c h a p t e r 14

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Parwati, freshly bathed and on her way to assist with breakfast preparations, halted in her tracks as the general materialized in front of her, seemingly out of thin air. Instinctively, she took a step back, her heart quickening as he cornered her against a pillar.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself" the general sneered, his presence imposing as he closed in on her.

"Please, don't" Parwati muttered, closing her eyes in discomfort as he leaned in, his breath uncomfortably close as he sniffed her neck.

Just as the general's hand ventured towards her bare waist, and she felt the unwelcome pressure of his body against hers, their intimate moment was abruptly interrupted by the sudden clearing of a throat.

Turning around with a start, the general's demeanor shifted, his expression morphing into one of forced joviality as he greeted the newcomer with feigned enthusiasm. "Ah, Vaibhav, my brother!"

Relief flooded Parwati's features as she opened her eyes to see Vaibhav standing there, mistaking his presence for a timely rescue. However, her relief was misconstrued by the observant minister, who interpreted her expression as one of disappointment.

"I hope I'm not intruding" Vaibhav interjected, his voice laced with uncertainty, clearly under the impression that he had interrupted a private moment between the two.

The general shifted uncomfortably on his feet, his attempt to regain composure evident as he addressed Vaibhav. "Ah, well... did you need something?"

Vaibhav hesitated, struggling to articulate his reason for interrupting their encounter. "Oh, um, no, actually. I was just passing by and I thought I saw...nevermind" he stumbled over his words, his mind racing with unanswered questions about Ajay and the Rajkumari's supposed encounter. His interruption was driven by a need to confirm what he had witnessed, particularly considering Ajay's previous claims of an attempt on his life by the Rajkumari.

Parwati, sensing an opportunity to escape the uncomfortable situation, murmured an apology. "I'm sorry, but my presence is requested in the kitchens" she rushed away swiftly, leaving behind the tense atmosphere.

"Right, I've got work to attend to as well" Vaibhav replied, deciding to depart in the opposite direction, his mind still grappling with the mysteries surrounding Ajay and the Rajkumari's clandestine meeting. Had they always been involved intimately, or was this a new development? Did the Rajkumari truly attempt to kill Ajay, or had he fabricated the story? These questions gnawed at Vaibhav's thoughts, filling him with a sense of unease as he navigated the corridors, lost in contemplation.


As Devi Ma gracefully entered the kitchen, a palpable hush descended upon the bustling room, every eye drawn to her regal presence. Parwati, bewildered by the sudden shift in atmosphere, glanced at Divya for clarification, who hurriedly whispered the significance of the elderly woman's identity as Maharaj Vikram Singh Rathore's mother.

"Is there something you need, Devi?" Gayatri Ma inquired respectfully, her tone tinged with deference.

"Ah, celebrations are in order, Gayatri," Devi Ma declared regally, her voice carrying an air of authority that commanded attention. "Please begin preparing sweets immediately. Lots of sweets, all kinds of sweets!"

Gayatri Ma's curiosity piqued, she couldn't help but inquire further, "But what exactly are we celebrating?"

A serene smile graced Devi Ma's lips as she responded, her announcement sparking curiosity and excitement among the kitchen staff. "Oh well, my son is getting married!"

Parwati's hands faltered, the tray she was holding slipping from her grasp and clattering to the floor, the sudden noise drawing all eyes towards her.

"I'm sorry" she murmured, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she quickly crouched down to pick up the scattered items, her mind reeling with the unexpected revelation.

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