c h a p t e r 17

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After her morning shower, Parwati descended the stairs and was immediately greeted by a flurry of activity. Servants scurried about the palace, their movements purposeful and swift. Surprised by the bustling scene, Parwati paused, turning in slow circles to take in her surroundings.
She watched as servants carried armfuls of flowers and decorations, while others transported trays of sweets and diligently polished the already gleaming floors.

Spotting Divya amidst the bustling commotion, Parwati approached her with a curious expression. "What is going on?" she inquired, her gaze still wandering around the palace, captivated by the spectacle unfolding around her.

"Our Maharaj is getting married next week, that is what's going on" Divya replied with an air of excitement.

"Next week?" Parwati's frown deepened at the sudden news.

Divya nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I heard Maharaj wants to marry Rajkumari Shivani as soon as possible. Isn't it just so romantic?" she gushed, her eyes sparkling.

Parwati's heart sank at the news, a sharp pang shooting through her chest. Divya's words echoed in her mind as she was pulled along, her thoughts consumed by the impending wedding. Suddenly, another conversation replayed in her mind, the words cutting through her like a knife.

"Tell me, Paro, do you love him?"

"You know what? I don't want to know."

"Because I. Don't. Care."

Was he deliberately trying to hurt her? Parwati shook her head, dismissing the thought as soon as it came. No of course not, he had made it clear—he didn't care about her.

"Parwati?" Divya's voice jolted Parwati out of her trance.

"What?" Parwati responded, her mind still lingering on the whirlwind of emotions stirred up by the news of Vikram's marriage.

"I said, help me make garlands with these flowers. Aren't they pretty?" Divya's cheerful voice brought Parwati back to the present moment.

"Oh, sure. Yes, they are very pretty" Parwati replied, forcing a smile as she settled onto the mat beside Divya.

As they busied themselves with the task of making flower garlands, Parwati found solace in the simple act of creation, the vibrant blooms temporarily distracting her from her troubled thoughts. However, her respite was short-lived as Divya's next question pierced through the calm atmosphere.

"By the way, Parwati, do you have any plans of getting married?" Divya's curiosity prompted the inquiry.

"Oh no, I'm never going through that again" Parwati responded firmly, her mood dampening as memories of her encounter with the Maharaj in the gardens flooded her mind.

Recognizing her misstep, Divya quickly backtracked, mistaking Parwati's sadness as longing for her late husband. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up" she apologized, her concern evident in her tone as she attempted to navigate the delicate topic.

"It's okay," Parwati reassured her, forcing a small smile to ease Divya's worry.

Internally, Parwati cringed, feeling guilty for allowing Divya to believe her sadness stemmed from her late husband. If only she knew the true source of Parwati's distress —a complex mix of emotions she herself struggled to comprehend.


Over the past week, Parwati had thrown herself into assisting with the wedding preparations, eagerly contributing wherever she could. Fortunately, she hadn't crossed paths with the general, his whereabouts a mystery that she welcomed as good riddance.

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