He Forgot

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Okay, this was... unfortunate.

He couldn't say it wasn't entertaining, seeing a child fight two gorgons without even knowing his name. Demigods were always skilled fighters, almost no mortal (or legacy) could come close, and that always stood as a fact, but this child?

This little fucking bastard?

This demigod with definitely not enough training when he first fought a monster?

Yeah... Mortals can't even wish to be that good, hell, most half-bloods couldn't.

And there he was, younger than most yet better than the greatest.

It made sense, after all, he was a son of the sea. He could cause earthquakes, he could implode people if he wanted, he healed himself with water. In summary, motherfucker was incredibly strong.

. . .

If we keep this analysis out of the way-

The demigod just got divine intervention, as in, getting kidnapped by a goddess, forgetting everything, being left in the middle of America and just rocking it.

Oh, and having two very angry gorgons, sister of, like, the third monster he ever killed, now trying to end his life. So usual Wednesday, right?

He was debating if to help him out or not. After all, he had nothing better to do. This was the most interesting thing that had happened in a while... and that was definitely not his bad perception of time.

And there was one small detail that was bugging him, the "snake-ladies" wouldn't die.

Three days ago, the sea spawn had dropped a few bowling balls on them, they didn't stay as dust for longer that an hour or two. Two days ago, he ran over them with a car, guess they didn't like the asphalt, because, less than 6 hours ago, when he had beheaded them...

Yes, something was indeed wrong.

It would be.. a nice deed to give Perseus a little push on the right direction, Rome, or whatever it was called, was not to far away, but... he was Kronos, a titan, the king of the kind to be specific. He couldn't go around helping mortals, specially a demigod who took big part in his fall.

Yet he could find himself altering things, making that car go a bit faster, slowing down the gorgons, lighting up the way...

It's not for the demigod! Of course not! Nop, nope, negative!

He couldn't care less about that damn child.

. . .

Again, child.

Children were not supposed to fight the likes of Medusa or her sisters, especially on this times, where they had school and things to do.

Yes, Perseus wasn't just a kid, but that didn't mean anything. He may have grown, but only because of need. Had he not, he would be dead.

It didn't seem... fair for this demigod (or, being precise, any demigod) to lose sleep over worries for his own life, when others his age were thinking on plans for the week end with friends and family.

But that was the life of a half-blood, fighting and dying at the hands of their enemies, regardless of who their parent was.

It's like that, it's always been, it would always be.

Going back to our favorite amnesiac, the bastard had snowboarded his way down a cliff. Is this what children do when you take your eyes away from them for 28 seconds?

And now a goddess, the one who put Perseus in this position, to be precise, was asking the demigod to get her over to New Rome. Great, just what this child needed. Definitely helping there, disappointment #5.

The immortal did seem a bit shaken, as if it had surprised her to see Perseus so soon, or maybe she realized he was way more 'powerful' than last he had been, well, conscious.

No, that couldn't be it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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