c h a p t e r 6

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As Parwati emptied her glass of water, the heavy silence of the palace dungeons enveloped her, accentuating the weight of her captivity. With each passing moment, the reality of spending a third consecutive night confined to these dim, stone walls sank deeper into her consciousness. She could only wonder about the well-being of Titli and her fellow companions, and hope that they were faring better in this unfamiliar territory.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as Parwati waited, the silence of the dungeon broken only by the echo of her own restless thoughts. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew, her gaze flickering to the entrance where Gaurav, the usual guard, was conspicuously absent from his duty post. As the minutes turned to what felt like hours, Parwati frantically paced inside her cell, worry gnawing at her as she considered the possible dangers that could have befallen Gaurav.

Her frantic pacing came to an abrupt halt as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the dungeon. A glimmer of hope flickered in her chest as she anticipated Gaurav's arrival, only to have it extinguished as the figure stepping into the light was not the familiar guard, but the imposing presence of the general.

"Did you miss me, Rajkumari?" His words dripped with malice, causing Parwati to shrink back instinctively, her breath catching in her throat.

Pressing herself against the cold brick wall, Parwati's heart raced like a stallion as the general unlocked her cell and invaded her space, pocketing the key with a sinister grin. With eager hands, he stripped away her dupatta, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

"Please" Parwati's voice was barely a whisper, tears streaming silently down her cheeks.

"Shh, Princesses don't cry, Parwati" the general mocked, as he leaned in for a kiss, only to be met with Parwati's turned jaw.

As the general's cruel assault continued, Parwati's world spun into a nightmare. His teeth sank into her delicate neck, leaving a trail of kisses like a sinister promise. In a desperate attempt to escape, Parwati pushed him away, but her freedom was short-lived as he violently yanked her back by her braided hair, his hand crashing down in a vicious slap followed by a brutal punch to her stomach. Gasping for air, Parwati crumpled to the ground, curling in on herself to shield against the onslaught of blows.

"No one's saving you tonight, bitch" the general sneered, his words laced with venom as he delivered a punishing kick to her ribs, causing her head to collide with the unforgiving prison bars with a sickening thud.

"Aghh!" Parwati groaned in agony, her body wracked with pain.

Seizing the opportunity, the general straddled her knees, his grip like iron as he pinned her arms with one hand. With a depraved leer, he pulled her blouse aside, exposing her vulnerable flesh, his tongue tracing a path of violation along her cleavage. Parwati, mentally shutting herself off from the horror unfolding, refused to accept this as her fate, even as her body screamed in silent protest.

The general's callous hands tore at Parwati's lehenga, exposing her trembling form up to her mid-thighs, leaving her feeling utterly defenceless. He trailed his fingers over her soft thighs, his touch like a sinister caress that sent shivers of revulsion down her spine. With a sickening realization of his intentions, Parwati snapped out of her shocked stupor, her instincts screaming for survival as she began to struggle against his grasp.

"No!" she cried out, her voice laced with desperation and fear.

Enraged by her defiance, the general's hand lashed out with another vicious slap, the force of it causing her lip to split open. "Hold still, you whore!" he spat, his words dripping with venomous contempt. The prison cell seemed to close in around her, the darkness pressing down upon her like a suffocating weight as Parwati fought against the hands that sought to dominate and destroy her.

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