chapter nine

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Pov Tori

I made my way to the library. Lucky me, the old lady is here, which means the library's at least open until 10PM. The librarian looks at me as if she's seen a ghost, so I make my way to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror I flinch at the sight. There's a cut right above my right eyebrow. my cheeks are red and tears-stained.

My eyes look puffy and red, whilst my skin is as pale as it can be. I practically AM a ghost.

I wash my face, trying to avoid the cut, knowing it will sting like a bitch.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing.


I let it ring though.

Just a few seconds later I get a text:

Trina: Dad says he's going to burn everything left in your room, I'm going to take some things, kay bye.

I knew she was annoying; I just didn't think she was this heartless. Oh well, she looks a lot more like dad anyway.

I just take a book and start reading, though it doesn't last long for me to fall asleep again.

"Miss, miss.", the librarian tries to wake me.

"We're going to close now.", she says.

"Okay, thank you for waiting.", I say, giving her the book in my lap and heading out.

It's cold out and I only have my long sleeves T-shirt and a flannel on.

Should I call anyone? I mean, Jade's finally had a fun night after all the rough long days, Beck has had some rough days too, Andre's busy with his grandma and I don't even know where Cat nor Robbie lives.

My phone starts ringing again. This time I accept the call.

"Yo Tor, Sorry I'm calling so late. I'm stuck with this song I have to finish Wednesday. Can you come help me?", Andre asks.

"Yes of course, can you pick me up at the library?", I ask.

"Is that thing even open?", he asks with a confused tone.

"Yeah, they just closed.", I tell him.

"I'll be there in 10.", he says.

"Kay.", I say and hang up.

Exactly 10 minutes later, Andre pulls up.

"Going on a trip alone at this time of the day? That's unusual for you.", he says, pointing at my backpack.

I laugh it off.

"So, what are you working on?", I ask.

"Tell me that you love me.", he says.

"Sounds kind of desperate.", I say, smirking.

He gives me a side eye, but starts laughing anyway.

"There's just something missing and you're really good at adding the perfect details.", he says.

"Why did he ask you?", I ask.

"I don't know, maybe he was too embarrassed to ask anyone else. It needs to be perfect. Sikowitz, of all people, got into a fight with the owner of his favourite restaurant. He wanted me to make the owner forgive him by writing a song for the owner's crush or something, I don't know how old people call that. Anyway, Sikowitz says he's too scared to ask her out but she's there almost every day. EVERY DAY TORI. Imagine going to the same restaurant every day. She must be hella rich.", he explains further.

"What's the catch?", I ask.

He looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Don't tell me you got mixed up in this for nothing in return.", I say.

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