikram, who merely shrugged and gestured for everyone to resume their feast.

Parwati looked up to see the general smirking at her as he savored a spoonful of her pulao. In that moment, a fleeting desire for having poisoned the food for real, surged within her. Offering Gayatri Ma a strained smile that failed to reach her eyes, she shuffled back to her place among the other chefs. Pitying glances and hushed murmurs surrounded her, as if she were invisible in the aftermath of the accusing spectacle.

Parwati, unable to bear the sight of everyone relishing her pulao after enduring such disrespect, muttered a small "excuse me" and hastily fled the dining hall.

Vikram, having caught sight of Parwati's vibrant orange and yellow attire in his periphery, turned mid-conversation to watch her dash out through the large doors. Though he knew deep down that the food wasn't poisoned and there was no need for testing, his recent eye-opening conversation with Vaibhav, and her suspicious apology right before dinner, had left him with a lingering sense of skepticism.

"You did the right thing, Vikram" Vaibhav, seated beside him, offered affirmation.

"I know" Vikram scoffed, exchanging a glance with Vaibhav, who responded with a proud smile.

Despite his certainty that he had acted appropriately, an unexplained sense of guilt nagged at Vikram. Pushing aside these intrusive emotions, he returned his focus to his meal. Yet, he found himself unable to resist stealing glances at others enjoying the pulao, a twinge of envy coloring his observation.

As Vikram continued to frown at Ajay's food, the general, noticed and casually offered, "Do you want some?" nudging his plate toward the Maharaj.

Swallowing hard, Vikram pushed the plate back towards Ajay with a terse "No."

"There's no harm in giving it a try" Vaibhav chimed in with a teasing tone, sharing a knowing look with Ajay.

Vikram glanced between them, muttering something resembling "grow up" under his breath before storming out of the hall, leaving behind Ajay's hearty chuckle echoing in his wake.


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