Kronos fucks up, there are consequences.

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He couldn't believe it, his host had just fucking committed suicide. A teenager had inspired Luke into suicide.

This couldn't end like this, he wouldn't let it.

Kronos should curse the spawn of Atena, but he didn't have enough time (ha, funny, the titan of time doesn't have enough time.)

The girl was just that, a pawn for the gods, and now probably the next one to look for the shitty statue. It was a fate bad enough for her already, he didn't have to do anything.

The other one meanwhile....
Yes, he was basically younger than a fetus compared to himself, but his death would hurt the child of wisdom...

He couldn't curse, or just shift to his actual form and kill them all. Possession it is!

Did he care about surviving? No.

Did he know that there was a big chance the kid died too? Yes, and that was pretty much what he wanted.

Well, no, like, the kid was pretty much doing the same thing he did thousands of years ago, defending his family when they were just as bad as the one he killed. Like, his mother was no better than his father.

It wasn't reeeeally his fault, but still, the little bitch just inspired Luke to suicide, he should then be treated the same way, with death.

So, fuck him.

Kronos knew he fucked up the moment Luke was unable to convince him to join them. He should have just told him to leave the little demigod alone, but oh well, it was in the past.

Possession is a little bit difficult, it would need preparation... yeah no, fuck it, we ball.

With the spell prepared, Kronos accepted fate, ha ha no, he tried to possess Percy, you can guess what happened right?

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