What the fu-

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Life was great!

If you ignore that now he was a war veteran, a lot of his friends and family had died, and that he was slowly descending to madness, because if not, why was he hearing voices-

There's not more than one.

Still, his point.

For the past days, he hadn't had one witty monologue, he had two. He didn't even know why he heard them, one day he was """"""""normal"""""""" and the next he was crazy.

Also decisions, he couldn't, literally, The Demons would judge anything he did, and that would end in some sort of argument.

Wait, how did you just call me you little fuc--

And he was sure it was starting to get suspicious when he looked away for minutes just to answer a simple question, or to stare at his plate without knowing what to ask for-

You can't seriously eat that for 5 days straight-

Shut up.


It wasn't that bad... if you closed your eyes and became deaf, but it could have it's benefits. For example: he could annoy the shit out of someone with no consequences-

Fuck off...

And he had a second opinion in anything! Bad thing is that most of the time nobody asked.

Please shut up.

No. Also-


Ops, fuck.

"Ah- yes?" He didn't even know who was talking to him...

It's that... uh... Athena bastard you like. Who could they be talking about...?


"Capture the flag starts in bit, you coming?"

Oh shit, he should.

Your indestructible, it wouldn't be fair. For them, of course.

Yeah, but...

"Right- Gimmie a minute."

The fuck you need a minute for?

Couldn't the voices just shut up for a second or two?


Same thing.



Percy stood up from where he was sitting, disposed to grab some pieces of armor, o just a helmet, really.


He didn't feel like playing capture the flag.

Not like it would be fair-

Not because of that, Demons... he just didn't want to do anything lately.

Maybe the beach will do.



The sand felt nice under him, and the waves, rhythmic as always, barely reaching him. He could feel the algae and life on the waters, he could hear whispers, creatures reaching out.

It was nice, what was nice? He didn't know, but it was nice.


It also confused The Demons, so it was perfect.
The niceness of it could be explained by his relation to the domain, how he controlled and manipulated water. But water was nice for anyone, everyone depended on it to an extent.

Yes, different for you for being a child of the sea, it's not the same for-

Nobody asked.

What does Odysseus have to do-

Fuck you.

Anyway, he should get going.
But the beach was soooo nice at night.
Wait, night?
Had he really..?

"You didn't come." He hadn't heard her approach.

Ah, fuck.

"Sorry." Looking behind himself, Percy spotted his friend.

Wait, aren't you dating?

Shut up.

Annabeth sat down next to him, helmet falling on the sand.

"You've been avoiding... well, everything lately." She noted.

He wished he could say otherwise.

"I know... I just don't feel like doing things."


They sat in silence for a minute, the waves in rhythmic dynamic, he felt so compelled to go for a swim...

Maybe life really wasn't that bad, maybe it was worth all the suffering.

If only he could stay right here, but he couldn't do that. He wouldn't do that.

Life was great.

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