chapter five

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Pov Jade

She scoffs. "Well, a thank you would've been nice too, but okay."

I roll my eyes and move away from her to sit in front of her.

I wish her arms were still around me.
I frown at that thought but shake it off.

"I hate you, Vega, because you always make me feel things I don't want to feel. You can't just be nice to me all the time when all I've ever done is be mean to you. It's so confusing. You have to stop acting like you care about me.", I start tearing up again. Geez Jade you're being pathetic.

Tori is looking at me dumbfounded.
"Jade, I don't have to act like I care about you, because I just simply do. You're not the easiest person to be around, but we're in the same friend group and I'll always do anything to help out a friend. And you know, you could be nice to me for a change.", she says. Every word she says is so genuine. A tear slips and I violently brush it away with the back of my hand.

"I'll try.", I tell her.

Tori takes my face in her palms. "Now tell me what happened. Why are you showing up in school like this? Why are you throwing things and muttering to yourself?", she asks. She's so worried.

Jimmy. I need to find Jimmy.

I stand up and almost start running again, until I see all the damage I had caused during my breakdown. Tori puts her hand on my shoulder and I turn back around.

"My little baby brother, Jimmy, he's gone. Sinjin and Burf tricked me. Sikowitz sent them, he wanted to get me back or whatever for not showing up in his class. I found Sinjin and made sure he got me home in half an hour. They left Jimmy here with Cat and Robbie. Which might mean that Cat knew what they were doing. Cat knows how much Jimmy means to me. Why would they just run off like that? I'm so worried Tori. I can't lose him too.", I ramble. Wow now I'm the one rambling. Who am I becoming?

"Well have you tried calling both of them to ask where they are?", she asks me. I feel like this is a stupid question, because of course I've thought about that, but I know better than to start an argument right now.

"Yes, I found my pear phone in my purse. I called Cat like five times already and then I even called Robbie once. They won't pick up the phone. I've driven to their houses, but no one was home. I've driven to the park and the city. I can't think about any other place they could've gone to. That's why I came to school.", I say just giving up altogether and sliding back down the wall.

It's too quiet, especially with Tori around.
So I look up at her. She's deeply in thought.
She's so cute with her eyebrows scrunched.

"Where are your parents?" She asks after probably debating to ask that question.

"Well, my mom disappeared when I was ten. She's dead to me. My dad's always working. Working is his life. I'm not complaining though." I say, surprised I just talked about it so easily. Probably because I'm so tired.
It seemed like she flinched when I told her about my mom, I make a mental note to ask her about it sometime.

Why do you care?

We were going to be nicer.


"Dad hired another nanny for Jimmy. Guess he just tries to make his childhood as normal as possible.", I say.

"Well then where's that nanny?", Tori asks with confusion written on her face.

"I think she only comes by in the morning to get him ready for school and she picks him up after school and makes him dinner. She was gone yesterday, when I came home. No one's ever here during the weekends. It's normally just us two. Maybe if he's lucky, his dad comes home for holidays. If he doesn't show up and Jimmy's sad, we just curl up on the couch and watch anything he likes and we always end up falling asleep. Tori, I miss that little rat so much. I need to know where he is.", I say panicky again.

Tori starts walking towards the door but I get up quickly and grab her arm to stop her. She winces. "What's wrong, why are you leaving?"

"I'm not leaving Jade. I'm just going to tell the boys to drive around town again and try to get a hold of one of them. I'm not leaving you here. I'm staying until Jimmy's safe with you. In the meantime, you and I are going to curl up in that couch and we're going to watch all your favourite movies.", she squeezes my hand and heads off to the boys.

I am actually pouting right now.
Victoria fucking Vega made me, Jade West, pout. No one can see me, right?

I walk into the living room and put the TV on. I walk towards the cupboard and choose to start with 'the scissoring' since it's my favourite movie. I hope it calms me down. It's going to be okay Jade, they'll be back.

"Alrighty, they're on their way. Are you ready to relax?", she grins.

"You do realise that 'all my favourite movies' are horror movies, right?", I smirk.

"That's why we're cuddling. I can hide my face behind you every time a jump scare happens.", she smiles proudly.

"Yeah, but beware of the scissors in my pockets.", I say.

She looks me up and down and she gasps. There's even more concern in her eyes now.

"Jade, you're bleeding. Come on let's get you cleaned up.", she says while walking to the stairs. I chuckle and look at her, trying to figure out the way to the bathroom.

"First door on the left babe." I tell her. She starts blushing. She's so cute.
Jade. focus.

By the time I walked up the stairs and in the room, she's already gotten all the tools she needs.

She removed a single piece of glass still stuck in the cut. Then, she rinsed the cut and put me in the shower. The hot water felt good against my skin. When I was done, she was all ready to put salve on the cut and bandage it up.

"I don't think it needs stitches. Just tell me when it starts to hurt really badly."
I nod.

"Thank you, Tori." I say. She looks at me shocked. I just thanked her AND I said her first name. She smiles wide and kisses me on the cheek. I did not see that one coming. like at all.

"Come on then, we're still watching those movies." She says, already heading downstairs again.

Kill me now.

Pov Tori

Jade fell asleep halfway through the second movie she picked.
Her head is resting between my collarbone and jaw, crooked safely in my neck and her legs are intertwined with mine.

I'm stroking her hair again and tracing patterns on her bicep. She's flawless.

I can't believe she let me kiss her on the cheek. Coming to think of it, she doesn't like being touched. In fact, she always yells at people when they only just brush against her.

With me it's different, I may touch her at all times, even when she is raging mad. So I give her another kiss on her forehead, just because I can.

After a while lying there peacefully with her near me, I'm starting to feel tired. I reach for the remote and turn off the TV.

I fall into the deepest sleep I've ever gotten right away.


They're already so cute and they're not even together yet. ✋🥹

As always, thank you for being here.💗

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