c h a p t e r 16

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Vikram and Vaibhav reclined on the rooftop, the velvety night sky stretched out above them like a vast canvas adorned with twinkling stars. A gentle breeze stirred, carrying with it the faint scent of jasmine from the palace gardens below, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

"So, you're finally getting married again, huh?" Vaibhav remarked, the words carrying a mixture of curiosity and observation.

Vikram had received the letter from the kingdom of Sudhaghar earlier that afternoon, confirming the forthcoming union with the king's daughter. He recalled the knowing glance his mother had given him, silently acknowledging her foresight. "Yeah, I guess I am" Vikram replied, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation

"Rajkumari Shivani and you would make a nice pair. I've heard good things about her"

As Vaibhav attempted to reassure Vikram about his impending second marriage, Vikram remained lost in his thoughts, his mind wandering to another Rajkumari altogether – one with luscious lips and captivating doe-like eyes.

Feeling a nudge in his ribs, Vikram was jolted back to the present moment. "What are you thinking about?" Vaibhav inquired, his curiosity evident in his raised eyebrows.

"Parwati" Vikram confessed inadvertently, his words slipping out before he could stop them.

Vaibhav's expression shifted to one of surprise. "What?" he exclaimed, caught off guard by Vikram's unexpected admission.

Furrowing his brow in deep contemplation, Vikram continued, his speech slightly slurred from the effects of alcohol. "Do you think sh-she loves him? That guard?" he mumbled, his thoughts jumbling together in a haze of uncertainty.

"Okay, man, you're really drunk" Vaibhav  remarked, gently prying the bottle from Vikram's grasp. "Let's get you to bed, come on" he urged, tugging Vikram up from his seat.

"I'm not that drunk" Vikram protested weakly, shaking off Vaibhav's hands.

Together they descended the staircase, their footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit corridors, Vikram and Vaibhav bid each other goodnight before parting ways to retire to their respective chambers. However, in his intoxicated state, Vikram's steps led him astray, and he found himself standing outside a door that was far from his own.

Noticing the absence of the guard stationed outside, Vikram hesitated for only a moment before pushing the door open and stepping into the bedchamber beyond. There, bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight filtering through the windows, lay Rajkumari Parwati, fast asleep and utterly serene.

Drawn to her like a moth to a flame, Vikram approached the bed and seated himself beside her, on an armchair. His gaze swept over her features, finding solace in the peacefulness of her slumber. Long lashes brushed against her cheeks, her lips parted slightly in silent repose. With a mixture of tenderness and longing, Vikram reached out to gently push up her chin, closing her lips with a soft touch. "Why can't I stop thinking about you?" he murmured to the sleeping figure, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Tracing the curve of her jaw with a feather-light touch, he whispered, "Who are you, Parwati?" a frown creased Vikram's brow as he struggled to make sense of his conflicting emotions. "No, Paro—my Paro" he corrected himself softly, brushing his fingers against her cheek before withdrawing his hand and leaning back on the armchair.

Despite the persistent sense of unease gnawing at him for being in her chambers, Vikram found himself yielding to the overwhelming weight of exhaustion. As the tendrils of sleep gradually enveloped him, a lingering awareness whispered that he shouldn't be there, yet the reasons remained elusive as he slipped into a troubled slumber.

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