chapter four

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Pov Tori

I didn't sleep at all last night. My whole body was aching. My dad really beat me badly and I made some more cuts, which helped keep my mind off of it for a while.
Now it just stings more.

Today is Saturday, but I'm in school right now, we're having some special workshops.

Well, I am mostly HAVING a hard time keeping a smile on my face, hell I'm having a hard time keeping myself awake.

I already drank two coffees and it's still not working. I think Andre's noticing, because he keeps on glancing at me.
So I glance back and smile at him. His gaze is back on the teacher now.

I haven't seen Jade today. Which means it's an instant bad day. Coming to think of it, I haven't seen Cat nor Robbie around either.

Why did I even bother to come?

It's time for lunch again, so me and Andre are headed to the lunch tables outside. There we meet Beck.

"Have you guys seen literally anyone?" He asks laughing.

"Nope we haven't seen them either, but I'm hungry so let's not wait too long or imma be hangry." Andre replies.

Then suddenly Jade appears, she's still wearing the clothes she was wearing yesterday and there are still stains of her make-up on her cheeks. What the hell happened to her?!

She shouts at anyone who dares to look at her too long or too weird. They all immediately mind their own business again. She storms towards our table.

"Where the hell are Cat and Robbie?" I think if people were able to produce steam, she'd have pitch black smoke coming out of her ears right now. Her eyes are literally red.

She's so angry, I've never seen her this worked up before. My eyes wander from her still beautiful eyes to her body. That's when I see her pair of scissors covered in- wait is that blood?

"Jade, what happened?" I ask abruptly with so much concern in my voice, the others probably think I'm about to cry.

Jade finally looks at me, for the first time since yesterday. Her eyes soften just the slightest bit. But then something seems to click in her mind and she launches towards me.

"You don't know anything about me, so stop pretending you do. You're only making it worse for everyone, Vega." She says pointing a finger at me and poking my chest. When she's done, she shoves me away with that same hand.

"Now do you guys know where they are or not?" She asks getting mad again.

"No, we haven't seen them, Jade." Beck says, so calmly I can hardly believe he's talking to Jade.

Jade glares at Beck and then disappears again as fast as she came.

"Hey Tor, don't let her words get to your head." Andre says, seeing the tears forming in my eyes.

"We have to go after her." I say, almost tripping when I stand up from our table.

"Heyhey Tori, that's not a good idea and you know that. Let her get rid of all her anger. When she needs someone, she'll come by, but we all know she isn't exactly the one to talk things out. I don't even know if she really tells people anything except for Cat." Beck says, following me.

Little does he know that that same Jade was crying her eyes out in my living room just yesterday. Now she was looking even more miserable AND THERE WAS BLOOD ON HER SCISSORS. I don't care what Beck has to say at the moment and I don't care that Jade's acting like a bully again. She needs me. Otherwise she wouldn't have come. I don't care that she can't find the right words. She came to school just to show us how bad it's going and if I'm the only one that noticed, so be it. I'm going after her.

Now I'm literally running the lungs out of my body to get to her. I see her vehicle leaving the parking lot. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Need a ride?" Andre asks smirking. He and Beck followed me out. I nod rapidly and almost start crying because I'm so thankful to have them.

When we arrive at Jade's house the gate is open. We drive further and I notice that her front door is open wide too. We get out of the car and we hear screaming and the sound of things breaking right away.

"Stay here." Beck says.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, amigo." Andre says putting his hands up when Beck looks at him offended.

"Why do you think that? I'm the only one that really knows her. She won't let us help her like this, so we need to know what's wrong." Beck says impatiently getting worked up.

"Beck, you don't think she's going to tell you anything right now, do you?" Andre asks raising his voice just a little bit. Though, it's enough for Beck to hear because they begin to argue all over again.

While the boys are too busy kibbling, I make my way inside her house.
It's so big. Suddenly, everything is quiet.

I walk further into her home and open the first door I see. It apparently leads to a massive living room. I don't have time though, to explore the house.
I have to find a certain goth gone mental.
What if she did something to herself?
Oh no, where is she?

It feels like this house has a million different doors but after a few more I found the right one. There's a dinner table in the middle of the room. There are cupboards with all sorts of things inside. One window is shattered and I see there are a few plates missing. They're all scattered over the floor in thousand little pieces. And there she is, back against the wall. Her knees pulled towards her body and her head down. Silently rocking herself. I don't think she noticed my presence yet.

I make my way over to her, careful to not step on any broken glass. Which is quite a challenge, if you ask me.

"Jade? Jade, are you okay??", I ask, squatting before her.

She doesn't hear me. She keeps muttering to herself, like a witch making up a spell to curse the whole world haha. For a moment it sounds like she's talking gibberish, which is kind of funny too. Tori snap out of it.

I put my hand on her knee. She jolts upright, eyes wide. She's breathing really fast, while still trying to get the words out.

I remove my hand and wait a second. I take a look at her. I feel like she's just completely losing it and the only thing I know to do is comfort her. So, I try exactly that. I sit next to her against the wall and pull her body towards me.

She struggles at first and starts kicking, but she's too tired to fight. She falls into my arms and I keep her tightly against my chest. Just like Sonya did whenever I was losing my mind.

"Just listen to my heartbeat. Breath in and out. It's okay. I'm here now. It's okay. In and out."

She seems to calm down a little. She starts crying. Her cries are always so silent, you barely notice it. It's her body shocking that gives it away and because her face is so close I can feel her tears soaking through the light fabric of my T-shirt.

She tries to get out of my grip a few more times, but gives up entirely. She lets me stroke her hair and rock her a little like she did herself just moments ago.

That's when Beck and Andre come storming in. I hold a finger to my mouth, signalling them to be quiet. They stay a minute to see that everything is alright and then they exit the room again.

They must be as confused as I am right now.

Jade and I sit there like that for another five minutes.

"I hate you, you know."


Awhoop, that's a way to change the mood, Jade. Or is it? 🤭😏

Thank you for being here. 💗

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