Those cowards...

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"In hiding," Hermes had said. "Prometheus sent Zeus a message with a bunch of excuses for supporting Kronos. 'I was just trying to minimize the damage,' blah, blah. He'll keep his head low for a few centuries if he's smart. Krios has fled, and Mount Othrys has crumbled into ruins. Oceanus slipped back into the deep ocean when it was clear Kronos had lost."

His brothers were cowards...

How dare they...?


They came up to him, gave him the idea, the support.

Now he knew that they were just going to betray him when he was no longer of use.

Why didn't he think of that sooner?

He was murdering them. He was going to end them. When he found them, they were going to regret ever being born. They were going to fear being reformed again.

He should have ignored them, try to reform himself in peace, but nooooo, he had decided to try and dethrone his children. Again...

Sometimes he wished he was just a mortal, to have a shorter lifespan and to be able to do anything as he pleased, and not have to follow those ancient rules or whatever.

Like anybody cared about them. Half of the time they were just an excuse to make mortals and demigods, or literally anyone who feared them, do something for gods and the like. And the other half were so that they trusted the same deities they feared, hah weird.

Gods always know that what they're doing isn't right, but being an immortal force of nature normally makes you not care, they don't give a flying fuck about their children, no matter what this spawn of the fish-head makes them promise.

It had always surprised him far society had gone on, how humans forgot gods, how gods ended in the other side of the world (America or something), how they lost respect and all honor.

But he could do nothing, could he?

He had to wait this out till he regained his strength, and that would take a while...

Oh, how sad is immortal life!

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