chapter three

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Pov Jade

What the hell happened there? I almost kissed Tori fucking Vega. I'm not into her.

She's so, so...urgh Tori! I don't care about her.

Or do I?

No of course not Jade why would you?

Omg I hate people.

I park my car in the driveway and head inside. My little brother comes running down the stairs and jumps into my arms like he has been doing every day since he could walk by himself.

Okay I don't hate all people, there are exceptions.

He's the cutest little 8-years-old on Earth, but never tell him I told you that because that little rat will tease me for it the rest of my life. Oh well, he's my little brother for a reason right.

"Hey Jimmy, how was school? Have you eaten dinner?" I ask him

"Pff booooring, there was one really fun moment though! There was this fight on the playground and the two boys were hitting each other so hard we thought their brains would mash like potatoes, but then the teachers came and pulled them apart and they scolded at us for cheering them on. Then we got this stupid extra homework which I've thrown in dads paper shredder. Nanny Wendy cooked me the most delicious spaghetti I've ever eaten, except from the one you make of course.", he says.

"Hey! that paper shredder was such a good idea, might have to use it sometime."
I give him a high five.
"Good to know you've got great taste.", I wink at him.

"OOH I'm playing Minecraft now! Do you want to join me?" He asks.

"No baby, I have to take care of some things and I'm pretty tired, I think I'm going to bed early today." I say honestly.

"Hey, I'm not a baby anymore Jade. It's fine, you can come any time you want. Last time was really fun!" He says while already heading back with his game console in hand. I let out a chuckle watching him.

"I love you rat." I say, loud enough for him to hear. I hear a muffled "I love you too" and I head into the kitchen.

The nanny has already left. I don't know why my dad hired her. I can take perfect care of myself AND Jimmy. As I open the fridge, though, I see a plate of spaghetti with a note on top saying. "I figured since you came home later today, you didn't feel like cooking. enjoy."
She's kind enough alright, but that doesn't mean she can just decide what I have for dinner now. I do eat the plate because I know I have to eat something and she was absolutely right, I was too tired to cook. As Jimmy had said, the food wasn't that bad at all. I wonder where dad found her.

I head back to the main hall to walk up the stairs when I see a shadow standing outside my window. Is that nanny still here after all? Our windows are made out of black glass, so no one can look inside and we can only see when something moves outside. The shadow, however, just stands still as if it's waiting for something. I take my pair of scissors out of my skirt and head towards the front door.

I swing it open in one fast movement and point my scissors in the shadow's direction.

There's nothing there. The wind is whirling through the bushes, my car stands alone on the driveway, the gates are closed.

Wait a minute, there is no wind.

I feel someone putting their arm around my throat and pushing a wet tissue to my nose.
I struggle and manage to shout "HEY!" but it's no use. My pair of scissors falls from my hand and then everything goes black.

When I wake up again, I have this annoying pounding in my head. My legs and arms are strapped to a chair. Well, this kidnapper of mine does not know me at all. In only a minute, probably less, I freed myself out of the knots and wandered off. This room is huge actually. I'm looking for a door but it seems like it's never ending. It's dark though and it smells old and abandoned.

Just how I like it.

Then I hear metal shrieking and a stroke of light enters the building. My eyes need some time to adjust, but now I see I'm in some old hangar. I quickly take my little pair of scissors out of my bra -a woman needs to be prepared- and hide behind a pole.

"Oh Jaadey where aare ya?" I hear a girl chuckle. "You can't hide here forever. You can't escape. If you escape you will never know where you are. No one knows you're gone. Oh well, not unless that little boy of yours wakes again." My eyes widen. Jimmy. Oh hell no.

I step away from the pole and start running towards the voice with my scissors in hand. Yet again, I see no one.

"Ah there you are." I see a walkie-talkie laying on the ground. Really? Is this a prank or something?

"Well, this was fun while it lasted, you brought Jimmy into this, you're dead. I swear if I find you, I will cut you open very slowly and feed your intestines to the wild animals." I scream through the walkie talkie.

"You will never find me." The voice says again.

"Try me." I say and walk outside.

All I see are fences and trees. Stupid.

I've been walking around for what seems like days, though it's probably only been half an hour or so. maybe a quarter, who knows really.
I'm still really tired. But given that the sun is shining, it has been at least 12 hours since they took me here. So, I've 'slept' all that time. How far away was I? What if this wasn't a prank and Jimmy was in real danger? Where's my pear phone? Guess I'll just keep walking.

I finally find an entrance. It leads me straight to the woods. Wait I think I know where I am right now.

After a while I'm in the middle of the woods, I think, since I don't see any hangar anymore nor do I see anything on the other side. I do see a hunting hut right before me. I climb up the ladder and oh well there he lays.
Our dear Sinjin. He fell asleep, poor guy.

I violently pull him up by his collar and he doesn't know what's happening to him until he sees my face and he gulps. I could've sworn anyone wandering in these woods would've heard that gulp.
It makes me smirk. I see his walkie talkie in his hand.

"Well, well, well, I found you didn't I." I said raising my eyebrow.

"H-how d-did you get all the way h-here?!" he whisper shouts, he's trembling.
"Because I am Jade West and I know every single place where I can bury my dead bodies." He flings.

"I'm sorry Jade. Sikowitz made me and Burf do it because you skipped his class. We had to prank you, or he'd give us a bad grade the whole semester. He said we could do what we want, 'Dream big' he said. Burf did all the bad things to you I never touched you. To be honest he should be the one to hear your scary talk.", he keeps on rambling on, it's hurting my ears, so I show him my scissors to shut him up.

"Yeah whatever, I don't care, Is Jimmy safe?", I ask him.

"Yep, he's with Cat and Robbie.", he says nodding.

"WHAT?!", I scream.

"Why would he be safe with THEM?! They're basically toddlers themselves.", I get up and drag him with me.

"You're coming with me in case anyone tries this again. I need to get to Jimmy.", I say, my temper really skyrocketed there.

However, he tries to struggle and takes my arm with his two hands. "If you do not get your hands off of me in the following two seconds you won't HAVE hands.", he immediately obeys me and just walks along. I like that effect I have on people.

"Now how did you get here, because I'm not walking all the way back to my house.", I tell him.

"Oh, Burf isn't coming back until later.", he says as if it's the most normal thing ever.

"Sinjin what the hell is 'later'?"

"Erm, tonight? I think?"


Damn! got you there for a moment, didn't I?

Hope the storyline isn't too chaotic! Oh well, life is a roller coaster, isn't it?

Thank you for being here.💗

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